But I'd like to know why some Sunni believe its wrong and why others don't. Why? In this place, it is believed that the following Quranic verse was revealed and became the basis of the sermon which came thereafter: Oh Apostle! It is also known as the Nature Day, and people celebrate by spending the day outdoors, having picnics, and throwing away the Sabzeh (sprouts) that they had grown on the first day of the New Year. Saqifah (Arabic: , romanized: Saqfah) of the Saida clan refers to the location of an event in early Islam where some of the companions of the Islamic prophet Muhammad gathered and pledged their allegiance to Abu Bakr, as the successor of Muhammad and the first caliph. These activities traditionally continue for three days. The present form of the Quran text is accepted by Muslim scholars to be the original version compiled by Abu Bakr. This day marks the demise of the 6th Imam in Shia Islam. Ghadir Khumm marks the day when many Muslims pledged allegiance to Ali upon the order of the Prophet (pbuh), inspired by what they believe was the Divine will of Allah (swt). The. The festival of Eid-ul-Fitr was celebrated with religious fervour at Idgahs across the district on Thursday. Before the first day of Eid, during the last few days of Ramadan, each Muslim family gives a traditionally-defined amount as a donation to the poor. Because the year loses 11 days with respect to the Gregorian solar calendar, the month of Ramadan shifts forward 11 days each year, as does Eid al-Fitr. B.S., Child Development, Oregon State University. Many small business owners have been severely hit by the lockdown, and the consequent economic losses. (2021, August 31). This ensures that everyone can celebrate with a special meal. This is uncontroversial in many parts of the Islamic world. Not trying to make a debate, just curious as to why and how. Following page lists various days of celebration/mourning/remembrance of Shi'a Muslims. For the 10 days, they fast and do prayers. Oh Allah, bear witness. Day of Arafah: It is also a day of supererogatory fasting. I am responsible and you are responsible, then what do you say?, They (the people) replied, We witness that you have informed, advised, and striven. Eid al-Fitr, (Arabic: "Festival of Breaking Fast") also spelled d al-Fir, also called al-d al-aghr, Turkish Ramazan Bayram ("Ramadan Festival"), first of two canonical festivals of Islam. Keep it and you will not deviate. Eid ul Fitr, which means festival to break the fast, is at the end of the holy month of Ramadan in which Muslims fast for a whole month. Officials and enthusiasts in Muslim majority countries spend the last nights of Ramadanobserving the evening sky in an attempt to sight the new moon and announce the beginning of Eid. Eid al-Mubahila, an Eid for Shia Muslims which marks the success of Muslims in a peaceful debate with the Christians of the time. While Sunnis observe the day on . Celebrate Eid al-Adha with an animal sacrifice, and afterward distribute the meat to your family, neighbors, and the poor. However, in some areas where there is a high population of Muslims, some business may choose to close or open later in the day. Ashura is the tenth day of the first month in the Islamic calendar: Muharram. The first to succeed was Abu Bakr, then Umar ibn Al-Khattab, the third was Othman ibn Affan and then the fourth caliph wasAli ibn Abi Talib. The pond of Khumm is the place where people from different provinces and locations congregated and greeted each other before heading back to their respective towns and cities after performing the pilgrimage of Hajj. Even they don't attend weddings too during the period of Muharram. Gadiri Hum Bayram'n kimler, ne zaman kutlar? Nowruz is based off the solar calendar and has been celebrated before Islam even came to Persia. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. In Egypt, kahk is so beloved that people have renamed the festival Eid al-kahk,meaning celebration of kahk. Unlike other Islamic holidays, Eid al-Fitr is not tied to specific historical events but is a general celebration of fellowship with one's local community. The Diwan of Sunni Endowments also announced on Saturday that Monday will be the first day of the Eid, Iraqi state News Agency (INA) has reported . Huda. The Stages of Hajj, the Islamic Pilgrimage to Mecca (Makkah), Lesson Plans for Eid al Adha, an Islamic Celebration, The Women in the Prophet Muhammad's Family, B.S., Child Development, Oregon State University. It refers to Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Ismael at the site that is now the Ka'bah. According to some scholars on 2nd Rajab or 5th Rajab 16: M: Martyrdom of Zaynab bint Ali: 18: C: Eid al-Ghadeer: 19: R: Fatimah . I mean, I shoudn't really care, Shia don't even celebrate it on the 12th. Shia rites on the day include colourful plays re-enacting the battle's events, with the faithful taking on the role of Hussein and his followers as they took on Umayyad forces loyal to the Caliph . Sweet. 18 th Zilhajj is the great day which the Shias consider as Eid-e-Ghadeer and celebrate by creating an atmosphere of extreme elation. Why are Indian Christians being assaulted for their faith? Once the celebration begins, it may continue for up to three days. Typically, presents are given and people take ritual baths and eat celebratory meals. Here it is understood that the perfection of religion came when the Prophet (pbuh) addressed the Muslims on the day of Arafah, proclaiming the equality of men and women, regardless of race and creed, showing Islam to be a functioning, multicultural society in which Allah (swt) saw people as equals and only gaining more merit than others through their piety. This year, as per the Gregorian calendar, Eid Milad-Un-Nabi will begin on the evening of October 18, 2021, and will end on the evening of October 19, 2021. Known as sadaqah al-fitr or Zakat al-Fitr (charity of fast-breaking), the amount of the alms to be paid was set by the Prophet Muhammad himself, as equal to one measure (sa'a) of grain per person. One of the other reasons why some people celebrate Eid on another day, is because they follow the example of Mecca. Here, Muhammad uttered the famous words, He whose mawla I am, Ali is his mawla.. There are some verses and hadiths that mention the importance of this day. Why are there two Eids? Every year the,Shia Muslims in Iraq celebrate Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha one day after Sunni Muslims observe it. Another article of the penal code states persons who forcibly stop the conduct of rituals of any religion, destroy or damage "permitted places of worship" (a term not defined by the code) where religious rituals are conducted, or destroy or damage any sign or symbol of any religion are subject to imprisonment of three months to one year or . The crescent moon was not. The word Sunn,in Arabic, comesfrom a word meaning "one who follows the traditions of the Prophet.". During the sermon, Muhammad made a declaration in favour of Ali ibn Abi Talib. The greater weighty thing is Allahs book, the Holy Quran. During the entire month of Ramadan, Muslims observe a strict fast and participate in pious activities such as charitable giving and peace-making. Shawwal is the name of the month which follows Ramadan in the Islamic calendar. Since the festival is based on the lunar calendar, the sighting of moon determines the end of Ramadan. Privacy Policy. Every country and every family celebrates Eid differently, but there are some key festivities that are common. Image rights belong to the respective owners. Iranian Muslims dress smartly and attend Eid prayers, Namaz Eid, at local . Eid al Ghadir is named after the event in which Shias believe that Ali ibn Abi Talib, the cousin of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh), [] Many Muslims call the holiday Sweet Eid, and special foods, especially sweet treats, may be served. Ashura. Identify the following practices as being either among or not among the Five Pillars., Some Muslims believe that Ali was . For the visit of the CM we had made arrangements for his visiting the Jwalapur areas.. Deliver what has been sent down to you from your Lord, and if you do not, you have not delivered His message (at all); and Allah will protect you from the people.. Both Sunni and Shia Muslims in Iraq celebrated Eid al-Fitr on the same day in 2016 for the first time in several years. The location was a pool (ghadir) in the valley of Khumm near to the settlement of al-Jahfa on the path between Mecca to Medina. However, the split comes from the interpretation of the wordmawla used in the sermon as the interpretation differs based on the context in which it is being used. This then leads Shia Muslims to the belief that Ali was to become the religious authority and leader after the Holy Prophet, thus making him their Imam (and his sons from the lineage of the Prophet thereafter would also be their Imams, their leaders). Much of the turmoil in the aftermath of the Prophets (pbuh) death was, in fact, due to the dispute from people over his successor. In contrast to this, the Sunni Muslim school of thought understands mawla to mean someone who is loved, or close in blood relation. On the other hand, some Muslims believe that leadership should have stayed within the Prophet'sfamily, among those specifically appointed by him, or among Imams appointed by God Himself. Usually, families will spend Eid visiting other relatives and friends, and takinggifts and food over However, with Covid-19 restrictions still in place, many people will spend Eid alone or with immediate family. Eid al-Fitr has a particular Salat (Islamic prayer) consisting of two Rakats. This leads Shia Muslims to believe, alongside this verse, that Ali is then the correct leader and had it not been for the fact that Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) was to be the final messenger, Ali would have been on the same pedestal and would have been a deputy over all the affairs and duties of the Prophet in his absence, in the same manner that Harun (as) did for his brother Musa (as) when he left to speak to his Lord. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Learn Religions. "Key Differences Between Shia and Sunni Muslims." Learn Religions, Aug. 31, 2021, learnreligions.com/difference-between-shia-and-sunni-muslims-2003755. The Chief Minister Harish Rawat participated in the Eid Namaz held at 10 30 am in Jwalapur Idgah. Along with celebrating the end of a month of blessings and fasting, Eid al-Fitr is a day of charity. It is in areas of the world where Sunni and Shiite populations are in close proximity that conflict can arise. 'feast of the pond') is an Islamic commemorative holiday, and is considered to be among the significant holidays of Shi'ite Muslims. Only England and Wales jurisdiction apply in all legal matters. He had little hairs that stood up, extending from his chest down to his navel, but the rest of his body was almost hairless. 5 Seasons of Revolution: When journalism and activism fail, The Beekeeper of Aleppo: Dramatizing Syrian civil war strife. All the Masjids in the district decorated in their full splendor witnessed the festive occasion, followed by acts of charity. In the case of Shia belief, the word mawla is believed to be linked to the word wali, meaning leader, or religious authority. Finally there is kunafa, the hallmark dessert of the Middle East, which is eaten copiously. Another favourite is qatayef, a fluffy golden brown pancake stuffed with sweet cream and nuts and doused in syrup. On the 18th of Dhul Hijjah, the 10th year after Hijrah, after the first and last Hajj carried out by the Holy Prophet (pbuh), our beloved Prophetaddressed the people in what is widely regarded as the last time in which he spoke to a large congregation of believing men and women. Stemming from theinitial question of political leadership, some aspects of spiritual lifenow differ between the two Muslim groups. This would later come to define the term Shiat Ali (supporters of Ali or Shia Muslims). This holiday is a major holy day in Shia Islam and pilgrimages are held on this day. On the way back to Medina from Mecca, Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) ordered his companions and friends to stop at Ghadir Khumm. The exact pattern and number of segments of the prayer are specific to the branch of Islam, although Eid is the only day in the month of Shawwal during which Muslims are not allowed to fast. All schools of thought in Islam generally agree on the events of this occasion; the fact that it has been recorded by so many historians allows it to attain the status of mutawatir, meaning something which is indisputable or is an undeniable truth. The first Eid celebration is Eid al-Fitr, which lasts three days. The two major sects of Islam, Sunnis and Shias commemorate the occasion on different days in the same month. The country will remain in lockdown until 17 May. It is a time of intense spiritual renewal for those who observe it. Mostly those who are Persian or idolize Persia. Eid in Arabic means feast, festival, holiday. Eid is a worldwide festival and celebration for Muslims. The celebration of Eid al-Adha begins with a special prayer, 'Salat al-Eid', followed by a sermon called a khutbah. It's almost 2 in the morning and I have to stay at work for another hour. Middle East Eye. One of the key elements of Eid is Zakat al fitr,meaning charity of breaking the fast", which must be paid before the end of Ramadan or Eid prayers. For most Muslims its an absolute prohibition Muhammad, or any of the other prophets of Islam, should not be pictured in any way. Editors Note: As with all topics of contention, it is crucial that people are able to approach these matters in a mature and respectful manner. After the revelation of the verse, the Prophet (pbuh) ordered for people leaving the Khumm area to return and for a makeshift pulpit to be installed so that he could be seen and heard by all. The day is observed in the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal which is the third month of the Islamic lunar calendar. The Eid is held on 18 Dhul-Hijjah at the time when the Islamic prophet Muhammad was said to have appointed Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor. So, Eid al-Fitr always takes place 10/1-10/3 of the Hijri calendar. There are two major eids in the Islamic calendar per year Eid al-Fitr earlier in the year and Eid al-Adha later. The greater weighty thing is Allahs book, the Holy Quran. Closing School for the Holidays Whose Holidays? Oh people, Allah is my Lord and I am the lord (leader) of the believers. This report shows how different countries celebrate Eid al-Adha.. Iran. The sermon given was as such: Oh people, Allah the Most Kind the Omniscient has told me that no apostle lives to more than half the age of him who had preceded him. As people have already answered; yes, Nauroze is an Iranian festival, generally celebrated by both Irani Muslims and Parsis, but it is all celebrated by a small fraction of Shia Muslims living in India and Pakistan and alll around the world whereever they are residing , who are called Aga Khanis.
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