In 1933 Franklin D. Roosevelt was unable to pay the debt. Phone 251-275-3363 Fax 251-275-3271. Make purchases that will be charged to a Exemption Account (perhaps identified by your social security number or EIN), or. Federal criminal convictions have occurred in several cases. stream However, the facts are clear. Every Birth Certificate within 72 hours of a live-birth is being converted into a "Bond" with a calculated starting amount of money and then traded onto the world Stock Exchange Markets, without the knowledge nor consent of the person named on the Birth Certificate Bond. The whole controversy begin In 1913, when the U.S. created the Federal Reserve Act. W-8? Sure, the system is crooked. I'll do it. In exchange for an initial payment, known as the premium, the insurer promises to pay for loss caused by perils covered under the policy language. and all corporations and sold it to the Federal Government who cashed it into the Federal Reserve treasury and used the money to create a government bond in your straw man legal fiction company . These procedures set up by the government were put in place so that the secured party could reclaim a part of what is rightfully theirs under the U.S. Constitution. Such action is further confirmed in USC Title XII, Title XXVIII, Sec. Could they could pull your Medicare and social security benefits or disability. The bond number has one letter from (A-N) which is followed by eight numbers. Thanks for this information. Even those born on foreign soil are registered with either a certificate of naturalization, citizenship, or some other type of document which gives them authorization to remain in residence in the country. You just need to know where to look. They are all going to hell. good job, the article reaches many I'm certain to state. A CUSIP number will appear which tells you that the bond is on record with a clearing house agency of the federal government most likely the Depository Trust Clearing corporation or one of its subsidiaries. Here are some important points to know concerning the administration and purpose of the TSD! You can not expect to go to the very same people committing the fraud and expect them to give you info. Join us if you can! I have been researching this subject a ling with the right to travel for almost a year now.I have a good idea on all of this.I was shocked and became obsessed with learning it.Why do we need a piece of paper explaining who we are to corperations.Ive found templets and videos online explaining a ucc1 but I wonder if I should contact a lawyer.Probably a bad move.I wish my friends would wake up and stop contracting with entities like DLs and FLS.Great info though makes me want to buy a blacks law dictionary! Social Security bonds will always say this because you cannot collect until maturity, which is retirement or disability. There are some Financial Institutions that do not maintain a TTL account. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on February 10, 2012: It is true. or service provider that isn't going to rip you off. This is done through the Secretary of the Treasury and recorded by the financial institution through the Treasury tax and loan (TTL) account. I have provided as much information that I can, I apreciate your reading and commenting and I wish you the best of luck! there was something i found about our birth certificates being on the stock market. Wow, this is interesting. I've been researching this issue for several years. Press Go. But willingly selling your birth certificate and thus your identity to a potential criminal would be a move which would be both illegal and extremely stupid. When a child is born, a document is prepared which is an authorization to produce a Certificate of Live Birth. Anyhow in order to cancel such contract/contracts (ie ss card rmv anything with your strawman name) you will need to claim your birth right from citizen to sovereign. Also, the "Exemption Account" is a false term; these accounts are fictitious and do not exist in the Treasury system. Related commercial documents have been forwarded to the Secretary of the Treasury. . And to make matters worse, I keep coming across comments from people who seem to only want to get out of debts they voluntarily took on. Than you are your own line of credit. I never heard whether they were successful. Minors cannot be party to a contract. This is documented and authorized through public policy: HJR-192, Title IV, Sec. We are all fighting to survive while they sit back and make money off of us. There are more and more states that are now accepting the UCC financing statement and addendum. The sentence should read, to quote or lookup a bond click here.. Birth Certificate Bond. Read, research, educate yourself. The value of the bond is based on the power of the state to tax the future wealth, and property, of the human being named on the document. Retain both death certificates and a copy of the letters of appointment for the representative. I don't have to repeat it so Ive created a link to your article. Debt is death. Interesting facts and I am fascinated by your article. Every state within the United States has UCC filing offices. Almost every single Financial Institution which is connected to the Federal Reserve System has registered or contracted access to an account with the IRS called a Treasury Tax and Loan account (TTL). If the UCC filing complies with all the stipulations of those rules and procedures, then by law the document needs to be recorded. When a secured party utilizes the Uniform Commercial Code correctly, the field is leveled as it pertains to the degree of commercial transactions. No one has profited from the Treasury Department by using these tactics. In a few weeks, the actual Certificate of Live Birth, which was based on the application, is handed over to and filed in Washington D.C. Reality Bytes (author) from Freeman On The Land United States of America. That is why the revenue is delivered to the government on April fifteenth. In recent times the same serial number of the bond is stamped on the back of a Social Security Card. Thank you! Justin Clark can u hook me up with the guy? 2. Type in the Birth Number on the Birth Certificate, the first three numbers then dash, next 2 #'s then dash and then the final numbers. the registration of a birth under the provisions of the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953 is simply a recording of the event of the birth there is no creation of a bond, stock or trust. This is easily seen by the seizures without due process which occur daily. Stephenson County Sheriff - Law Enforcement Division Address 204 West Exchange . The parent, child, brother, sister, spouse, grandparent, legal guardian or managing conservator of the registrant. tired of debt and statutory laws..learning all i can about redemption .thanx. Instruction 8 - Birth Certificate - For Instructions on the birth certificate to see if they are trading on it go to If you research the Congressional Records of 1933 you will understand how the office of the Secretary of the Treasury is actually in control of the financial office of the Corporation of the United States. try to cash in for simply breathing and you will go to jail. If you file east of the Mississippi, the documents are sent to Cincinnati, Ohio. Just imagine if you do it and all of a sudden you have $9000000000000000 to play with but WHAT HAVE YOU JUST SIGNED AWAY FROM YOURSELF. I am getting ready to do my Trust, Executor Letter, etc here is an excellent website. The Birth Certificate is the primary bond for its value is unlimited and it was created for the benefit of the United States of America where legal title will remain and equitable title stays with the company as collateral to JAMES A WILLIAMS TRUST and James Williams the individual surety to insure that the company pays their obligations (debt . In order to do the process with your birth certificate, you will have to do it with perfection or you can go to jail because the government doesn't like the fact that you're challenging them. TreasuryDirect accounts must be funded by the owner to have value. Gain as much knowledge as you can before attempting this stuff, and do your paper work on your own, don't pay these "gurus" to do it for you. First, you need to fill out an easy application. Never call a lawyer or the policefor anything!!!!!!! Do not do anything without having a complete understanding of the consequences. The UCC deals with secured, vested interest, and/or the possession of the property. If you file west of the Mississippi, they forward them to Fresno, California. There are several counties that have no provisions for the perfecting of the UCC filing under Article 9-333(a) as a Possessory Lien. Getting back to the supposed value of the birth certificate this is the facts as I ascertained them. Reality Bytes (author) from Freeman On The Land United States of America. Instruction 4 - Take the number of the court case, birth certificate o the social security number & red Cusip number on the back of the social security card and place it in the box. Authenticating it must be done first (State & Federal levels). I will not say is name, but when he gets a big Hospital or something, he sends them his information and tells them to collect on his bill. I believe that most people will do nothing to redeem themselves simply because they believe they are better off being property of the state and that being held responsible for a government-created strawman is just fine with them. The STATE/GOVERNMENT are the Trustees. The country became bankrupt and the only thing he had left to sell was the citizens of the United States. are aware of this..there must be some human being out there that has a procedure for the UKPlease forward as this is the only way of bring down the banks-- as they have enslaved many nations through the IMF. TheFrogNewsNetwork. You can get your forms on the . This goes for prosecution by the Department of the Treasury, the Secret Service, the Department of Justice or the IRS. The government states that well over twenty-five million UCC financing statements have already been filed with UCC offices throughout the United States. The reason that this prison we find ourselves in, is actually valid, is because there is a long decided "LAW OF NATIONS", which states roughly, that "he who has the money, must pay the bills". Despite the blockage of information as well as being told false information "We The People" are continuing to gain knowledge and information regardless of being the target of threats and blackmail. All property is considered to be owned by the Corporation of the United States. You were a minor when the original contract (Application) was entered into by your parents. Too bad no one can post info here about Freedomclubusa. These provisions were scattered throughout various legislative acts, joint resolutions and executive orders, many in 1933, as well as in the Congressional Record based on Public Policy HJR-192, codified in Public Law 73-10 and confirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1939. You can do this as my friend did, but remember you lose your drivers license, social security benefits, government benefits, and all other things related to services and have a harder time getting insurance, but with Obamacare you can get that back. The corporation don't have much time to tell every one that they birth certificate is a title and they can sell us, Interesting! The STATE/GOVERNMENT are acting in fraud because they are benefiting from your birth certificate bond/trust. Do not fall victim to their schemes. The bond is sold over and over and over again to investors just like residential and commercial mortgages are, which in turn can be worth a lot of . Thanks for sharing in the spirit of helping to end this mess through knowledge. Will the filing of an uniform commercial code (UCC) financing statement, addendum and/or change statement/amendment include all transactions, civil matters, as well as any criminal activity? I cannot and will not provide legal advice at a personal level. 8 Months and still trying to go true the process. Promissory Notes will do just fine. Hope to learn more from this hub. Creation of Your Estate The Credit-Based Hidden Financial System. Make sure the top two areas say MUTUAL FUND and FUND NUMBER BEFORE You do the search to find out who is trading on the FUND for the Birth Certificate. I am aware of this whole mark of the beast and it is very true. Since the true knowledge of this process is making its way out to the United States population, the number of people filing has incrementally increased. 19.8K followers. Police enforce illegal laws and statues. As "Proof" pointed out, you have provided no evidence for your wild claims while "cherrycrime26" only claims to be revealing a controversial conspiracy theory. Birth . The Savings Bond Calculator WILL: Calculate the value of a paper bond based on the series, denomination, and issue date entered. Than you must file a public affidavit of ownership. The courts have addressed, and determined in specific situations, what can be thought of as a fixture as it is relative to real property under the "Uniform Commercial Code.". If the bond was issued in October, you want to redeem it in either October or April. %PDF-1.3 This money goes straight into their pockets and you go straight back to work. A Savings Bond Calculator is simply a tool that you can use to check the value of any bonds that you do actually have in your possession. Birth certificates are a form of securities called "warehouse receipts." . You have to wonder why so many hate him. Please lmk because I'm very interested. It is a way of life. Comes to find out that everything in this article was true and that we are being used by the government like toys. This means there are funds borrowed against these accounts. An incredible readthanks for the information - I will let you know how it turns out ;). It isn't. Invest in Blacks Law Dictionary. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Since 1933, every birth or naturalization record for every citizen of The United States is filed in the official records in Washington D.C. It becomes part of the public record. R. Haynes, Hamilton's Curse looks like an excellent book, many pages can be viewed on Amazon. Be careful and think for yourselves. Instruction 9 - NEXT Click on the Initialed Trading Company name under SYMBOL. Reality Bytes (author) from Freeman On The Land United States of America. Obama is trying to tell people soething, wakeup. Artcelis like this just make me want to visit your website even more. You are monetized at birth and traded on the stock market. They will be uniform. One shall checkout Dean Clifford's work on you tube; well worth your time class A Misdemeanor because according to the state you are contracting with yourself. If they were so clever to set this up, then why would they leave such a loophole? Do your homework before trying to implement these things. Free your mind and go forth and become a Sovereign sentient being of God, that you were intended to be! The government is utilizing both their name and assets to trade in drugs, crude oil and various other commodities. You in fact suggested this wonderfully. NESARA/GESARA MONEY HAS BEEN DISTRIBUTED TO ALL BANKS WORLD-WIDE. Well i don't know if the controversy is true or not, but if their is any way my birth certificate is worth 1 million dollars, then its worth filling out a UCC-1. I would think that when a ss# is issued a strawman account is created. There was a number on the certified copy of the Certificate of Live Birth given to my mother, but it consists of a five-digit State File No.
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