I am sorry if I lost you at the paragraph but unfortunately you might need to look through a different lense and that is what travel . World. I saw on the news today Venezuela was experiencing some issues. I can still cancel the trip but prefer not to. Remember, Congress makes the laws. Thanks! Hi-Webare traveling to Cancun to stay at GR SOLARIS for and all inclusive visit . We hesitated until they got the handcuffs out. Thanks, Marcia. What about the crime right here in the U.S.? 4) What are road conditions like in Baja, Mexico? Even as travel is discouraged to all of Mexico because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. State Department continues to update its warnings concerning kidnappings and . I am not familiar with Grand Moon Palace. Just like there are parts of the US that you might avoid driving in at night when you're alone, there are places in Mexico that you will want to avoid driving at night when you're alone. Unless you are traveling to Mexico looking for trouble you probably will not encounter any violence. I solo traveled to Cancun earlier this year for 7 days. No need to be concerned. To avoid . There is a criminal element no matter the destination and take the same precautions you would at home. I wonder if you are just as passionate about the killing of unarmed black men in the states? They couldnt wait to say Trump is racist towards black and brown people. Mexico is considered a safe country to visit but there are numerous dangerous areas and regions that tourists should avoid traveling to. Will be staying at a resort. We had no problems. There are driving restrictions in Mexico City. Mexico City comes in with a Level 2 advisory that means travelers should exercise increased caution when visiting, because of possible crime and kidnapping. However, dont let media portrayals of Mexico fool you into thinking that Mexico is dangerous. We did not live in a gated neighborhood. You have done so and have shared it admirably. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; I went to Belize last year to the Belize lobster festival ( https://passportsandgrub.com/placencia-lobster-festival/ ) we had a ball and there were tons of kids everywhere. We will agree to disagree on traveling to Mexico. Do a little research on the destination youre thinking about traveling to and for the love [], [] I stated in my previous articleIs Mexico safe the countries below have the same Tulum travel advisory and most people dont think twice about [], Amazing blog thanks for sharing today on this blog, [] The Costa Maya cruise port is located in Mexico. 19 Is driving through Mexico safe? So basically if you want to go, proceed as if you were headed to war. When you compare the number of murders to the entire population, it is still a tiiny fraction. Can you be murdered anywhere? That is on par with Albuquerque. The areas that are dangerous should be avoided. I doubt that will happen because you are with your kiddos and mom. Im so glad I found is it safe to travel to Mexico. Thank you again for providing travelers with information. I plan to book all excursions through resort. I made a comment on the review online. I just read into is It Safe To Travel To Mexico.This is exhausting and stressful but Ive already made plans to this country Ive been wanting to return to and I dont want to cancel them (Ill loose money). Tourists traveling to Mexico due to crime in several Mexican states popular with American tourists. Do you leave your valuables out in plain sight in the states? Taxi drivers are reportedly furious over a court ruling earlier this month that allows Uber to operate in Quintana Roo without a public transport license. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; While many people worry about cartels or criminals preying on tourists in areas like Cancun or Mazatlan, there are much more common risks for travelers like buying drugs in a foreign country. This has nothing to do with Mexico because any country will check your documents but more about you deciding it would take too long or you didnt feel like renewing your documents and mad because you got into trouble. I have news for you the goddamn United States is the sole responsible for this mess why? It's important to be cautious when you travel, especially if you are alone, and to know which areas are safe to travel to and which are to avoid. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Keep your belongings with you, dont expose your valuables, and avoid being alone in places that are too isolated. But, as I said, no one ever asked or looked. Rome is notorious for criminal activity but it does not receive the same fear as other destinations. Mexico is by far one of the top destinations for many U.S. travelers, but violent crime is soaring in certain areas which causes many tourists to second-guess their spring break vacation plans to Mexico. I dont suggest walking anywhere maybe catch a bus or hire a driver. Microsoft did something new in Windows 10 that wasn't available in Windows 8, which is adding a feature to the Settings app to allow you seamlessly . I just returned from Mexico and I while I didnt drink from the mini bar it wasnt because I was afraid. Although many Americans go south of the border to have a little fun remember the last thing you want is to end up in a Mexican Jail. We would be staying at an AirBnb owned by an American couple. Rome is one of the safest cities in Europe. Mexico is extremely dangerous. Is this resort safe? I have traveled all over Mexico with friends, family, and solo. Official complaints against Uber and other drivers do occur and past disputes between these services and local taxi unions have occasionally turned violent, resulting in injuries to U.S. citizens in some instances, the warning reads. Use common sense and obey the traffic rules. I am so tired of the garbage lying prejudiced stupid Mass corporate media from the United States always dilapidating Mexico with no empirical and factual evidence whatsoever just bias and prejudice. I plan on walking across and staying for the 3 days to do some shopping. I went to the grocery store and purchased beer and wine because it was cheaper. Have a great week! The high prices you pay dont trickle down to make the lives of the lowly workers better. I have actually taken the drive myself and I had a car service to pick me up from the airport and it was about $22/person. Banjercito is the government authority that issues vehicle permits. Ask for a hotel concierge: The hotel staff will be able to provide full tips about where to eat and what attractions you must see. It helps a bit of the local economy. Instead, learn the risks and decide how much risk you can accept. Mexico vs. Costa Rica For Your Next Vacation. Only morons are still trying to race bait. . I have a review on the resort and also their the little blue hole that the kids can actually jump in. The U.S. Department of State updated the Travel Advisory for Mexico on July 12, 2021. Hi Sonia- are you renting a car to go to the beach? Mexico is a beautiful country and worth the effort if you plan sensibly. Coastal destinations, like Puerto Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas, Riviera Nayarit, Cancun, and the . I just returned from a solo trip to Cancun and felt completely safe. Maybe you live in one of those areas, so Mexico feels just as clean and safe as home to you?Adding your political views negates your argument that Mexico is a safe place. We are so quick to point the finger at other countries but not at ourselves. That is the same for any city in the world, though, right? Comparisons to American cities are ridiculous, for example Chicagos murder rate is far lower than PDC, and most people dont pay thousands of dollars to vacation in Chicago. This article will cover exactly what you need to know about safety in Mexico before visiting, the dos and donts, how to stay safe as a solo female traveler, and tips on how to deal with the Mexican police if you get pulled over. There is no reason to be nervous whatsoever. And those that are safe should be enjoyed and celebrated. [], [] you afraid that travelisnt safe? exactly. I know this is quite after the fact for the person asking the question, but for future reference, I have traveled to the Cancun area twice and to Europe and to Canada. In the future, Id steer clear of assumptions and use facts. I am still here and noone bothered me and in fact it was one of the more peaceful trips I have been on. It is not safe, dont go if you dont need to. The quick answer: Yes! The answer to Q1 would be yes, I would be concerned about traveling to certain parts of Italy. Were going to look at those reasons as well as some of the things that you should do before you go so you can stay safe while still having fun! Cover your child with sunscreen or protective clothing before heading to the beach. Dont travel at night: Most crime occurs at night. Not needing a T.I.P. are you staying at an all inclusive or renting an airbnb? I felt more unsafe in Rome than I did Mexico so no need to worry. In short, dont go looking for trouble and the probability is very high you wont find it. We would be driving from the Tuscon area using a rental car. Dont cancel! It is really sad that probably half of the people commenting have not even been to Mexico but yet they are reguratating Fox news talking points. unless the resort is all inclusive. amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; The troops they sent here are useless; they just drive around here looking ready for war in Afghanistan. Cancun isnt located on the U.S. State Department do not travel list I suggest travelers continue to be on high alert. Personally if Im gonna be slaughtered, Id be pissed no matter what color someone happened to be, maybe you are different. The main area tourist is worried about is Mexicos Quintana Roo state, which includes Cancun, Cozumel, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, and Riviera Maya. : Keep up-to-date about safety news through a few methods. Many drive through Tijuana and drive south down the peninsula. As an avid traveler who loves my family I would take my daughter to Mexico over Rome in a heartbeat. There are dangerous areas in Mexico, as in any country. Join our Travel Advice & Support FB Group Related: Is it safe to travel to Cancun right now? You may get pickpocketed if you look like an overweight poorly dressed american with a fanny pack. Should my friends be concerned and how can I convince them it is safe? But risks vary, a lot, and so does peoples tolerance for risk depending on their personalities and life experience. If you are as well traveled as you say you are then you should know Mexico is not as dangerous as the news the portrays. San Blas Use a money belt: Keep the thieves at bay. I actually felt more unsafe when I was in Paris. no worries Jason and I apologize for the late response as I was traveling. How safe will we be? Cabo San Lucas is a popular beach resort town located on the Baja peninsula of Mexico, filled with top-rated boutique hotels, trendy restaurants, and crystal-clear waters. Damn Skippy, I will, and in fact, I am currently planning my next trip to Mexico in June. Mexico has a wealth of culture, food, and adventure so do not miss out on traveling to this beautiful country because you are worried if is Mexico safe. The person who wrote this article obviously didnt talk to the yard parents of the guy on a motorcycle who was traveling through Mexico and ended up and let go few hundred pieces or the families of the other dead bodies in advance found outsiders the tourist resorts perfectly safe Mexico and all you have to worry about is the drug cartel and of course the bloodthirsty gangs other than that your trip should be a piece of cake go ahead I feel safer walking down the streets of Detroit at night alone unarmed, If you believe this person your either an idiot or high on drugs Because the United States is the only country selling all kinds of weapons to Mexico theres no other country including Mexico itself providing weapons to those disgusting cartels. Let me do a little research. So why is the U.S. State Dept. Though it is a very different experience. Its amazing what people are capable of telling themselves to put their mind at ease. I checked my friends Goats on the road and they sent me this article. My experience with Mexico has been nothing but pleasant. Thats one place we have not considered and Ive already begun my research. Since you mention Rome, Rome is far safer then even the safe places in Mexico. This is to reach the mountains of Mexicali and the end of the peninsula to vacation spots such as Cabo San Lucas and Todos Santos. Mexico is not as dangerous as the media portrays. They also fail to mention that most of that violence is drug traffic-related, or that you could count the number of tourists who are affected by it on one hand. It is no different than you being in your own hometown and crime is restricted to certain areas. YES! Can you please post the date and time and location of when president Trump said it is not safe to take a vacation in Mexico because of brown or black people. 19 Can a US citizen buy a car in Mexico? you sound as if you have been watching too Fox News and the shit hole country theme. Mexico has the same travel warning as Europe and many other countries but they dont have the stigma that Mexico has. Stop by the local grocery store grab a 2 6 six packs and a bottle of wine for half the price. It is a small but charming Magical Town nestled in an area surrounded by great hills and mountains, thanks to the intense exploitation of its silver deposits. Planning on visiting and backpacking across Yucatan Peninsula..Cities/Areas that Ill be visiting are as follows:- dedicated to traveling to Mexico and understanding what Mexico travel warnings really mean. Drunk driving is also a common problem as it is difficult to police among the large population. One more scary thing.. Kidnapping? The cheap Mexico vacation doesnt exist in places like Cancun, Cabo, and Riviera Maya. Is Puerto Vallarta Safe for American Tourists? This Mexico safety guide and travel advisory for Mexico will answer all of the following questions so you will plan your vacation accordingly and click on the link for specific Mexico travel warning: Again, for the latest travel warnings and alerts make sure you are receiving accurate information by going directly to the U.S. Department of State website to find the latest and up-to-date information regarding Mexico Travel Warnings. People are being decapitated and murdered- over 30,000 last year alone 1 of those being my brother Taylor. Cops who are only there to rob tourists and protect cartel. We will book a resort all inclusive, We have plan to got to beach, chichun itza ,xcaret and There is one road in Cancun where we can go. We are planning to go to Mexico in March. Good article, aside from this preachy, accusatory bit: Are you concerned about traveling to Italy? Finally they let me out. In the past three years, crime has been on the rise due to uncertainty among the people and their government. I just returned from Mexico on a solo trip and I survived and I felt completely safe. New Orleans is still an amazing place to visit and the Media is right to champion this inspirational city. In fact, Guadalajara is one of the top tourist destinations in Mexico for national tourism (Mexican tourists) for both leisure and business. But very little of it notes that Mexico is a HUGE country with thirty-one states (+ plus the Distrito Federal). The fears we have of Mexico are not accurate. I would love to hear your feedback when you return. If you ask yourself these simple questions before you arrive at your destination chances are you will not have any issues no matter the destination: The American media wants you, and everyone else to believe that Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and other countries where the majority of the population is black and brown people are the most dangerous places to visit and its simply not true. Be in by 9 pm and NEVER drive at night. Hi Be cautious if you are driving alone at night- while Tulum is extremely safe there has been the occasional robbery. How do you feel about this area? Too easy for the cops to set you up for arrest. Thinking of excursions as well. Tourists traveling to Mexico, As my readers are planning their spring and summer travel I have been receiving a lot of questions on is Mexico safe and more specific questions about, U.S. Department of State website to find the latest and up-to-date information regarding, The U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Mexico have issued a new. Your email address will not be published. Travelers should have common sense when traveling to Tulum, especially in the downtown area: Dont walk alone at night, lock your doors, and dont walk alone on the beach at night. Understand, dont Deny. are you riding around in not so nice neighborhoods in the states? I travel to Mexico solo and with my husband and nothing has ever happened to me. traveling to this beautiful country because you are worried if is Mexico safe. That is why it is dangerous. To avoid unnecessary illness, always make sure your bottled water is sealed. You should stick to writing about stuff you actually know about. Is it better for us to have cocktails at the hotel bars? I lied and said I was feeling ill and to take me to hospital, that my friends were would be worried as they were in a nearby city. A wonderful commentator mentioned Manzanillo. See Entry requirements. No! I also took my medication with me and not one person suggested it was something illegal or even looked my way. If you are staying at all-inclusive resort all if not most of the activities should be included. Use ride share services where possible instead of taxis. As a few other Western countries have done, we need to legalize drugs and take away much if the profit motive for the cartels. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Its generally safe to drive in Mexico, but I suggest parking your car at night and dont stay out too late. Buses do occasionally get held up and robbed. If you're . Here's what to watch. The authorities cracked down hard, however, and dismissed hundreds of officers, including some top officials. We will be a group of at least 5 adults and can drive during the day instead of at night. DO NOT GO TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!! I have traveled all over Mexico and I have never felt unsafe. With all of that being said 35 million tourists visit Mexico each year myself included. I am going to Cancun in April with two of my old college friends. As in the US cities where there is a majority of black and brown people there is much more crime. Is it safe to drive through Mexico at night? Your I am better than tone tells me exactly why you feel the way you do. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; As i stated if you are not going into crime-ridden areas looking for drugs and stay on the main roads you will be fine. I would dare you to hitchhike across Mexico to prove your point, but you would be dead. I look forward to your future blogs. There is no fee for driving here as a tourist, either. Why cant you be truthful in dealing with beautiful and leave politics and fake news to the real media. The Mexican government is highly motivated to keep tourists safe in order to preserve the tourist trade but you must also do your part when traveling to Mexico. Avoid Mexico. Malika- I have never been to Nayarit but I did a little digging before I responded and this is what I found. I have another question for you: who stole 55% of the Mexican territory in the middle of the 19th century? Method one: Recovery by uninstalling Windows 10. And Indianapolis. He was visiting from California and was in a resort area and was stabbed to death. I think that its racist. My tourist visa had expired 3 days ago so I was trying to exit the country as soon as possible. I got extremely sick in the Czech Republic last year and that was the one time I decided to forego travel insurance I racked up thousands of dollars in medical bills and they wanted their money before I would even be seen by the ER Doctors. For my money there is much nicer safer places to go. Thank you very much!!! Any advice please. The most important thing to remember when traveling to Mexico is that for the most part, Mexico is safe if you follow simple rules of behavior. In fact the police chief in Cancun area was recently beheaded by one cartel for taking sides with another. When you check into your hotel, did you lock your door and use the top lock? I like to explore and make my own itinerary as I go therefore tour buses do not give me the freedom I want when traveling and they may not cover every place I want to see. YES! Thanks so much for the comment, Im traveling next month and Im worried and have high anxiety because of my two kids. Going to Cancun for the first time. Do you have a recommended taxi company we can use in cancun for transport from airport to our hotel? I believed Mexico was dangerous, I would be killed, kidnapped, and held for ransom by the cartel because of the Mexico travel warning issued by the U.S. Government. Mexico is statistically much safer than the United States. Bottom line Mexico is absolutely NOT safe for anyone ! amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Here you will enjoy a traditional atmosphere and peaceful environment that several beaches offer you in order to relax, or find activities such as sport fishing or bird watching and as a great closure for these activities, trying a fish that cannot be fresher. I was traveling but I will be home for the next few weeks to help you. Are you concerned about traveling to Italy? So happy I stumble upon this useful site! if your family loves seafood you can have lobster prepared every way imaginable! . No matter where you go, always due your research before you go. as they battle over lucrative tourist rides. As safe as it is anywhere. Be aware of your surroundings and be on the lookout for fake taxis, watered-down drinks, car rental scams, and foreign exchange scams which are just a few of the scams you should be on the lookout for while in Mexico. Be careful taking money out of the ATM: these are good spots to rob people. Say you went to Nashville for the weekend and someone put something in your drink you wouldnt say I am never traveling anywhere else again.