The Guardian Office was no respector of anyone's civil rights, particularly that of privacy. Hubbard would evolve into the leader of the Church of Scientology.[1]. [81], Only a couple of months later, he highlighted Northrup to his staff as a participant in a "full complete covert operation" mounted against Dianetics and Scientology by a "Totalitarian Communistic" enemy. MILES HOLLISTER: Somewhere in the vicinity of Los Angeles. [53] Mary Sue, who had last met with her husband a few months before his disappearance, never saw or heard from him again. Quentin was Hubbard's fourth child - his second son - to his third wife, Mary Sue Hubbard. Hubbard rescued a girl they were using. As a leading light of American Pulp Fiction through the 1930s and '40s, he is further among the most influential authors of the modern age, including perennial and New York Times bestsellers such as Battlefield Earth . I believed Sara absolutely; there was no question about the truth in my opinion. The late wife of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard left her home to her prized pooch, who survived its master by 11 years and lived it up in a multi-million-dollar Los Angeles pad. She attempted to flee on a ferry but Hubbard caught up with her and convinced her to stay, saying that he was in the process of getting a divorce and that an attorney had told him that the marriage with Northrup was legal. In 1923 the family moved to Pasadena, a destination said to have been chosen by Olga using a Ouija board. There is no other reason for this statement than my own wish to make atonement for the damage I may have done. "[13] Concluding that she was a vampire, which he defined as "an elemental or demon in the form of a woman" who sought to "lure the Candidate to his destruction," he warned that Northrup was a grave danger to Parsons and to the "Great Work" which the O.T.O. A "Founding Church of Scientology" was established in Washington, D.C. and Mary Sue became its first Academy Supervisor. On "Scientology and the Aftermath," Leah Remini discussed the family members of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard and the abuse they suffered. [71] In June 1984, Judge Paul G. Breckenridge ruled against the Church and Mary Sue Hubbard, criticizing her credibility as a witness: LRH's wife, Mary Sue Hubbard is also plaintiff herein. "[74], In October 1984, Mary Sue filed a $5 million lawsuit against her husband's first son, Ronald DeWolf, accusing him of "massive fraud" for attempting to have his father declared legally dead or mentally incompetent. In 1952, Mary Sue and Ron were married. He sold his first story in February 1934, an adventure tale called "The Green God" that featured a heroic American killing a bunch of Chinese bad guys. He was severely depressed and repeatedly threatened suicide, and Northrup believed "he must be suffering or he wouldn't act that way".[33]. "[34] One night while they were living beside a frozen lake in Stroudsburg, Hubbard hit her across the face with his .45 pistol. Hubbard blamed Klowden for the suicide bid and told her to forget about him and the Foundation, but resumed the affair with her again within a month.[48]. [76], A Scientology spokesman informed the press that she had been left "a very generous provision" in her husband's will,[77] though the details were kept secret. Evidently a prime mover but very young. [19] The manor, a country house formerly owned by Sawai Man Singh II, the Maharajah of Jaipur, became both the new home of the Hubbards and the world headquarters of Scientology. But anyone who underestimated Mary Sue made a big mistake. I had hoped that you could straighten him out. [59], In July 1981, all remaining GO staff were ordered to join the Sea Org, which would thus secure the CMO's control of the Guardian's Office, and the current Guardian, Jane Kember who was one of those convicted on conspiracy charges was to be removed. And I'm very happily married just now. She wrote privately to Paulette Cooper, the author of the book The Scandal of Scientology who was subsequently targeted by the Church's Operation Freakout. She told him: "All right, I'll marry you, if that's going to save you. I can never pronounce her name. By this time the Foundation had filed for bankruptcy, and Hubbard's erstwhile backer, Don Purcell, was left to deal with its substantial debts. "[6] Three weeks later, on September 24, 1952, she gave birth to her first child, Diana Meredith de Wolfe Hubbard. The Hubbards had four children: Diana (born 1952), Quentin (1954-1976), Suzette (born 1955), and Arthur (born 1958). Northrup and Hubbard had frequent rows and his violent behaviour towards her continued unabated. [93] Rejecting any suggestion that she was some kind of "pathetic person who has suffered through the years because of my time with Ron", Northrup spoke of her relief that she had been able to put it behind her. By this time, Mary Sue was well advanced with her second pregnancy and remained largely confined to a rented house at Medford Lakes, New Jersey. was carrying out in California. Her body was cremated two days later and her ashes were scattered at sea off the California coast,[2] where L. Ron Hubbard's ashes had similarly been scattered in January 1986. My first wife is dead. [68] The original sentence of five years imprisonment was not carried out, and the court ordered a study of her claimed medical problems, before eventually replacing her sentence with a four-year term of imprisonment, with parole set at 40 months. In March 1981 she cut all of our communication lines to the GO, except through herself. A bitter dispute broke out between the men over the ownership of the Foundation's remaining assets, with Hubbard resigning to start a rival "Hubbard College" on the other side of Wichita. [72] When the case came to trial in May 1984, she told the Superior Court of Los Angeles County that she had been "mentally raped" and "emotionally distressed" knowing that others had seen the documents. 121669 should complain about invasion of privacy. "[70] She did not give evidence but was awarded custody of Alexis and $200 a month in child support. Despite insisting on clean living and even prohibiting followers from taking necessary medication, Hubbard loved to party. Someone erroneously tipped Hubbard off that the FBI was going to raid again and a massive shredding frenzy took place in Palm Springs, CA as he left on 2/14/1980, again going into hiding, never to return. I then confronted the mutineers, and persuaded Mary Sue Hubbard to again resign, which ended the last vestige of GO resistance.[63]. Hubbard's financial troubles were reflected in his attempts to persuade the Veterans Administration to increase his pension award on the grounds of a variety of ailments which he said were preventing him finding a job. [7] Her parents not only knew about her unconventional living arrangements but supported Parsons' group financially. Northrup, who was beginning a pregnancy, was said to have been delighted with the location. Speaking several years later to the St. Petersburg Times newspaper, Miscavige commented: I knew if it was going to be a physical takeover we're going to lose because they had a couple thousand staff and we (the "messengers") had about 50. She informed us that she did not appreciate our investigation of the GO and that if one were needed she would do it. [44] Klowden recalled that Northrup "was very hostile to me. Interviewed more than 35 years later, Northrup stated that she had signed the statement because "I thought by doing so he would leave me and Alexis alone. A change in the visa regime in the UK enabled foreigners to remain indefinitely if they had sufficient means to support themselves. Share it! Suspected only. [44], One of their primary targets was the IRS, with which Scientology was engaged in a bitter battle over tax exemptions. This was the only time Hubbard allowed an outside crew to interview him. Check out this great listen on . 24 Award-winning Authors and Illustrators 3 Bonus Short Stories by Kevin J. Anderson L. Ron Hubbard S. M. Stirling Art and . L. Ron Hubbard, the science fiction writer who founded the Church of Scientology three decades ago, has died of a stroke, the church said tonight. [1], Mary Sue Whipp was born in Rockdale, Texas, to Harry Hughes Whipp (Sept 2, 1893 Oct 30 1942) and Mary Catherine (ne Hill) Whipp. . Hubbard spread allegations that she was a Communist secret agent and repeatedly denounced her to the FBI. She was forced from her post as controller, convicted and imprisoned as a felon, and deserted by her husband. The Hubbards moved back to London in February 1959, settling for a while in Golders Green. These activities ultimately led to a complete disband of the GO. Despite her shock and humiliation, she felt compelled to return to Hubbard. She began an affair with Wilfred Smith, Parsons' mentor in the O.T.O. [56] The Messengers, who were mostly in their teens and early twenties, became Hubbard's sole means of communication with the Church. Following the birth, the Hubbards moved into a house in Silver Spring, Maryland. The Ole Doc Methuselah series was done that way. [61], Northrup filed for divorce on April 23, 1951, charging Hubbard with "extreme cruelty" causing her "great mental anguish and physical suffering". The flagship of the Scientology fleet was the 3,280-ton vessel HMSRoyal Scotsman accidentally renamed the Royal Scotman due to a clerical error,[23] a former cattle ferry on the Irish Sea run.[24]. However, their marriage was deeply troubled; Hubbard was responsible for a prolonged campaign of domestic violence against her and kidnapped both her and her infant daughter. He never had a child with her. [76] Mary Sue Hubbard continued to be active in Scientology well into the 1990s; in a 1994 Scientology magazine, she was listed as a "Patron" of the International Association of Scientologists, indicating a donation of $40,000. [39] Rather than telling Northrup where Alexis was, he called her and said that "he had cut [Alexis] into little pieces and dropped the pieces in a river and that he had seen little arms and legs floating down the river and it was my fault, I'd done it because I'd left him."[53]. He had worked as an archivist for the Church of Scientology, gathering source material for a planned biography of L. Ron Hubbard. When Hubbard's active stint in the Navy was over he stayed on the West Coast, moving to Los Angeles in 1945. At age 15, Northrup moved in with sister Helen and her husband Jack, while she finished high school. On the other hand her credibility leaves much to be desired. It carried out an international campaign against psychiatry, Interpol, the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and various other government agencies. I want her always. [54] The downfall of the GO led Hubbard to distrust it, believing it to be riddled with Suppressives; he severed his communications with it[55] and put his reliance instead on the Commodore's Messenger Organization (CMO), a group he had formed in 1968 and whose purpose was to relay messages to and from church staff as Ron's personal representatives. members. There followed a turbulent period during which Ron successfully wrested his materials from the early boards of directors. . "[42] He began an affair with the twenty-year-old Klowden, much to the annoyance of Northrup, who was clearly aware of the liaison. "[94], Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, "Scientology and the Occult: Hugh Urban's new exploration of L. Ron Hubbard and Aleister Crowley", Miller, Russell. The news story which the photograph accompanied has been republished by the Church with all mention of Northrup edited out from the text. [54] She reacted angrily; in a 1992 trial in Canada, Miscavige told the court that she had called him "some pretty nasty names" and threatened him with a large ashtray held close to his face, but she had eventually agreed to step down. [49] The situation soon became tense again; Richard de Mille, nephew of the famous director Cecil B. de Mille, recalled that "there was a lot of turmoil and dissension in the Foundation at the time; he kept accusing Communists of trying to take control and he was having difficulties with Northrup. I'll just go to the airplane. Under his doctrine he believed that "mistakes do not just happen, somebody causes them, always". In the pulp-printed pages of a May 1950 issue of Astounding Science Fiction, L. Ron Hubbard published, for the first time, a work that would one day grow into an entire religion: Dianetics. Screen grab Lawrence Wright, the author of the best-selling book on Scientology, "Going Clear," says his research found. The only reason a person gives up a study or becomes confused or unable to learn is because he or she has gone past a word that was not understood.', and 'To love in spite of all is the secret of greatness. Mary Sue Hubbard died on November 25, 2002, aged 71, at her home in Los Angeles. They were married in Maryland in 1946. Numerous other Guardian's Office personnel were purged as well. [32] Northrup had no idea of Hubbard's first marriage or why people were treating her so strangely until his son L. Ron Hubbard Jr. told her that his parents were still married. About 22 yrs, 6', 180 lbs. [7], They went back to London in December on a fresh visa and stayed there until the end of May 1953, before departing for an extended holiday in Spain. My right side is paralyzed and getting more so. [25][26], Around the same time, Hubbard proposed marriage to Northrup. Here I am in Miami pursuing the children of my folly; they cannot move without going to jail. She did, however, resurface on a few occasions during the remaining years of her life. [69] She was sent to the federal prison in Lexington, Kentucky, to serve her sentence,[70] though in the end, she was released after only a year of imprisonment.[71]. . And since then, the Church of Scientology has maintained in biographical . According to the Church of Scientology, the reason for the trip was that "amid the constant violence of the turncoat Don J. Purcell of Wichita and his suits which attempted to seize Scientology, Mary Sue became ill and to save her life, Ron took her to England where several Dianetic groups had asked him to form an organization. In the world of speculative fiction Your favorite authors Have selected best new voices of the year. [33] The couple moved to a rented trailer in North Hollywood in July 1947, where Hubbard spent much of his time writing stories for pulp magazines. She joined as a teenager along with her older sister Helen. He succeeded in escaping in May and turned himself in to the FBI, making a full confession. [34], The Scientology fleet was finally disbanded in 1975, when Hubbard decided to move ashore and establish a "land base" in Florida. But I am 13 years older than she. L. Ron Hubbard, in full Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, (born March 13, 1911, Tilden, Nebraska, U.S.died January 24, 1986, San Luis Obispo, California), American novelist and founder of the Church of Scientology. As part of a wider strategy codenamed Operation Snow White, the GO succeeded in infiltrating a Scientologist into the IRS to steal files about the government's litigation strategy against Scientology. Therefore, the worst possible penalty a Scientology child molester could receive in a Scientology religious arbitration would be a Suppressive Person declare. At the time, Hubbard's wife Mary Sue was appealing her conviction in the Snow White prosecution along with ten other Scientologists. L. Ron Hubbard dating history Relationships. By that time, Hubbard had separated from his first wife, Margaret "Polly" Grubb, but he was still legally married to her when he proposed to Northrup. 's US head, Karl Germer, labeled her "an ordeal sent by the gods". That is the amazing part about it. Recently released Federal Bureau of Investigation files show that just over a year after L. Ron Hubbard created the the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, a precursor to the Church of Scientology, he offered to become an informant for the Bureau, and provide the FBI with a list of its members and copies of their fingerprints.. Parsons took an immediate liking to Hubbard and invited him to stay in the house for the duration of his leave. She switched the envelopes and sent them. In the summer of 1972, Hubbard ordered that around $2 million in cash be transferred from OTC bank accounts in Switzerland to the Apollo, where it was stored for the next three years in a locked file cabinet to which Mary Sue Hubbard had the only set of keys. The primary exponent of Scientology is the Church of Scientology, a centralized and hierarchical organization based in Florida, although many practitioners . They used to have fierce husband and wife domestic arguments. One of his aides, David Mayo, was dispatched by Hubbard to suggest that Mary Sue might consider a divorce. She was not the affectionate type, she was more efficient than affectionate. When he talked about his first wife, the picture he put out of himself was of this poor wounded fellow coming home from the war and being abandoned by his wife and family because he would be a drain on them. [25] He wrote: Sara, my sweetheart, is young, beautiful, desirable. . My libido is so low I hardly admire her naked. [8], Northrup joined the O.T.O. He issued an internal directive in 1979 asserting that major failures must result from the presence of multiple Suppressives, who would need to be rooted out along with their "connections". She soon became involved in a relationship with Hubbard and married him in March 1952. A chance meeting with a man named Jack Parsons led to Hubbard and his new friend performing a bizarre ritual. She personally handled large quantities of cash on Hubbard's behalf. In 1947, Polly filed for divorce and was granted the custody of her children . The. L. Ron Hubbard in Ocala Star-Banner - Jan 30 1986 view all Immediate Family Margaret Ochs ex-wife Ronald DeWolf son Catherine May Gillespie daughter Sara Northup Hollister ex-wife Private child Mary Sue Hubbard wife Diana Meredith Horwich daughter Quentin Hubbard son Mary Suzette Rochelle White daughter Arthur Ronald Conway Hubbard son Sharp chin, broad forehead, rather Slavic. Margaret "Polly" Grubb (1933-1947) Sara Northrup Hollister (1946-1951) A disaster on the scale of the GO criminal case was clearly the result of the activities of someone hostile to Scientology a Suppressive Person operating within the GO. Commonly armed. "[50], Three weeks later, Hubbard abducted both Northrup and Alexis. I went back several times later to make sure that she wasn't going to rat on him. members, Northrup's usurpation of Helen's role led to conflict between the two sisters. She had been part of Jack Parsons' group because "she had been sent in there by the Russians. I see her every day. Her achievement was commemorated in a special tribute edition of the Scientology newspaper The Auditor, titled simply: "Mary Sue Hubbard Clear #208". I thought to myself, 'My God, I can't tell her. They married April 25, 1909, in Omaha, Nebraska. Though I will be hospitalized probably a long time, Alexis is getting excellent care. L. Ron Hubbard's drug use is a classic example of his hypocrisy. CMO staff investigating the GO were physically expelled from the Church of Scientology's Los Angeles headquarters, and the Controller's files were guarded day and night. [citation needed], The Hubbards traveled to England in September 1952 when Mary Sue was eight months pregnant. I remember he said to me I was the only person he knew who would set up a white silk tent for him. [88] In one publication the Church has airbrushed Northrup out of a photograph of the couple that appeared in the Miami Daily News issue of June 30, 1946. She had attached herself to a Jack Parsons, the rocket expert, during the war and when she left him he was a wreck. Mary Sue Hubbard signed a letter revoking her resignation and condemning the actions of the CMO. The dinner party backfired drastically; Northrup began an affair with Hollister, a handsome 22-year-old who was college-educated and a noted sportsman. Quentin committed suicide in Las. Sara Elizabeth Bruce Northrup Hollister (April 8, 1924 December 19, 1997) was an occultist and second wife of Scientologist founder L. Ron Hubbard. "[83], Despite clearly being written by Hubbard, who spoke in the first person in the letter, it was signed "Your good friend, J. Edgar Hoover". Speaking to Dianeticists following the divorce, Hubbard blamed shadowy outside forces for the bad publicity: "We have just been through the saw mill, through the public presses. Mary Sue Hubbard and the GO, however, did not simply capitulate. Hubbard had a personal steward, as did Mary Sue and the Hubbard children, who all had their own cabins. Hubbard and Mary Sue each had their own state-rooms in addition to a suite on the promenade deck comprising an auditing-room, office, an elegant saloon and a wood-paneled dining-room, all off-limits to students and crew. The Hubbards continued to carry out auditing of each other and in February 1960 Mary Sue wrote to a friend to inform her that her husband had discovered that she had been the writer D.H. Lawrence in a past life. The Hubbards had four children: Diana (born 1952), Quentin (19541976), Suzette (born 1955), and Arthur (born 1958). Hubbard face was washed to polish the skin, put the hair and dressed his body in expensive suit, tucked under the collar silk scarf and to heighten the effect, put a stack of neatly arranged entourage books.Hubbard lit around the floodlights, and four-point system of Hollywood lighting, already guaranteed a quality image. They spent most of their time working; there was very little socializing. It was clear their marriage was breaking up she was very critical of him and he told me she was fooling around with Hollister and he didn't trust her. Her father had just died and her grief appeared to aggravate Hubbard, who was attempting to restart his pre-war career of writing pulp fiction. "[12] Joan Vidal, a friend of the sculptor Edward Harris, who was commissioned by Hubbard to create a bust of him, described Mary Sue as "a rather drab, mousy, nothing sort of person, quite a bit younger than him. Center of most turbulence in our organization. Mary Sue and two others received the heaviest penalties, a five-year prison sentence and a $10,000 fine. His wife is Mary Sue Whipp (30 October 1952 - 24 January 1986) ( his death) ( 4 children), Sara Northrup (10 August 1946 - 13 June 1951) ( divorced) ( 1 child), Margaret Louise Grubb (13 April 1933 - 24 December 1947) ( divorced) ( 2 children) L. Ron Hubbard Net Worth In 1933, Northrup's 22-year-old sister Helen met the 18-year-old Jack Parsons, a chemist who went on to be a noted expert in rocket propulsion. . He walked right in there and bought it for me, cash! It consists of 'marriage guidance' for Scientologists from the then 'first lady' of the organisation. She played a central role in the financial management of the Church of Scientology's two principal corporations, the Church of Scientology of California and the United Kingdom Church of Scientology. [47], Klowden recalled later that "he was very down in the dumps about his wife. [1] Parsons had subdivided the house, a rambling mansion next door to the estate of Adolphus Busch (which later became the first Busch Gardens), into 19 apartments which he populated with a mixture of artists, writers, scientists and occultists. After two days of shredding, any documents . She was convicted in December 1979 and was sentenced to five years' imprisonment and the payment of a $10,000 fine. [64], The convictions of Mary Sue Hubbard and the other GO staff executives were upheld by a federal appeals court in October 1981,[65] and in November seven of those convicted dropped their appeals but not Mary Sue, who continued to fight the charges. Scores of GO staff responded, locking the missionaires out of their premises and were intending to hire armed guards to bar access by me and the other Church officials who had ousted them. They were formally found guilty on October 26, 1979. The situation was potentially disastrous for the GO and caused panic among the leadership. [62] She had consulted doctors who "concluded that said Hubbard was hopelessly insane, and, crazy, and that there was no hope for said Hubbard, or any reason for her to endure further; that competent medical advisers recommended that said Hubbard be committed to a private sanatorium for psychiatric observation and treatment of a mental ailment known as paranoid schizophrenia."[62]. It has been variously defined as a cult, a business, or a new religious movement. Hubbard, who had left his wife and two children with relatives years earlier, bigamously married Sara. I have a lovely wife, and I have four children. My Will is all changed. Since. Although he bluffed it out initially, a warrant was issued for his arrest in August. "[51], In July 1986 she was interviewed by the ex-Scientologist Bent Corydon several months after Hubbard's death, which had reduced her fear of retaliation. It began when Sara's father died. That's what he was really worried about, that she would reveal during the case that she was only relaying his orders. In reality, Hubbard had made an unsuccessful request for assistance from the US military attach to Havana.
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