In spite of the best endeavors of the Jones family, Parkinson was delivered in the wake of serving the base non-parole time of a little more than 2 years. June 14th, 2022 . Single mother faces 170 parking fine after overstaying at McDonald's for just 14 minutes while she treated Man had sex with his wife on bollard in protest after it had been erected by neighbour to stop him parking What will the next pandemic be? Id never had so much as a speeding ticket before and was a hard working successful professional woman. It is a shame doesnt the law allow the family to sue the State or police department for such a horrible injustice? Then the conflict of interest of failing to declare a relationship with officer White? Parkinson's lies snowballed and in 2014 she claimed she had been raped. I dont understand why Dan was sent to prison, wrongfully, for a period of time much longer than Sarah Jones Parkingson who had been confirmed by Leesa Alexander to be a serial liar and obvious abuser of the system ? I have counted 26 different types of errors so far with most types having several instances. There was no physical evidence, no admissions, no other evidence whatsoever, just the false testimony of this girl. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Mom who lost both sons to fentanyl blasts laughing Biden, Two Russian tanks annihilated with bombs by Ukrainian armed forces, Isabel Oakeshott receives 'menacing' message from Matt Hancock, Pavement where disabled woman gestured at cyclist before fatal crash, Pro-Ukrainian drone lands on Russian spy planes exposing location, 'Buster is next!' The ACT police service is not acting in the public interest. June 30, 2022 . Mark Geragos wrote an excellent book in which he explains that most witnesses testify but cops testilie and that most (not all, just most) of the cops do so because they think theyre actually doing the right thing, to keep the scum off the streets, ie they think its for the overall good to testilie in court. Stop protecting the 2 people who need to get the wrath of AUSTRALIA LAW PROPERLY!!!! Mr Jones' sister-in-law had taken a photo of Mr Jones holding his baby nephew at the time of the supposed assault. There seems to be a high level of collusion in the Police agencies and prosecutors that resulted in the persecution of the Jones family, This family needs immediate restitution of all that they lost monetarily. Her last picture noted on this slideshow shows the juxtaposition of her innocent face next to the jumbled example of what her mind must be like .duplicity and blur of character is a narcissist's staple.Here is a link to an article about this horrific tale of narcissistic destruction: is a link for a petition to help the family that was brutally changed forever because of this narcissist. Test yourself with this Cockney Rhyming Slang quiz. Almost two years into their relationship, Mr Jones was called into Queanbeyan Police Station and handed an Apprehensive Violence Order amid allegations he was assaulting Parkinson. Daniel Jones has survived a living nightmare. These journalists have spent several full days in Nov/Dec 2022 with Vic preparing for their book (soon to be published) that they are currently writing on the failure of justice for Vic. The whole world should come after this monster of a lady called sarah jane and the systems that allowed such wickedness to transpire in the first place. Every time I read about this case, makes my blood boil That women is nothing but the Devil in disguise, my heart aches for Dan , his mom Michelle , his dad and all , the ones , whom in one way or the other had to suffered this terrible ordeal.I truly hope that every single dollar that you lost be restituted but above all your faith and joy for life. I had bitten his hand in self defence but he had no injury, not a mark. Through the agency of so many people having online access nowadays that its only a short amount of time that this gross injustice dished out to Dan Jones becomes known to many thousands of people. Mr Jones was arrested at the granny flat at her parents' house and taken to a police station. Daniel Jones, 31, spent five months in Goulburn prison, 195km south-west of Sydney, in 2014 after Sarah Jane Parkinson, his then fiancee, made false allegations that he had raped an assaulted her. This time Parkinson alleged her former partner had raped her - despite photographic evidence proving otherwise. From the VIC Parliament, check out s164 (4) and (5) of the Evidence Act (VIC) amended with these sections by VIC Parliament in 2014. And ACT authorities have endlesslysidesteppedresponsibility, avoiding the issue of anex-gratiapayment for the family as compensation for Dan Jones wrongful imprisonment. How the hell can people be illuminated by truth with a piss ant philosophy like that? Shed moved in with me, everything was going well, I had a good career, my dream car I always wanted. But the WA Police have arrested me, instead. I knew nothing about Mr Dan Jones until 60 minutes published His story. 'I thought she was the love of my life': Man reveals how he British ski coach at Australia's famous Perisher snow resort Isabel Oakeshott receives 'menacing' message from Matt Hancock, Ken Bruce: 'I always wanted to be a radio presenter from about 15', Pavement where disabled woman gestured at cyclist before fatal crash, Pro-Ukrainian drone lands on Russian spy planes exposing location, 'Buster is next!' These two 164 subsections are leading to false imprisonments of innocent people in Victoria and likely were a contributory, possibly a significant, factor in the false conviction of Cardinal Pell. A woman who falsely accused her fiance of rape told a police investigator she knew for certain he was the man who attacked her. What happened to Victims of Crime. Illicit drugs and Alcohol Abuses, are a dreadful Horrorbillis 16 Years. Cmon people! I believe if someone falsely accuses someone that they should serve them same person sentence that they tried to falsely convict the person of. Then follow up and do the right thing: compensate the Jones family. What a wreck. His bail conditions meant he had to go and live with his parents while Parkinson moved her new lover and his children into the home Daniel had built. He said she said is not evidence and in no way a proper way to prosecute people. Lewis' daughter Sarah was best friends with Parkinson at the time the false allegations were made. I lost my beautiful home and my life spiralled out of control. Sarah Jane Parkinson was shipped off jail subsequent to making misleading assault and brutality allegations against her ex, Dan Jones. What a terror. DS Alexander also looked at a photo taken of Daniel and his baby nephew by his sister-in-law that proved he could not have been at the place where Parkinson claimed she had been raped. Sex, lies and police tape airs this Sunday at 8.30pm on Channel Nine. Dan Jones went to prison, it seems on the word of SJP , with , it appears no investigation and no evidence , how can this be. You may remember that Parkinson was sent to prison in January for false rape allegations she made against Dan Jones. Compulsive liar Sarah Jane Parkinson set up a campaign to destroy her former partner and his family with a string of assault accusations. More TV, protests. Why is her partner an ex cop not in jail ? This is a horrific case involving a loving, decent, law-abiding family running into a purely evil woman. From the moment they first met at their workplace in Canberra, the couple's relationship moved fast. These sections are so unfair to an accused, and the VIC parliament knows it is unfair. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Thank you for the detail. Allegations are not evidence and yet the police form views before the evidence is fully assessed. The Jones family deserve justice. Test your knowledge by naming all 20 of these famous films. As a totally independent body, not part of the police or government, they investigate and make decisions on serious and sensitive cases, including where police action may have led to death or serious injury. Murdaugh is heckled as he leaves court, Ken Bruce finishes his 30-year tenure as host of BBC Radio 2, Missing hiker buried under snow forces arm out to wave to helicopter, Hershey's Canada releases HER for SHE bars featuring a trans activist, Insane moment river of rocks falls onto Malibu Canyon in CA, Fleet-footed cop chases an offender riding a scooter, Family of a 10-month-old baby filmed vaping open up. Parkinson, a former police worker, alleged the rape against her former partner while he was a prison guard at Canberra's jail. But Parkinson's lies were about to catch up with her. The ACT Police are corrupt. When will the Beast from the East be at YOUR door? Their accuser, Sarah Jane Parkinson was sentenced to 3 years and 1 month with a minimum period of 2 years non-parole. Last week the perpetrator of this crime, Sarah Jane Parkinson, was sent to prison for three years for false rape accusations and faking a crime scene. Having seen Dan Jones in Perth WA in the last year, Im intrigued and interested. 'You've come from meeting this innocent, sweet girl to this premeditated monster who is capable of making all these allegations against you without a care in the world,' Mr Jones said. Two years into the relationship, Daniel was hit with an Apprehensive Violence Order. In other words if they see an opportunity to sleep with a woman, they will believe anything she says and move heaven and earth to prove her claims via confirmation bias. The Government are there to protect and serve good law abiding citizens , not break them , if the systems failures break people ,then these people must be compensated for the failure to protect and serve. Dective Alexander is a Hero in my book, the type of person we need in Law Enforcment. Thanks Carles and Chad, yes, thats really obvious to anyone with ethics. The truth finally emerged after one detective began to look deeper into the case, saying she couldnt shake the feeling that Parkinson was lying. Lost contact with the kids, whom I believe are involved in Gang Crime and Police Corruption from QLD to Tasmania to NSW to Western Australia. Despite the evidence, Mr Jones was sent to Goulburn prison while his devastated parents prepared for the battle of their lives. The AFP and police are incompetent. The Australian story of Sarah J. Parkinson and Daniel Jones is bone chilling. Usually, the crooked police are the ones holding high rank, thats how it is in Tasmania. 'That is before any compensation for the damage she (his ex-fiance) caused for my cousin and his immediate family - now torn apart,' she wrote on Facebook. Detective Sergeant Alexander, from theACT criminal unit, quickly noticed a number of holes in Parkinson's claims and evidence and begun to thoroughly investigate her. He lost his livelihood, his reputation . But the day they were scheduled to move into their new house, the fairy tale unravelled. A sealed envelope, a secret instruction? Parkinson had made false allegations of rape before. Sexual deviancies and the LGBTABCDS of this world are openly encouraged. Get your need-to-know If she did this much damage to him before that, imagine what she would have done, if he had of married her. Parkinson was sentenced to three years and one month behind bars in Canberra magistrates' court in January for making a false rape claim. It didn't happen,' she said. My heart aches for the beautiful Jones family, and I was so devasted to learn that the parents ended up divorcing all because of this evil person! You should have to pay this family some money for at the very least NOT DOING YOUR JOB. Is important for the wider society, this case is generating distrust not only for the police on sexual assault matters but is also devaluing sexual assault allegations, which has serious consequences when the system is trying to support actual sexual assault victims. Give them back some of their dignity. I was overseas in New Zealand when two Circuit family court registrars swindled me out of Real Estate, during 2011. The unfair trial forced upon me resulted in false imprisonment of myself by a judge who clearly not only had the appearance of bias but made so many errors, always giving the prosecution an unfair advantage, that there are scores of examples to establish actual biased against me. Australian Daniel Jones, of Canberra, said he was accused of rape and assault by Sarah Jane Parkinson in 2014. Of course he will evade whatever. Mr Jones was 25 when he met 20-year-oldParkinson in Canberra in 2011. The Jones family apparently doesn't "fit the description" to be compensated by police or the government which is comple Any lawyer worth his salt can easily explain to you how unfair these sections are if it is not immediately apparent. A question for you, or for other readers, Gina: She was granted parole, apparently. Parkinson got a job as a clerical assistant at a local police station and soon started to feed her colleagues lies about her partner. If any I MEAN ANY EFFORT would have been made to verify the claims falsely made against mr Jones they would have been found to be lies from the start.The work that miss Alexander did that ultimately led to the accuser admitting she had fabricated the entire story should have been done 6 YEARS PRIOR and the jones familys,not to mention plenty of money on your end from being COMPLETELY WASTED.4 months in a SUPER MAX PRISON with the worst criminals you can find as a former c/o WHEN YOU ARE AN INNOCENT WORKING PRODUCTIVE MEMBER OF HIS COMMUNITY. These are 2 devils being allowed to live among the people..Its disgusting. Mr Jones confronted Parkinson and believed her reassurances that her colleagues were being over-protective. This followed five years of Parkinson's vicious attempts to destroy Dan, her ex-fianc, and his family, with the help of crooked cops. Doing quite a lot of VICTIM BLAMING. Full compensation should be paid to Jones family for all the pain and suffering they have endured. The 60 minute segment mentioned something about her wanting the money but I dont believe that to be true. Canberra man Daniel Jones (left) thought Sarah Jane Parkinson (right) was the love of his life when they met in 2011. During sentencing magistrate Beth Campbell described as 'incomprehensible, wicked behaviour', The Australian reported. ', 'She's a lying, vindictive, cancerous woman.'. I feel so, so badly for everything they suffered for years. Daniel Jones, 31, spent four-and-a-half months in Goulburn prison, 195km south-west of Sydney, in 2014 after his then fiancee Sarah Jane Parkinson made 32 horrific allegations against. Their relationship ended in November 2013. But on March 21, 2014, police arrived at the Jones' home without warning and he was arrested. (60 Minutes) Sarah Jane Parkinson must be psychotic! Good luck Dan and your wonderful parents. Jessica is of course guilty, but quite honestly shes more deranged than anything else. The financial loss is catastrophic. I agree, the entire cop-out that prosecuting someone who has intentionally made false allegations WILL NOT harm TRUE victims. Well, seems like that department was filled with scumbag cops. It is happening here in Victoria too as I know from first hand personal experience. He told me his lawyers refused to present it to court, yet it is exculpatory evidence! Its used to protect their mates or strengthen a flimsy set of evidence . I was In awe when I saw how the women in Ukraine absolutely adore their men especially those who defend them, it actually brought tears to my eyes. I left school at 16 with six GCSEs - and became a self-made millionaire. But the AVO was just the beginning of a harrowing ordeal that Mr Jones says ruined his life, devastated his family and took everything from him. Detective Sergeant Alexander said it was clear Parkinson had lied - and it made her question what else she had been dishonest about. An innocent man was locked up in jail after falsely being accused of rape by his cheating ex-fiancee.
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