After saving Lori from nearly getting hit by a car, Lincoln ends up with 10 overprotective sisters and one very changed Lori Loud. (Lola, with tears in eyes, hugs Lincoln in happiness, knowing she regained Lincoln's trust. Im back. He gets dressed up and walks out of his room. Lisa: Oh, I dont know? (Lincoln and Clyde are hugging each other in anticipation, when suddenly, Lori kicks the front door open, catching both Lincoln and Clydes attention). After years of abuse from his family Lincoln finally snapped and goes on a crime spree. (Ronnie Anne and Lola walk upstairs and Ronnie Anne knocks on Lincolns bedroom door. - Lincoln said, excited, (Bobby then catches up to Lori, and see's Ronnie Anne, they hug also), RONNIE ANNE: Bobby! The girls stop running. According to Hector, when she was a baby, she had gas and would do a goofy dance. She teared up when Lincoln called her out as a "rude, gross and totally annoying" person in "Save the Date" and initially expressed her feelings to Lincoln through tough love, one of many instances by pranking him, thus humiliating him in front of the school (in addition, Lincoln's sisters deduced correctly that she had a crush on him,[10] but was too shy and prideful to properly show them, so she used pranks and the aforementioned tough love to gain his attention). Sid (best friend)LoriLuanClydeZachRustyLiamNikkiSameerCaseyHer familyThe Loud familyLairdTwelve Is MidnightAdelaideMrs. Luan: (pulling out her plastic spider) Hey, my plastic spider! The sisters, Clyde, Bobby and Ronnie Anne slowly back away from Lincoln, and dash off. - they said excited, (The two quickly gotten dressed in their winter clothes and they see the snow is cleared on their street). (The sisters all jump into the truck and drive off. Lola: I know! The sisters are moved by these drawings that they hang them on the wall, and look at them with pride), (All the lights in the house turn off as the family goes to sleep). Lincoln, Clyde and Ronnie Anne enter the Loud House). The curiosity of the sisters kicked in, and decided to read it., The sisters thought the story was making fun of them, and in a fit of rage, destroyed it right in front of the boys face. - Lori said, shocked. RONNIE ANNE: S'up, lame-o. Shes deeply sorry for humiliating you at school. This isn't my tenth fanfiction, as this story is just a brief continuation of my ninth fanfiction, not a sequel. Were so emotionally attached to each other, that were nothing without each other. He slips two sheets under the door of each bedroom and walks back into his room. Both Santiago siblings have first names that start with an R, as well as second names starting with an A. (Lola is about to pick up the journal, but Lincoln takes it quicker than her). Lori managed to empty out half of her closet, but Leni hasnt even decided on which one to give away. LORI: It is, we'll talk later little bro. Just tell Lola that if she wants me to love her again, she has to dazzle me. LINCOLN: Those were good times. Bobby: You know, I cant date a girl who would treat their brother like that. Thats why Im dumping Lori right now. Lola: The moment they told me that, I knew that doing this dance solo was perfect, because you were actually my biggest supporter the moment I joined that dance contest. "Why aren't you downstairs?" This is currently my most commented fanfiction. She's fearless, free-spirited, and is quick with a plan. Lincoln gasps loudly). His sisters all exit their bedrooms, and see Lincoln, where they all give him a cold stare. Bobby sees his little sister slumping over on the couch, and approaches her. Its all in the past, and Ive forgiven you all. Lincoln is in his room, working on something. The sisters watch Lola perform from Lana and Lolas bedroom window. Luna: But the jab to me was probably the worst. Ill be there in a few minutes! They get home in about 10 minutes), (Lincoln walks out of his room and looks downstairs to see Lola waving at him. comes back on) Ooh! After a few minutes of letting the pain ease, Lincoln lividly limps back to his bedroom and plops down onto his bed). Winter, my favorite season of the year. BOBBY: I can't wait to see you, too, Ronnie Anne. Bobby: Ronnie Anne, thats no reason to break up with Lincoln. Unbeknownst to the two couples, the others were watching them), LOLA: They do look really cute. (all the kids pull out the thing they want to show) Who wants to go first? The writer will expand if necessaary.Also, this fanfic is a joke. (As Lola looks around, she notices Lincolns journal, and opens it, revealing some private stuff. Lincoln is able to hear their snickering). He could not believe what he was about to do. The Sister Role Reversal. Completed uchihaclan Ronnie Anne Santiago. - Ronnie Anne mentions, (The two then sit on the couch and decide to watch TV, Lincoln notices something), LINCOLN: How come Bobby isn't here? Dear Lincoln, Lola managed to regain my trust. Now, I think they hate me. Bobby: You guys need a ride? And while they navigate this new life, they're starting to really their own childhoods, may have been a lot worse than they thought. Why did you make us look stupid in this? Since I made the story, I know how the whole story went. LINCOLN: We had fun, Lori, we had fun. Lola: [furiously] Dang it! (Luan, realizing what chain of events she set off, discretely hides the plastic spider. Christian Car Rides (September 30, 2022). Luan: Who knows? In Lana and Lolas room, Lana is confiscating the empty bags of food she finds, and Lola is polishing all of her pageant awards). Dicy makes an experiment that was so destructive, that her bedroom is too dangerous to enter? That is not true! "You were invited too?" Lori: Oh man! Im only going to talk anybody who isnt one of my sisters. Later that day, the entire house is asleep. Lola enters her room). When Clyde and I tried to change Lilys diaper, we couldnt withstand the smell of the diaper, so we tried to grab it without getting near it or being covered in it. In "Face the Music with the Casagrandes", it is shown that Ronnie Anne flubbed her first-grade play by tripping over a piece of scenery and had stage fright for years afterward. When they get to the elementary school, Lincoln, Lucy, Lana and Lola jump out, and the others quickly drive off. I have to cut this loose thread on my dress. (as Lola rummages through his desk, she discovers Lincolns comic) DO NOT TOUCH Okay. But one sleepover in an empty house when Ronnie moves back, and suddenly they have more to worry about than a relationship. Lincoln proceeds to hug Lola back, and he kisses her damaged eye) Lola, Im sorry for punching you in the face. I gave her what she deserve by punching her right in the face. We all made the assumption that your story was to make us look like idiots, but it dawned on us that every character matches us perfectly. LINCOLN: Nice place you got here, Ronnie Anne. Sorry about that night. RONNIE ANNE: Me too, we did have nice moments with each other, like we go out for milkshakes after April Fool's Day and that time we play Dance Battle at Gus' Games, and Grubs. (Lincoln exits the attic, walks downstairs and enters the living room. This, along with "The Diary of a Loud", are considered my darkest stories. I know just where to put this. She is Lincoln's other best friend and former classmate. Lola: Come on, Lincoln needs to have something good. She also happens to be the younger sister of Lori's boyfriend Bobby. No explosions going off this Spring Cleaning. - Lori ask, LENI: It's just, I just miss Linky. Lincoln and Ronnie have been friends since fifth grade. My sisters and I were hard at work going through stuff we wanted to keep, and what we wanted to get rid of. Lincoln: (to himself) Thank you, sisters. I looked around the party at the others and looked around for familiar faces. the reporter said - So, stay in your houses, cause it's a blizzard coming. (As Lincoln wipes off the tears rolling down Lolas face, the others sisters walk out of the house, and applaud at Lola for performing an amazing dance solo, and at Lincoln for finally forgiving Lola, Lowie hugs Lola tightly in happiness). Mayor Davis, who looked like Lillie Brinket (Effie Trinket), with her black hair with white streaks. LINCOLN: At my house. (The sisters leave the bedroom, and head back downstairs where they see Lola sitting on the couch in depression). (Lincoln and Clyde arrive to the Loud House, and when Lincoln opens the door, the sisters, with the exception of Lola, see Lincoln and Clyde, and immediately begin bursting out with laughter. Chandler: Hey Larry, did you hear the news lately? LORI: Yep, Bobby and I been hanging out all day. (As Lincoln goes through the last shelf in his room, Lincoln notices a book he never knew he owned. This establishes that she was born either from March 21 to April 19 (Aries), July 23 to August 22 (Leo) or November 23 to December 21 (Sagittarius). (This revelation causes Lola to cry even harder). Just because that one secret pasted Lincoln as a sissy doesnt mean hes weak. Lincoln glanced at Ronnie Anne and shuddered slightly, hoping she wouldn't try to do anything to him at the party. They go as fast, but as quietly as they can. Sonic, a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog, goes to Royal Woods to escape the roboticist tyrant Dr. Eggman, who destroyed the island where he lived. (Lincoln is at Gus Games and Grub with Clyde). Sid: Yeah! Didnt you read the note I left on it? "Bro, are you okay?" asked Luna Lincoln nodded. BOBBY: We're fine, little sis. Neo Storm Part 2 taking place following the events of the Pre-Season 2 Arc as a new villain faction reveal themselves. (Leni grabs a couple canisters of insect repellent and sprays it all over the house, causing the siblings to cough and gag. Lola: Hmm Where did Lincoln put the big kid scissors. "You've been spending too much time with Doctor Lopez." stated Lincoln. Ronalda "Ronnie" Anne Santiago[n 1] is a supporting character from The Loud House, and the main protagonist of its spin-off, The Casagrandes. (As Lucy goes through the books she owns, she comes across her Princess Pony book. At 15, having confessed their love for each other, Ronnie Anne visits Lincoln to have their first date since becoming a couple. Lincoln wandered around the house, seeing Ronnie Anne and the other female in front of her talking. That how Lincoln sees you. The girls realize something), (The sisters all slide down the slide and run over to Clydes house. In Season 2, her jean shorts are now a darker blue with her skin and jacket becoming darker. Lincoln: Okay, one more shelf to go, and my Spring Cleaning will be done. Lori confiscates the repellent from Lenis hands). She has to do something that would lift my spirits from her. - Lincoln brags - (answers his phone) Hello? While searching for a picture to paint for her family, Lily finds a surprising secret that changes her life and family. 1.2K Stories. The thing that inspired me to create this story is the thought of Lola backstabbing Lincoln. After Ronnie Anne moved to Great Lakes City, she and Lincoln would occasionally hold video chats (sometimes vlogs) to catch up with each other's lives and hang out in general, and either friend would occasionally come over to their house to visit (which occasionally happens on Lincoln's side from "City Slickers"), or to sleep over (which happened on Ronnie Anne's side when Rosa roped her family into thinking all of Great Lakes City was cursed[7]). And the positive effect of snow days: no school and hanging with my sisters. Now, her clothes are darker. ~Back to 3rd person POV~. -Lincoln L. Loud, author of The Dome Home. After accidentally causing a massive power outage while hiding in the small town, Sonic is found by Eggman. Ronnie Anne is a hardcore tomboy who seems to dislike girly things (she called her former elementary school's Sadie Hawkins dance "lame"[8]), and enjoys more boyish hobbies, such as skateboarding, pranks, and video games. In this episode, Luna gets grounded by her parents for her obnoxiously loud music she plays 24/7, and becomes grumpy and impatient, so her siblings, after being sick and tired of it before that happened, try to help her become less insecure and angry, and also play quieter music. I really like this show because I like to make fun of and criticize the male contestants on the show. - Lincoln ask, (Ronnie Anne nods as Lincoln puts in the movie, Ronnie Anne then place a blanket around them and pulls out a bowl of popcorn and hand it to Lincoln). In the infamous Loud House, 9 sisters sat on the couch watching their favorite show. Maybe you should seek advice from an expert comic book artist. LORI: Aw man, now we can't even go on our date! Living with her big, happy, hectic family has helped Ronnie Anne learn to deal with anything life throws her way! But first, Lana, build a stage. Lincoln: Slightly. "The Dome Home" by Lincoln Loud Author's Note: The comic you're reading is a representation of my life living in a house with ten girls. I tried to resist, but my tendencies as the family tattle tale overwhelmed me, and I just blurted out some secrets about Lincoln. - Lincoln laughs, (Ronnie Anne and Lincoln then throw snowballs to each other, Lincoln then skate and Lori catches him, Ronnie Anne then skate to Bobby and he catches her. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Im just glad that this whole fiasco is over, and that I did a good thing on my part. - Lincoln said, happy - You know, it's been fun hanging out with you, Ronnie Anne. Are you feeling any better after that night? Halloween is a time for scares, trick-or-treating, and lots of candy, but Lincoln wasn't expecting any of the candy he got this year. Hes just one of the many pets I have at home. Most of the students were scared to pet the scaly creature, but found it unique to touch it. As the sisters look on with pride at the comic burning away and Lincoln reacting to this. theloudhouse # 18 Lincoln Uchiha Ft (@THE_13_CLUB) by Alex Debi 30.3K 580 44 Lincoln ran to the woods after being blamed for something, where he found a man on the verge of death, let's just say Lincoln saw things differently after his encounter. I made my own comic based on my experience living here. (The students all shrug their shoulders, since theyre unaware who gave away the information). Because I like these types of books, I thought to myself, Why not make your own? Well, thats exactly what I did. - Bobby said. -Okay- Evil Lincoln answered accumulating a ball of energy, Ronnie Anne did the same with her powers. They put their respective younger siblings down), LORI: It's cute to see you two with together. Just great. All of the neighbors also have their jaws dropped. Lincoln: Yeah. (Lincoln hangs up and resume playing video games with Ronnie Anne; At home, Lori and Bobby are on the couch, texting each other, Lola, Lana, and Lucy all run through the door, worried), LORI: Girls, what's the matter? Lincoln: (infuriated) I cant believe this! If they destroy something I love, I have the urge to hate them. The two silhouettes carry him to the bathroom, where another silhouette shoves a bar of soap into Lincolns mouth. - Ronnie Anne concluded - Hang on (Ronnie Anne then pants Lincoln, she laughs at him), LINCOLN: (annoyed) She's like Lynn, but nicer. What gives?! LORI: Phew. - Lori ask, eager, (The others surround him with smiles, he glances at Ronnie Anne, who whispers in his ear). ben suarez bread / joseph wiley kim burrell / loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory. (Lincoln and Clyde continue to play arcade games for a few more hours. Lincoln notices this, so does Lola) Oops. They destroyed something I loved, so I hate them, too. Lincoln: Yes. Lincoln and Clyde: We dont want to talk about it. Lola was right. Lincoln helped his friend up. During her time in Royal Woods, and before they became best friends, she frequently bullied and humiliated Lincoln in front of his peers. Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride. What is it that you want to tell me? "Yep." Ronnie Anne: Sup, Linc! Word Count: 635Status: UneditedAn: Hope y'all enjoyed and sorry it took so long to get out. Lets just keep reading. RONNIE ANNE: It's the least I can do for you. I was right about you! You really are a stinker, first, figuratively, and now literally! The story wasnt meant to be taken seriously! Clyde: Awesome! Everyone wore their swimsuits as to not have to waste time having to change at the beach. Lincoln: (spits the bar of soap out of his mouth) Girls? Ms. Taber: Sure. Lincoln: No, Leni. We werent aware that your story was a piece of fiction. (Lincoln pulls out his Fearsome Flyer sled and the two then run outside to the top of the street and they sled down; At the Loud House, Lori and Bobby are outside making snow angels), LORI: This is literally the best snow day ever. - Lincoln said, (Lincoln went to the bathroom and comes out in his PJs, he went downstairs to the living room, Ronnie Anne come downstairs in her PJs, she sat down next to her), LINCOLN: Nice PJs. - Ronnie Anne greeted. The day when we get to clean up the house and discover something we never knew we had. (Lola nabs the comic and walks over to the couch to read it. Ronnie Anne is the third character to change voice actors/actresses due to their voice actor hitting puberty, with the first two being. Hope you like it. - Lincoln ask, RONNIE ANNE: Oh yeah, he's walking to Lori's house for a date. Lucy: You know. Chapter 1: The Shopping Games It would be a calm warm summer day in Royal Woods; as Lincoln was watching a live special of the Shopping Games on his laptop. To be either a professional skateboarder or a chef, "Ronnie" redirects here. - Bobby said - Even if we're together, I do miss him. I've had that thought for a couple months, but never thought how I should execute it, until I thought "What if Lincoln had a secret so deep, Lola told everyone?" I cant wait to show it to you. I was just upset. She carefully brings the flask over to a radiation bin, and pours the explosive substance into the bin, and slams the bin shut) There. Clyde: I know! Lana: Yeah! Lola: (sighs) Okay, dont get mad, but do you remember how that secret about Lincoln spread around school? - Lincoln greeted - What was that for? In addition, as seen in "Shell Shock", Ronnie Anne appears to be less chaotic than she is credited for, as she is shown doing gratuitous tasks for her family and taking great care of an egg. Did you ever make it up to Lincoln? We got to stay on schedule today. I bet you put a lot of effort into making that comic. Lincoln: (consoling the girls) Girls, girls. Lola: There seems to be a mistake! She has a large family like Lincoln, but they are an extended family rather than an immediate family. This whole book was just to make fun of us! The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Ronnie Anne: Leave him alone, Lori! - Ronnie Anne replied - If you want, you can come. Lola is at first hesitant, since Lincoln would most likely be furious that she will humiliate him, but her tattle-tale tendencies kick in, and decides to take the journal. - Bobby said, excited, (Inside the Loud House, everyone is inside in the living room, the other sisters are happy that Lincoln is back with them), LORI: So, how was Ronnie Anne's place? (Lisa puts the hazmat mask back on, grabs her pliers, and begins to remove Lilys diaper. Ronnie Anne is the only character to appear in the episode ". / I do. - Ronnie Anne replied, (Ronnie Anne then kiss Lincoln on his cheek, and the two then resume to watch the movie; Lincoln then finds Ronnie Anne sleeping on the couch), LINCOLN: I wonder how Lori is doing. I should have been the prettiest! Ronnie Anne is depressed that she broke up with you, and I suggested that it would be best if you two made up. - Lincoln answered - You? "I might as well wear it tonight so I don't have to tomorrow" A final sigh slipped from her lips as she took off her clothes, putting on the pink tank top and purple shorts. As much as it hurt, I deserved it, because I just hurt my brothers feelings. Upon arriving at Great Lake City, Lincoln learned that Girl Jordan had a problem with mistletoes during the Christmas season. (As Lana and Ms. Taber exit the classroom to head to the classroom, Lola pulls out Lincolns journal from her backpack and walks up to the front of the classroom). My sisters went to Aunt Ruths house one Sunday, and I managed to avoid going there by babysitting my youngest sister, Lily. Who wants to go next? Lori: Yes, actually. + Ronnie Anne's POV + (A split screen of Lori appears with her phone), LORI: Lincoln, are you okay?! Sometime later, Lincoln is sitting in his room, drawing something). (whispers) I have marshmallows. (to the other siblings) Im coming! Ronnie Anne: (heartbroken and angry) How could you? - Lincoln said. (Lola tosses the comic into the fireplace, where it burns away. The joke of Lincoln's swear being blocked off by crows and everyone reacting appalled to what they just heard is derived from. Chandler: Theres also something else about you that we all know about. Lincoln Loud glanced both ways to make sure no one was around. When the sisters watch Lincoln make a fool of himself singing along to these songs, they hear Lincoln sing a song with lots of foul language. About 10 minutes had gone by and Lincoln had just finished buttoning the white buttons of his baby blue shirt when he heard a soft knock on the door. While cleaning out the stuff from my room, I found this journal. It perfectly describes life in the Loud House, but with my own original characters. (They furiously approach Lincolns room, but dont see Lincoln in there. - Lola replied. Lincoln sure is some kind of sissy. Despite both liking each other in early episodes, they only dated once, and even that time was only to get Bobby and Lori back together. "Clyde? - Lincoln replied. Would you be interested? (Lincoln takes a moment to think about what Lola said, and remembering how heartbroken he was when Ronnie Anne broke up with him, he lifts his head and smiles), (Happy, Ronnie Anne runs up to Lincoln, and hugs him. Unaware at what happened, Lana and Ms. Taber head back to their respective desks so they can get back on schedule), (Its recess time. I said with a smile. He said with a smile and the two exited out of the room hand in hand. - Lori ask, worried, LINCOLN: Yeah, we're fine, Lori. Luna: Listen, little dudette. - Lincoln laments - I know it's fun hanging out with you, but I miss the ten sisters I know and love. Clyde and I are now a laughingstock at school, and Im back to being a single person because my girlfriend broke up with me. A curious expression slowly became present on the light skinned males face before he quickly shook his head. (These words cause Lincoln and Clyde to have flashbacks of the events of Two Boys and a Baby. Lori is holding an ice pack on her left cheek. Originally, the excerpts that Lola reads in Lincoln's journal were supposed to talk about how brutal his sisters treated him in scenarios like "It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House" and "Sleuth or Consequences". (As they have their conversation, a couple group of students overhear their conversation and immediately begin to laugh uncontrollably. My sisters didnt take my insult well, and they did something harsh to me. - Lincoln accepted nicely - And I'm sorry for all those mean things I'd said during that time, I hate how we're teased for dating. If she succeeds, Ill forgive her. The title of this fanfiction is a reference to "The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank. #lonnieanne Once Lola is done with her hug, the five kids head off to their respective classes), (The Loud kids are about to head off to bed. - Lincoln accepted, (Ronnie Anne then pulls out two more mugs of cocoa and she put marshmallows in each of them, they clink their mugs and drink their cocoa), (Lori and Bobby, in their PJs, are in Lori's room, watching a movie on Lori's laptop), LORI: This is literally the way to spend a winter. - Lincoln claims, RONNIE ANNE: Yeah, I'd just want to say.. After that experience, Clyde and I agreed to never bring this up again., (The students begin to laugh even harder than ever. Bobby rolls down the window). LORI: No worries, he's at Ronnie Anne's place. After a bad day, Lincoln comes home stressed and angry. ", (Lincoln closes the journal and hops into bed). However, the task wasn"t simple. She said with a laugh and I smiled gently at her. Lincoln raises his head, and turns his head to see Ronnie Anne), Ronnie Anne: Actually, its something different. We hope you have the heart to forgive us. Please consider turning it on! Bobby: Sure, sis. - Lincoln said excited - And Bobby, too! Lola: (wailing) I messed up big time! - Lori said happy, LINCOLN: It's good to see you again, Lori! By now, Lincoln has about a quarter of his journal filled up. The combination of these two thoughts inspired me to write this story. Ronnie Anne returned the glance silently and the two walked in without saying a word to each other. When Lucy sees that Lynn didnt see the book, she sighs in relief and goes back to sorting out her books. Lynn: Oh, I dont know, maybe you INSULTED US!! Lola: Yes. Lincoln then lies down on his bed and falls asleep The next morning All of the girls wake up and immediately take action. Lincoln Loud & Justice League Lincoln Loud Son Goku (Dragon Ball) Broly (Dragon Ball) Bruce Wayne Clark Kent Diana Prince Multiple Crossovers Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Harem Living with 10 sisters, Lincoln was used to crazy things happening to him. Now they must work together as a family to find a way back, understand and control their new forms and powers, find their place in a town that fears them, and stand together when their home is threatened, Neo Storm Side Stories are a set of one-short side stories, some Chapters are set within the Main Story line and contain NSFW Content, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (24), Hilda Series - Luke Pearson & Stephen Davies (4), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Carlos "CJ" Casagrande Jr./Adelaide Chang, Carlos "CJ" Casagrande Jr. & Adelaide Chang, Lincoln Loud/Lynn Loud Jr./Lucy Loud/Stella Zhau, Sid Chang/Lincoln Loud/Ronnie Anne Santiago, Original Loud Character(s) (The Loud House), Dulce Dulce Halloween, chicas y das festivos, Loud House Movie Alternative Ending Creepypasta Role Play offer, Ronnie Anne Santiago is a good girlfriend, Hilda Series - Luke Pearson & Stephen Davies, Johanna | Hilda's Mum (Hilda)/Original Character(s), Original Female Character/Original Male Character, Ronnie Anne Santiago/Original Character(s), Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers. This is My first Loud House Fanfic, please Read and Review it. Lincoln: And dome! (Lincoln looks worried) Im surprised that you like to watch a romantic drama on your own TV, and you got covered in your own sisters mess. Curious, Lincoln opens the book and notices that its completely blank. You can start without us. (Lincoln places the comic deep into his sock drawer. Lola: (heartbroken) I deserve it. As the two head upstairs, the sisters follow them to continue to laugh at them). Ronnie groaned before thinking to herself for a bit.