Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. I would say you need like around400-500h to get from 1 to 300 as an EK using those respwns. Some notes before we begin: As a Knight, you have the highest cap, make use of it. All Rights Reserved. Buy a bright sword or fire axe when you reach level 35. If you'd like some extra cash, this is a prime place to catch botters. The easiest task to do would be Tarantula's in Port Hope. You should also aim to buy promotion as soon as possible. As quickly as you can, get it leveled off Rook and start training. Always make sure, that you have a good weapon for your level. First and foremost, Dawnport will give you a Jagged Sword when you leave. Steel Helmet/Dark Helmet/Strange Helmet (Any, they have the same armor and weight), Plate Armor/Dark Armor (Same armor, Plate is cheaper), Plate Legs/Wereboar Loincloth (Only get Wereboar if Plate is unavailable in the market), Dwarven Shield (500gp from NPC, check the market it may be for sale cheaper), Steel Axe/Orcish Axe (Only get the Orcish Axe if you didn't go Island of Destiny route), Crusader Helmet/Warrior Helmet/Crown Helmet (Crown is worst, Warrior is heavy, Crusader is best), Buckle/Knight Armor/Mooh'tah Plate (Same armor, Mooh'tah is heaviest, Buckle is lightest), Crown Legs/Knight Legs (Same armor, Crown is lighter), Mino Shield/Guardian Shield (Mino Shield is same def as Dragon but much cheaper), Food (I suggest brown mushrooms, you can buy 100 from. -Lvl 8: Scale Armor, Brass Legs, Dwarven Shield, Steel Helmet. Tibia knight guide reddit 2018 The struggles of trying to experience a game, in this case Hollow Knight, on the Nintendo Switch, the perfect console for it. You could eighter take the Armor or the Bow. , which are located on the shore very south of Port Hope. Chakoyas are not hard, so killing them should not be hard either. Wherever you go now, you should always be carrying more than one backpack of health and mana potions. Sell the noble armor and helmet and buy a knight set (or a crown set if you can afford it). adjustable wrench set 80s portrait background altra shoe. If you have skills over 50, you can try going to Dworcs, which are located on the shore very south of Port Hope. Welcome to the slowest and most difficult vocation to level, but by far, the most rewarding. 3.4 Runecloth, Bone Fragments and Crypt Fiend Parts. Therefore, to avoid dying, always remember to bring a lot of health and mana potions and have skills of at least 70/70. The 200,000-400,000 experience/hour is great and you have the chance of looting something rare. Don't forget to upgrade your character to elite status. You can hunt Banuta for example with this set. Privacy Policy. You could go to Edron Dragons if you're skilled enough, or the Ankrahmun Caves. 0. 185-299 Ornate Legs: wear it until level 300+. This will net you 300,000 - 500,000 experience/hour with exori! You can hunt some rats under the sewer if this process gets a little tiring too. Once you start teamhunting the Dwarven Armor would be better than the MPA (but also way more expensive). 1.2.- Al llegar a main (2 isla) ir a la tienda de magia de la respectiva ciudad y comprar Light (utevo lux) y Find Person (exiva). At what level EK can solo otherworld without waste? Also very usable in team hunts if your druid can heal you enough. Lol appreciate the feedback. Also enchanted werewolf amulet is better than foxtail. _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-230305-2']); (Pero con el mismo procedimiento de los pasos 1.6, 1.7 y 1.8) Do not forget to bring health or mana pots, as sometimes there will be lured crypt shamblers or beholders on the run. It also generally includes one of the one-handed or two-handed Soul Set weapons depending if the Knight uses Swords, Axes or Clubs, although the choice of weapon also depends on the Elemental Damage the knight wants to use. It is a good place to do tasks to be able to start a Demon Task at some point. Tibia ML 2017 12:16 by Hotstar Download. tibia knight equipment guide. 50+ Butterfly Ring: only real ring to equip when you aren't hunting or doing anything. You can now go on big team hunts such as Hellspawns. while you are still at Rookgaard, but do not forget to sell them before you leave, as the next location, the Isle of Destiny, willprovideyou with freeequipmentsaccording to thevocationyou choose. Buttttt then Club is the best for rosha solo ek, which is really 2nd best respawn for ek after asuras. which then axe is best at.. but then you have falcon shield which makes sword best defense/dmg .it depends. Best in slot would be a Mage Hat with +4 Mlvl and Mana leech imbued. At level 20, Premium account users should hunt at the, . Start off with the Crocodiles task, and hunt them here. _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', 'none']); Please also note that this is exactly that, a guide. Elite Knight Guide. Before you hunt anything, make sure you offline train to increase your skills. If you dont have the HP to use a 2hand weapon, you would most likely use the Ornate Shield + 1hand weapon (Sword EK's could also use the Shield of Corruption for more damage). 's://ssl':'://www')+''+'/siteopt.js?v=1&utmxkey='+k+'&utmx='+(x?x:'')+'&utmxx='+(xx?xx:'')+'&utmxtime='+new Date().valueOf()+(h? Another place for Free Account players is the. General documentation and help section. The best place to hunt these is just north of Ankrahmun, here. It is usefull to invest into them, since you will use them for the rest of the time. })(); Yeah you're correct. Maybe I can do a guide with sets and their total protections they provide in the future. 19. You should aim to get; It doesn't really matter what combination of these you have, but I would suggest as a minimum you have these. In addition, rings and amulets will be discussed in a future post just because of how expansive the topic is. But if you have one Be my guest. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. More often than not, it pays out more to kill faster. To reach the Laguna Islands, you will need to do the. Ive been using them in asura palace and walls on my ek. Monsters weak to earth elemental damage worth hunting solo with lvl 300+ EK? Those are best in slot. Since 100+5 < 110, there will be no difference in movement speed. You can hunt either in the bear cave, the troll cave, the wolf cave, or the house of monsters underground just north of the bridge. Be careful and discrete when you kill them, and you can make some decent income. The only problem is that ghouls and skeletons do not drop food, so you would have to bring some mushrooms, and that sometimes there are a lot of PKers. 8-20 6h Larvas/Minotaur/Rotworms (Darashia) Same as on level 80, I listed the rewards or the poor sets. Also, do not forget to buy a good weapon and a shield because they are very important too. Just wanted to thank you for the guidance, really useful and practical for a beginner knight. Even though it might be a little difficult and boring to travel there, the exp rate there would sure make the whole trip was rather worth it. We are going to do this task twice, so when you have hunted 300 of them, talk to Grizzly Adams again and get The Snapper task. The exp rate ranges highly, sometimes in the low 5k/h or sometimes even reaching 20k/h. -Lvl 30: Crown Armor, Plate legs, Dragon Shield, Cruzader helmet. 2.5 Lvl 50+: De aqu no les puedo decir ms porque no e llegado a ese lvl xD, Lvl 8: 35+/35+ Buy a shovel and a rope if you do not have one, because you will need them to go to the, or the Venore Rotworm Cave. Don't sell them for less than the NPC value on the market, its better to wait until you have a lot and sell them all at once to the NPC. First thing's first - pick out an awesome new character name for your new knight. 2.4.- Lvl 30-50: Aqu se encuentra el problema de los Knight, Pueden lvl up donde aparezcan Dwarf Soldier y Dwarf Guard, dentro de Kazzordoon sera una buena opcin y/o los principios de POH Mapa donde salen Cyclopes, Mino y otras cosas sencillas pero tienen que tener cuidado con las Giant Spider y la cantidad de moustros que les puede salir a la vez. *Si decidieron usar Club conseguirse estas 3 armas para entrenar: Crowbar, Club y/o Bone Club. Where can traps be used and what else are they useful for? At this level, things become to get fun for your character (except for leveling). Notificarme los nuevos comentarios por correo electrnico. Append content without editing the whole page source. If you are a free account player, Al Dees rats are a good place to hunt too. They can really save lives. Note:We are looking for people to update this guide! This allows you go to the Mainland via The Island of Destiny, which will allow you to take a Steel Axe from the chest in the vocation room. The official website of Tibia is 300+ Falcon Plate: ornate plate is 2003 Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Good solo hunting but it is teamhunts that reveal its real potential. Intro. Nota: Si les salen muchos Mino Archer a la vez les recomiendo que los muevan para que puedan matar 1 por 1 buscarle otra entrada para que les aparezca 1 por 1. When you have the possibility and cash, you should get as good equipment as possible because you will waste less and less while hunting. Crystal boots might be useful at winter courts. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); 120+ Prismatic Armor: 15 armor, 5% physical, +10 movement speed, 1 slot, and very affordable. During this level bracket, you are going to kill mutated humans in Yalahar. Remember, you are only level 9, so hunt only on the surface and the first floor. If you want to get through this level fast, you can either stay at the Orc Fortress (look at levels 35 to 50 section), hunt dragons, or hunt around the Plains of Havoc. dejar las cosas en el dp de la respectiva ciudad y dirigirse a la zona de troll. -Lvl 15: Plate set, Dwarven Shield, Steel helmet. This is not to say Yalahar is bad, but because Yalahar is so diverse, you can practically hunt there at all . Skill calculator - melee 2018-10-05 14:05:17. IfShadowthorn is not the place for you, you can also visit theDark Cathedral. So you want to be a Knight, huh? If you get bored of the place, you can also visitFemurs Hills to hunt goblinsand sell the small stones for money. Elite Knight Guide. And what are they useful for? Paladin: Depending on where you hunt, you can always wear the Prismatic Armor or the Depth Lorica. I'll be covering shields and weapons another time just because I feel like it's a whole different discussion. The strongest creatures there are the Orc Warlords and the Orc boss Warlord Ruzad. 1.10.- Cuando lleguen a los skilles 55/55 pueden empezar a lvl up pero yo les recomendara skill 60/60 con Magic lvl 4 para lvl up sin problemas. A word of warning, Tarantula are quick when they haste, poison you and can hit hard in groups if you get surrounded. 2.2.- Lvl 15-20: Ya para este lvl tendrn buenos skill y les recomiendo Dwarf Cave en donde salgan Dwarf Soldier, y hacer loot bags para aumentar su capital para comprarse un buen set. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); You want to talk to Grizzly Adams, and start the Killing in the Name of Quest. We prefer questions that actually be answered and alternatively backed up with a link. Mage: I would say, that on this level you could start thinking about imbuements like Mana Leech. As a Knight, your duty is to be the first in battle groups to challenge your opponents. Take someone who can Sio with you and go hunt Frost Dragons, Dragon Lords, Nightmares with the use of the Exori spell. Now is the time to upgrade your equipment. 100+ Claw of the Noxious Spawn: more of a gag ring. The holy damage weakness almost doesn't matter. 75+ Grasshopper Legs: if you can hit a speed breakpoint, go for it. Once you are level 20 and promoted, you are going to want to buy some upgrades. You can want to aim to get (In order of preference); I would recommend just focusing on upgrading your equipment, hunting weak creatures (here) and offline training until you have skills of at least 25/25, 30+ would be better. -Lvl 20: Knight Armor, Plate legs, Dwarven shield, Steel Helmet. Also at level 119 and below, you're not really fullboxing anywhere that's dangerous enough. make sure your answer is complete - even if other posts already contain partial answers, when possible, confirm your answer with other trusted sources, like the official website, if you use any materials from other websites, always, take your time to research the problem or question and feel free to ask for clarification in a comment when needed, once your answer is posted, you can still edit it later if you learn more on the topic. uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. Find out what you can do. Nota: No pongo los lvl 8 y9 porque esos los pasarn entrenando. The official You should now hunt at the Mutated Arena in Yalahar where you will have good income a fresh 100,000 experience/hour. Hi! Mount Sternum undead first and second floor is probably the best place in Tibia for knights of level 20 to 35. Buy a shovel and a rope if you do not have one, because you will need them to go to theVenore Swamp Trollsor the Venore Rotworm Cave. Nice to carry around. What is the city of residence of King Tibianus? Hunting Places - Solo Knight. 2.1.- lvl 10-15:Troll de Abdendriel, Carlin, Folda, y/o Femur Hill donde hay Gobling y encontrarn una quest (muy sensilla por cierto). This is a great place to get your next five levels. 80+ Draken Boots: it's steel boots with movement speed. Source:, Join the TibiaQA team as an EXPERT!January 06, 2023, Join the TibiaQA team as a COMMUNITY MANAGER!June 09, 2019. What to do in game after lvl 300 (EK SOLO)? Leveling there should not be too hard, and you can also collect the small stones and sell them for a very good price (about 100 for 1k in my world). Join our Discord channel to stay up-to-date! Knight: You could also use a Dwarven Armor until level 120. Good to walk around with. At 450/450 level plagirath is best for duo spots. Tibia is copyrighted by CipSoft GmbH. If you do not have skillof70/70, it is still okay to hunt there, but it might be a little more tiring and Giant Spiders would be a pain in the back. Apes and Lizards are also good for you're leveled well. You shouldn't, its not a good resp. Tibia and all products related to Tibia are copyrighted by CipSoft GmbH. The topic of training is lengthy and explaining it does not fit this wiki, so if you want in-depth information, see the official wikia. Paladin: If you got the Master Archer Armor from Inq you can also still use that one for 1 by 1 hunts. 8-20 (skills should be progressed to at least 40/40 by now). Be careful, because you may waste too much on Pirates. A common tactic used by players is to lure the dragon to a spot where it can only be killed 1 v 1. If you have any ideas, what I should change or what might be wrong, just let me know and I will adjust it. As a Knight, your duty is to be the first in battle groups to challenge your opponents. I emphasized (No charges) next to the headlines. Technically axe is the best, by far, at level 300 onwards. Copyright 2014. At level 15, you can start hunting atLarva caves,whichis a very good place for exp at this level. A common tactic used by players is to lure the dragon to a spot where it can only be killed 1 v 1. Remember; just keep on repeating this process until your character has at least 60 gp (currency). Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. check out the. Now, take this time to upgrade your equipments and try to make it good. Good hunting spots would be slightly too hard, but easy hunting places would not give enough exp.
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