1. Có máy "Water Softener" nào không dùng muối không?

Không. Những máy không dùng muối chỉ gọi là "Water Conditioner" (máy trong nhóm số 4) vì nó không thể nào làm ra nước "mềm" (soft) được. Những công ty gọi tên "Salt-free" (hay "No SaltWater Softeners" là không chính xác. Nước "mềm" (soft) là nước không còn hay rất ít chất chứng (hardness như Ca, Mg, Fe, v.v...) nên nước hơi trơn trơn, khi tắm hay rửa tay chúng ta có cảm giác như là chưa sạch hết xà-phòng... 

2. Những điều lợi của một máy "Water Softener"

  • Soft water versus hard water has many benefits. Like clean shiny silverware and glassware. No one likes the spotty chalky hard water spots on their silverware, glasses or dishes.
  • Since shampoos, soaps and detergents do not lather well in hard water, naturally soft water or hard water made soft through a water softener restores the rich lathering cleaning ability and cuts down on the usage and costs of soaps and detergents by 75%. Also, one can return to natural chemical free healthy soaps and laundering agents. The harsh chemicals in nowaday soaps and detergents were invented to combat hard water and still have some lather. With soft water you will not need these chemical based cleaners.
  • Hair and skin feels softer, cleaner and smoother. Detergents easily rinse out with soft water. Tests have been done taking laundry that had gone through a rinse cycle in hard water, taken these "rinsed" clothing out and putting them in clean soapless water, agitating them and watching soap still come out of the clothing. Soft water allows detergents to completely rinse out. Fabrics are also softer without hard minerals become trapped in them. Fabrics last longer and whites stay white without the dingy gray caused by hard water.
  • Soft water also does not leave chalk or orange rings around bathtubs and sinks. This saves time in house cleaning and embarrassment of having cleaned yet finding it difficult to remove all the hard water deposits. Soft water also preserves the life of all water using appliances such as coffee and ice makers, dishwashers, and clothers washers. Hard water wears appliances out quickly and requires more energy use as appliances do not work as well when they are corroded or clogged with mineral deposits. Savings on energy costs and on properly working water heaters is another benefit too.
  • Let's look at average replacement of some of the basic appliances due to hard water corrosions; $360 water heater, $90 faucet set, $80-$1,000 washer/dryer set, and the entire plumbing system $2000-$4000. The first water softeners were invented in 1912 before the advent of the modern washing machine as a basic household appliance that converts hard water into soft water which we all find desirable. It has continued to be a basic household appliance and is so appreciated by its owners that it is rare to see a water softerner sold second hand, usually owners just take them with them when they move. The benefits of a water softener are more than one would realize initially and usually involve a cost savings that more than pays for the softener in about 4-5 years and most softeners are expected to last at least 10 years, with many lasting much longer.


3. Chúng ta có cảm giác được sự khác nhau giữa nước cứng (hard water) và nước mềm (soft water)? [“Can I actually feel a difference between hard and soft water?”]

Nước mềm (soft water) tạo nên những sự khác biệt mà chúng ta có thể thấy hay cảm giác được qua nhiều thứ trong nhà:

Trong nhà tắm (in the Bathroom):

Your soap and shampoo will lather better. Your hair and skin will feel noticeably cleaner, softer, and not as dry. And there will be no soap scum or mineral deposits to clean off sinks, showers, tubs and toilets.

Trong phòng giặt đồ (in the Laundry):

Clothes will be softer, cleaner, whiter and brighter. Plus they will last longer. Using soft water and pure soap products increases the life of clothing, towels, and linens up to 33%. Without hard water service issues, washing machines last longer, too.

Trong bếp (in the Kitchen):

Dishes will clean up more easily, and be spot free, without the gray film glasses get when etched by mineral-ladden water. Plus hands will feel softer and look better.

Trong toàn nhà (throughout the House):

Water-using machine appliances will last longer and run better. Why? Because hot water heaters, washing machines and dishwashers used with hard water can wear out 30% faster.

Over time, soft water savings can really add up. For instance, conditioned water not only delivers greater washing power, it reduces the amount of soap you need to use by to 70%. In fact, the Bureau of Statistics found that between 17 and 20.8 cents of every dollar are spent on cleaning products. Soft water can reduce that bill by up to 65%. It can also eliminate extra rince cycle and hot water. Plus using less detergent, household cleaners and chemicals is better for the environment.

Tóm lại. Nước mềm (soft water) có thể tiết kiệm cho chúng ta rất nhiều tiền. (The bottom line? Soft water can save you thousands of dollars).

The most durable and best performing water softeners are those built with Fleck valves and Structural tanks.
