Question: In applying the foreign private issuer definition in Securities Act Rule 405 and Exchange Act Rule 3b-4(c), how can an issuer that has multiple classes of voting stock with different voting rights determine whether more than 50 percent of its outstanding voting securities are directly or indirectly owned of record by residents in the United States? It is the counting rule for determining whether an issuer has sufficient security holders to become or remain subject to Section 12(g) and to remain subject to Section 15(d). The person does not deposit additional securities in the margin account (although he could have), so the broker sells sufficient margined securities to satisfy the margin call. Question: In determining whether more than 50 percent of the assets of an issuer are located outside the United States under the definition of foreign private issuer in Securities Act Rule 405 and Exchange Act Rule 3b-4(c), can an issuer use the geographic segment information determined in the preparation of its financial statements? The consent(s) of the accountant(s) for the acquired company should be filed with the Form 8-K. [September 30, 2008], 234.02 An issuer with a pending Securities Act registration statement files its Form 10-K and seeks to incorporate by reference into the Form 10-K information from the pending registration statement. (19) of Form 40-F must be provided? Answer: Item 6.F of Form 20-F provides for individualized disclosure for an issuers named executive officers. [January 27, 2023]. The issuer is not otherwise required to file Exchange Act reports under Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act after the effective date of the delisting. Answer: Changing the amount to be sold under a written limit order trading plan currently in force effects an alteration or deviation within the meaning of Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(C). Answer: The filing of a certification on Form 15 pursuant to Rule 12g-4 immediately suspends an issuers obligation to file periodic reports pursuant to Section 13(a), but the issuers obligations under Section 14(a) continue until the effective date of the issuers Section 12(g) deregistration. Answer: No. Members of the public flooded the State Capitol again on Tuesday. Under Rule 15d-6, if an issuer has fewer than 300 security holders of record at the beginning of the fiscal year, a Form 15 should be filed to notify the Commission of such suspension, but the suspension is granted by statute and is not contingent on filing the Form 15. Exchange Act Rule 0-12 describes the procedures for seeking an exemption under Section 36. Answer: No. Answer: No. Title 17 was last amended 1/27/2023. Do Rules 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(A)(3) and (B)(1) provide a defense for sales under this plan if the limit order is non-discretionary (requiring the broker to execute a sale as soon as a buyer is available at or above $20 per share)? Accordingly, the company will be required to file a Schedule 14A proxy statement or a Schedule 14C information statement relating to the back-end merger during the 90-day period between filing the Form 15 and termination of registration pursuant to Rule 12g-4. Specifically, SEC Rule 15c2-12 requires that underwriters of municipal securities, before bidding, purchasing, or . After the Form 8-K is filed, a new file number will be generated for the successor company. 25, 2009]. [September 30, 2008], STAY CONNECTED Answer: There is a risk in selling under Rule 144 during the 5-day or 15-day period following the filing of the Form 12b-25 because, if the missing report or portion thereof is not filed during that period, the issuer may be deemed not current until it is filed. Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. However, in cases in which the subsidiary under Rule 3-09: (1) is less than 50% owned, (2) is itself a reporting company, and (3) will be filing its financial statements late and is itself eligible to use Rule 12b-25 for an extension, the Division staff will construe Rule 12b-25(b) to be available to the parent with respect to the subsidiarys filing. Question: Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act provides an automatic suspension of the periodic reporting obligation as to any fiscal year (except for the fiscal year in which the registration statement became effective) if an issuer has fewer than 300 security holders of record at the beginning of such fiscal year. These purchases are made pursuant to bi-weekly payroll deductions. This position is consistent with the look back provision of Rule 12h-3(e), which provides that a company that suspends its reporting obligation under Rule 12h-3, but subsequently has that reporting obligation revived, must begin reporting again under Section 15(d) by filing a Form 10-K for its previous fiscal year. That provision, however, does not apply to domestic issuers. [September 30, 2008]. [September 30, 2008], 280.01 Exchange Act Release No. The Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") recently approved final rules introducing new amendments and disclosure requirements under Rule 10b5-1 of the . Answer: No. The Rule 13a-1 annual report would be due at the same time as any other such annual report. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Commission is adopting amendments to 17 CFR 240.15c2-12 ("Rule 15c2-12" or "Rule") under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Can the person modify the Form 144 to state that the representation regarding the sellers knowledge of material information regarding the issuer is as of the date the Rule 10b5-1 plan was adopted or instructions given, rather than the date the person signs the Form 144? In these circumstances, an issuer must decide what criteria it will use to determine residency and apply them consistently without changing them to achieve a desired result. A company registers securities under Section 12 by filing an Exchange Act registration statement such as on Form 10, Form 20-F or Form 8-A. An amendment to Form 10-K does not require signatures of the majority of the board of directors. 25, 2009]. A company that is registering on a national securities exchange accomplishes its registration under Section 12 (b) of the Exchange Act . The broker executing plan repurchases would review company filings to determine the amount of any such repurchases that had been disclosed. Because this would give the issuer the potential to effectively modify the plan by doing the block trades while aware of material nonpublic information, the Division staff took the view that the Rule 10b5-1(c) affirmative defense would not be available. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION . Question: For a class of securities that is being delisted from a national securities exchange, may a Form 15 be filed with respect to that class of securities before the effective date of the delisting pursuant to a Form 25? Question: At a time when she is not aware of material nonpublic information, a person establishes a written trading plan to sell 10,000 shares each month, at or above $20 per share. That the principal executive and financial officers do not need to consider such controls in making their individual certifications about their responsibility for establishing and maintaining the filer's disclosure controls and procedures does not mean that the filer can exclude such controls in complying with Rules 13a-15 and 15d-15 and Item 307 of Regulation S-K. [May 29, 2009]. In other words, the instruction permits forward incorporation by reference of the proxy statement into the already filed Form 10-K. At the time of filing such statement as the Commission may require pursuant to section 13 (e) (1) of the Exchange Act, a fee equal to the product of the rate applicable under section 13 (e) of the Exchange Act multiplied by the value of the securities proposed to be acquired by the acquiring person. In contrast, securities held in street name by a broker-dealer are held of record under the rule only by the broker-dealer. Question: A person who has adopted a written trading plan or given trading instructions to satisfy Rule 10b5-1(c) plans to sell the securities in reliance on Rule 144. For example, if a non-reporting foreign private issuer acquires a reporting foreign private issuer using shares as consideration in a transaction exempt from registration under the Securities Act (such as under Section 3(a)(10)), how should the non-reporting foreign private issuer begin filing on EDGAR? [September 30, 2008]. [September 30, 2008], 253.02 Rule 12h-3(c)-(d) operates to relieve a holding company of the Section 15(d) reporting obligation which would normally arise from the registration statement filed for the reorganization of a non-reporting company into a one-subsidiary holding company where the equity holders receive the same proportional interests in the holding company and the holding company emerges from the reorganization with more than 300 shareholders. (b) The market order transaction would not affect the availability of the written trading plan defense for the limit order sales under the written trading plan. Similarly, a company that must file a registration statement on Form 10 to register a class of securities under Section 12(g) must include financial statements for its previous fiscal year. [Mar. [December 8, 2016]. Therefore, an issuer may not look to Rule 12b-25 to avoid filing a periodic report that becomes due after the filing of the Form 25 but before the effectiveness of the delisting. Exchange Act Rule 17a-4 Amendments Chart of Significant Changes Rule 17a-4(f) Current Rule Amended Rule Definitions Firms may use "electronic storage media" to maintain and preserve required records. 25, 2009]. Answer: Yes. Answer: Paragraph (f) of Rule 12b-25 excludes from the operation of the rule a company with a subsidiary whose financial statements are to be filed by amendment to the companys Form 10-K, as provided in Rule 3-09 of Regulation S-X. The person must make this specification or delegation in good faith before becoming aware of material nonpublic information. Answer: No. The text of Rule 15c2-12 is provided in Attachment A. When two reporting companies consolidate, each of the predecessor companies should file a Form 15 in connection with the succession. Question: Is the institutional defense provided by Rule 10b5-1(c)(2) available to the issuer of the securities for a repurchase plan? [September 30, 2008]. The issuer is not permitted to file a special financial statement report containing such audited financial statements pursuant to Rule 15d-2 (as opposed to an annual report in accordance with Rule 13a-1). Question: At a time when he is not aware of material nonpublic information, a person purchases a put option. Question: Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act provides an automatic suspension of the periodic reporting obligation as to any fiscal year (except for the fiscal year in which the registration statement became effective) if an issuer has fewer than 300 security holders of record at the beginning of such fiscal year. ( d) Emerging growth company eligibility - Question: On its proxy card and voting instruction form, how should a company describe the advisory vote to approve executive compensation that is required by Exchange Act Rule 14a-21? Question: Does canceling one or more plan transactions affect the availability of the Rule 10b5-1(c) defense for future plan transactions? 3 SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 4 ties the functions commonly performed by a stock exchange as that term is generally understood, and includes the market place and the market facilities maintained by such exchange. Question: For purposes of applying the primary trading market definition under Rule 12h-6(f)(5), may an issuer consider all securities trading markets in countries that are part of the European Union as a single foreign jurisdiction?
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