9. I knew that we were going to separate schools and all, but I never knew why.1 At this point her innocence was lost and confusion took hold of her. Dana feels obligated to make sure that Kevin continued to fight for abolition and equality even when he was surrounded by a society that promised him total impunity and immense power as a white male. He pushed me back on the pallet, and for a few moments, we lay there, still. By hitting Rufus atop the head in order to yield his disgusting hands from touching me, I have disobeyed my master. What does Dana do while she is waiting to return to the past? Read More. He loved me. Click to see full answer. Dana states: "It was that destructive single . (Butler 286). Yet seeing Tess sold is another harsh reminder that no slave is truly in control of their own life. Rufus tries to make Dana stay in his time period, and fill the spot in his life that Alice left. Genre Discussion & Character Tracking. Why does Rufus use Dana to get to Alice? 8 days. Dana stays faithful to Kevin, both out of love for her husband and careful consideration for the other slaves who would have to pay for Rufuss jealousy. Dana gets Rufus to help sneak her out of the house without being seen. What does the author suggest with the changes in Dana and Kevin they realize when they return to their own time? 8. He tells Lily about his plans is chapter 7 Ive just never heard of a Negro lawyer, thats all. In the novel we see power and corruption dynamics play out in multiple ways between Rufus and Dana. Unlock full access to Course Hero. 1117 FEBRUARY 2023. The Devil dogs, local gang kidnapped them for dating each other of different race and culture. Joe Weylin. What is the connection between Dana and Alice? In one passage she cries and feels pity for herself, and in the following she expresses maternal compassion and care for others. Synopsis. Rufus Weylin - The inconsistent, power-drunk slave owner and the father of one of Dana's ancestors.Rufus rapes and enslaves Alice and attempts to rape and enslave Dana. I am a Negro and Master Hawkins is obviously a white male, making him superior to me. How many years is Kevin left back in the Antebellum south? Accessed 5 Mar. The reader perceives the social division Alices culture generates and the impact this has on relationships in and out of the home, and also in Alices ability to assimilate. Rufus has already shown himself to be untrustworthy, of course. To teach Rufus tolerance. Both Dana and Alice have to become slaves on a plantation, run away for a life of freedom, and tolerate the treatment of Rufus. Carrie again shows great thoughtfulness by telling Margaret that Dana is sick so that Dana has time to process the sale that she just witnessed. She turns. . The central character is an unmarried woman with three children, aged three, four, and five, and Walker depicts her with respect and compassion., Throughout, the main character Sethe nearly loses her identity due to her fixation on her past life in slavery. Rufus, taking the place that Kevin has previously held, shows some mercy by getting Dana back to the house, but he has no concept of compassion for the pain that Dana has just endured. Romiette is African-American girl from Cincinnati, Ohio and she is having nightmare about fire and water. Why does Rufus say he didn't help Dana Contact Kevin? Dana doesnt want to give Rufus the satisfaction of seeing her cry, keeping her emotions private as the last reserve of personal pride through everything she has endured. This further allows Butler to examine what it meant to be a caretaker for white children during this time period. 11. show more content The next time Dana was sent back to save Rufus's life is when he fell off a tree and broke his leg. What you should focus on is why Dana keeps being sent back in time. Does Alice use Dana? Subsequently having a lighting skin tone is more desirable, Henry who more than likely had a darker skin tone than desirable was discriminated by his own slave, Mosses, because the notion of being lighter should mean high social status; It took Mosses more than two weeks to come to understand that someone wasnt fiddling with him and that indeed a black man, two shade darker than himself, owned him (Jones 9). She is given a sickle-like corn knife and told to chop down the stalks. Suddenly, at a time when she is most happy and content, she is pulled by the force of Rufus Weylin into the past to save his life. From yours? This creates another parallel between the lives of Dana and Alice, but more specifically their relationships with white men. The way she believes is people have roles that are set like black women such, novel, Lily learns the stories of the Black Marys past, and it makes her think about the world that she lived in. Be sure to cite evidence from the text to support your Dana states: "It was that destructive single . After the fight, what promise does Rufus make to Dana? Why does Rufus use Dana to get to Alice? When Rufus sells Sam and hits Dana, he takes away any possibility that Dana has control over her own life at the Weylin plantation. Dana states: "It was that destructive single . So Alice and the black man (named Isaac) take off and Dana waits for Rufus to regain consciousness. Whats clear is Tom and Rufus both use guilt when they feel betrayed to lash out in anger, and furthermore to justify it. 1824. To teach Rufus tolerance. Dana resists, but she worries that even if Alice refuses to go to him willingly, he will simply resort to rape. Though she may no longer care about Rufus, Dana still feels a sense of kinship with her fellow slaves. Teachers and parents! Click to see full answer. When Dana saved Rufus in the burning bedroom, she explains to Rufus that when he was younger, she saved him from drowning. The needs and well-being of other residents of the plantation create a web of obligation that is difficult to navigate. Explain. In the past, it was nearly impossible to see a woman wearing pants and a blouse. B.A. answer choices She reads up on the history and prepares a new bag to bring back with her. She is beginning a new marriage with a white man, an unusual relationship in 1976, but even more unacceptable in 1819. She fights for her freedom throughout the book, not caring that her position as a slave requires that she be compliant and invisible. Dana realizes that if Sarah were around in . from Calvin University M.A. Danas comparison of Kevin to Tom and Rufus shows that she is worried that Kevin has adopted the Antebellum way of thinking along with his accent, and will no longer respect her as his equal partner. Why does Rufus use Dana to get to Alice? 8. Dana could kill Rufus, though that would cost the whole plantation to being sold. She narrowly rescues the pills from a small slave girl who was trying to open the bottle, thinking it was candy. Now this might be perceived as an act of kindness or even. Though Dana saves Rufus from many near death experiences and nurses him back to health many times, Rufus still grows into a replica of his father and becomes a man of his time. How would you feel toward Rufus if you were in their situation? In Kindred, by Octavia E. Butler, the main protaganist, Dana, begins her story as an average 26 year old woman that lives in 1976. Where Rufus sees this sale as a simple transfer of property necessary to pay bills, Dana sees how traumatic this moment is for Tess, who has to leave her home, and the other slaves, who have to say goodbye to one of their family. how does rufus use dana to get to aliceis chris herren still married. To Alice, loving a white person will always mean submission and oppression. I could never imagine being acquaintances with him, much less having a child with him! Dana and Rufus have an extremely complex relationship because when Dana travels into the past, she is a slave while Rufus is the plantation master, but she also later finds out that she is biologically related to Rufus. Dana retains significant guilt for both the fact that Alice has to be Rufuss mistress and that Dana has experienced freedom in the present and has a home where she will likely return soon. After she time travels back to the early 1800s, she has to save Rufus from . Within, Romiette start write down the events she is going through in her Journal. Kevins anger at his sense of displacement and unease makes him lash out, as Tom did whenever he didnt get his way. This writing is for herself alone, and a huge symbol of the mental freedom that Dana fights to maintain even when she is a slave. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. He longs to be loved but expects to always get his way, using coercion and violence if he is denied. In both versions, The Crucible and Salem Falls, the audience learns that jealousy blinds decision-making and ultimately leads to discontent; however, since Picoults antagonist atones for her jealousy, audiences are more satisfied with the movies ending. Julio is a Hispanic form Texas but moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. After the party people begin to couple off, and. His desire for power is exploited upon Leona. Yet rather than blaming Rufus for causing all of this pain, Sams sister directs her rage Dana. Sarah comes in with the tea, looking much older, and Dana goes to get the Excedrin from her bag in the attic. Women were usually in dresses or a long skirt that covered their entire body. Not the way he loved Alice, thank God. He also doesn't care about Dana in some points because he punishes her when she doesn't listen to him or do anything he tells her to do. Meanwhile, Rufus seems to see both Alice and Dana as two halves of a wife, with Alice providing the romantic component and Dana supplying the work partnership and companionship. (including. What does, "Paperless blacks were fair game for any white" mean? Rufus tries to comfort himself for the loss of Alice by grabbing hold of Dana. Sell her children. According to the book "Kindred", Dana says "maybe that was why we didn't hate each other. This outburst from Rufus frightens Dana, making her conscious of her concealed knife and how she could use it if need be. Choose a specific incident and determine who holds power over whom; assess how it affects that situation. Rufus says he has nightmares about her leaving him alone to suffer and die. You gotta imagine whats never been. (Kidd). Reaffirming the emotional connection to her husband by having sex is more important to Dana than protecting herself physically. Cultural divide is also apparent to the reader when comparing the expectations of Alices family to those of her classmates. Read an in-depth analysis of Rufus Weylin. In Danas case, giving Rufus some obedience allows her to have some room to teach other slaves to read and hopefully give the next generation the tools to better their lives. Choose a specific incident and determine who holds power over whom . Telling Rufus that one husband is enough is also a subtle warning that Dana does not want to sleep with Rufus. Dana rolls Rufus onto his back and assesses the injuries, deeming them fairly minimal. About how old is Rufus at the beginnning of The Fight? For example in the Chapter II, after having experienced dramatic transformations in size by eating and drinking, she meets the White Rabbit in the hall. Dana finds herself caught in the middle of the relationship between Rufus and Alice. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." Complete your free account to request a guide. Why does Rufus use Dana to get to Alice? 16. Significantly, Dana seems to lose her arm because Rufus keeps hold of her wrist when she transports Rufus abuses Dana on the subject of Kevin, suggesting that maybe Kevin wants to be with "his own kind." She did not see the difference of skin color and believed it was perfectly normal to socialize with whites. Who owns Alice? Rufus and Dana's changing relationship is important because without this relationship Rufus wouldn't have stayed alive long enough to have Dana's ancestor. Rufus uses her to share his feeling. Dana, a modern black woman, is celebrating her twenty-sixth birthday with her new husband, when she is abruptly snatched from her home in present California and transported back to the antebellum South. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. The Fight (9-16) 1. As Rufus believes that Danas modern medical knowledge is magic, he chooses to think that Dana willfully decided not to save his father rather than seeing that the heart attack was beyond Danas control. Why does Rufus use Dana to get to Alice? Choose a specific incident and determine who holds power over whom . how does rufus use dana to get to alice . how does rufus use dana to get to alice how does rufus use dana to get to alice. Think about the contrast between her marriage to Kevin being illegal in the 1800's, and Rufus' actions toward Alice being legal. Which slave is related to Dana? Despite her fondness for Rufus, she thinks she would kill him if he tried to rape her. The needs and well-being of other residents of the plantation create a web of obligation that is difficult to navigate. Rufus said,"I know you, Dana. She is disgusted with herself for helping, but Dana also believes that she will cease to exist if Alice does not begin birthing Rufus's children. She is thus willing to risk the chance that cutting her wrists will actually kill her instead of just sending her to the present. toyota tacoma method wheels; madonna university nursing transfer; monica rutherford maryland; bulk billing psychologists; vero beach police department records Joes light skin gives him a small chance of passing for white, whereas Hagars dark skin means that she will always be treated as a slave. Both searched for freedom and had dedication to help free others. Without that assurance, Dana knows that death would be better than actually living as Rufuss slave. Rufus cuts Dana off from any attention except his own, expressing his love for Dana by trying to own her completely. Being forced on the ship with so many other slaves with broken spirits, Amari feels helpless. Rufus, besides all the advantage he can have over her for the reasons mentioned previously, likes power. The self-confidence that Dana has gained from her education and upbringing in a time where black people are at least assured basic rights gives her some power to stand up to Tom in a way that other slaves are not always able to do. Like white males sleeping with black female slaves. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. After being harshly corrected of her errors by her mother her eyes were opened for the first time to a world with race. Rufus abuses Dana on the subject of Kevin, suggesting that maybe Kevin wants to be with "his own kind." It is simply that the thought of Rufus and I together makes me utterly sick. Choose a specific incident; and determine who holds power over whom and assess how it affects that situation. Why does Rufus use Dana to get to Alice? The concept of identity can be also associated to an adolescents socio-emotional development. The needs and well-being of other residents of the plantation create a web of obligation that is difficult to navigate. Why does Rufus use Dana to get to Alice? Dana seems to be transported back in time to a location that is near Rufus, and every single time Rufus is in grave danger: he is near drowning, he has broken his leg, or he is about to receive a beating that could end his life. Rufus struggles to give his life purpose, showing that living as a slave holder is detrimental to his health as well as causing the suffering of all the people he owns. The slave traders do not care at all about any slaves emotional attachment to their house, friends, or family. Dana sits on a bed and watches a small red-haired boy, who looks like an older version of Rufus, accidentally set fire to the drapes with a burning stick.Realizing the danger of a fire in a wooden house, Dana gathers up the curtains and throws them out the window. Dana always swoops in and saves him in one way or another, so it appears to Rufus that Dana is his guardian angel. In another scene in "The Fight", shows Dana and Alice talking about Kevin and Rufus, where Alice says that Kevin is just like Rufus just because of the color of their skin (Butler 168). What was he waiting for?" If anything, Tom is worried that there will be no one to run the plantation after his own death if Rufus manages to actually get himself killed. The memoir fluidly transitions between a series of themes and ideas, but through these a constant concept is explored; the cultural divide. Why is it important to examine history from different perspectives/ points of view, knowing that we can't change history? Alice also deals with the loss of her children, something that many slave women faced due to high rates of child mortality at the time and the fact that many enslaved women were treated as mere breeders with no regard for their health. Rufus says that if Dana doesn't convince Alice to do this, then he will make the women's lives miserable. He is horrified by her injuries, he demands that . Dana reflects that Rufus loves her because she cares about him. Alice too wants to run away, unable to imagine a future in which white and black people can coexist in equality. Finally, Rufus comes to. The Lord, my body, and my family are the only things I still have to myself in, At the start of the book a nave, young and innocent African American girl lived life almost oblivious to the socially constructed issue of race. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. They can simply be figments of her imagination and constitute a natural response to her confusion about adulthood and growing up. Though Dana understands that Rufus is in pain after his fathers death, that grief does not excuse the immense harm that Rufus has done to Dana and continues to do to the other slaves now that he is the master of the estate. But he wanted me aroundsomeone to talk to, someone who would listen to him and care about what he said, care about it." (page 180) How does the relationship between Dana and Rufus develop? Rufus tries to have power over Dana and Alice who are both black. Menu. He longs to be loved but expects to always get his way, using coercion and violence if he is denied. Why does Dana refuse to leave the house after her first "trip"? Consequently, Rufus knows that Dana is somehow bound to help him, and this gives him a bit of leverage over Dana. Kindred glances at the act of servitude in the American South according to the point of view of an individual of color during the 1970s. Alice wants Dana to keep resisting her life as a slave, even when it is far easier to simply be obedient. The. She runs away numerous times, the first time, losing her husband, Isaac. Often times when a person is forced to outwardly conform while questioning themselves it leads to a struggle between their inner selves and what is expected of them. Because they live on the Weylin plantation, the slaves seem to feel some belonging with the Weylin family. zlatan ibrahimovic parents nationality / corrupt boston police officers / how does rufus use dana to get to alice. Nigel is very loyal to Rufus, having grown up with him and treated him as a friend all his life. Dana has to keep Rufus safe so that he can keep running the Weylin plantation and keep as many of the slaves together as possible. The whip again symbolizes the abuse that slaves faced every day, and the psychological trauma they experienced because of it. The needs and well-being of other residents of the plantation create a web of obligation that is difficult to navigate. In this tale, Alice follows a talking White Rabbit, down the well with the help of pool of tears, and into a garden wherever she encounters a Mad Hatters party, a game of croquet compete with living things, and an endeavor of the Knave of Hearts. Malene's convinced the Presbyterians are behind the shenanigans. From Dana's? I introduce them to the idea of a slave narrative, having them read an excerpt from Frederick Douglass's narrative. Dana helps Rufus see that Joe is worthy of Rufuss attention and even has much in common with his fatheryet Rufus does not seem bothered that his own flesh and blood is still a slave.
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