The knees were completely bare of hair and had callous growths on them. A huge 15-meter-long mysterious sea creature found on an island in the Dead Sea in Indonesia this week (May 10, 2017), and so far no one seems to be sure of the species to which it belongs. DrPhil59 AKA \"The Chemtrail Whisperer\"Amy SimonJonathon SullivanCelybelSandie belloDena PorterGladys G. P Dunaway Julie FloresPeter WilsonCarl RentlemanDonald LococoSOURCES: 1) Giant Sea Spiders Squid Japan: ARE FREE TO MAKE THEIR OWN CONCLUSIONS.LEGAL STUFF:__________________________________________________________________Music: \"Night Break\" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0MUSIC BY Kevin Macleod Ross Burgden \u0026 CO.AG MUSICRoss's youtube: MUSIC:^^^ SUB to these guys! New footage showing a giant, peculiar-looking tentacled sea creature floating languidly in the depths of the Pacific Ocean has left researchers questioning if what they're seeing is a new species. A few months earlier a rare oarfish, about 100-foot length, was found there. This giant sea creatures weighs up to 495kg and can grow up to 15ft in length. Interestingly, his teams discovery came several months after scientists in Spain named two new genera of sea pens: Pseudumbellula. One of the most famous Alma sightings came in 1925, when General Mikhail Topilski was hunting pockets of anti-Soviet resistance holding out in the area. BNO News recently tweeted this footage from Al Jazeera, along with the description: "At least 3,500 sea lions in Peru have recently died of H5N1 bird flu, nearly 5 times as many as previously . Before long, the whole crew had joined Pollock and they just continued to back away from the mass as it advanced toward the front of the aircraft. When Pollock placed his hand inside the mist, it simply vanished from sight. Help Fund Future videos @ At MY PATREON: fund Future Videos: www. 5 GIANT Creatures Caught On Camera! These animals are the largest that exist in the oceans of planet earth.-The giant oarfishWe present you the mos. The Strange Blob of AcapulcoIn this modern day and age, people still believe that giant unidentified monsters still roam variousbodies of water worldwide. Thought to have gone extinct 65 million years ago (along with the mass extinction of dinosaurs), the coelacanth (pronounced SEEL-uh-kanth) was rediscovered in 1938. Scientists believe the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster may trigger genetic mutations in some creatures causing in them a condition called radioactive gigantism, uncontrolled growth. With tentacles over 30-feet long, it's easy to see why they've haunted sailors' dreams. Some say it could be a relative of the infamous Loch Ness monster. (Sea pens reach maturity (opens in new tab) at five or six years of age, and can live for more than a decade.). Its often said that war is hell, but whats hell without at least the occasional demon? A post shared by Boris (@borisao_blois). A CassowaryWhen big birds are the topic of a conversation, ostriches and a certain giant yellow bird from SesameStreet comes to mind. For all the elaborate dragon and werewolf sightings doubtless boring soldiers the world over, sometimes the creepiest supernatural sightings leave plenty to the imagination. They discovered the giant snakeimmediately after setting off a controlled explosion.At 33 feet long and weighing 63 stone, or 462 pounds, its one of the largest anacondas ever seen, deador alive.After making the frightening discovery, the workers chained the animal to a crane and later lifted it upto reveal its yellow spotted under belly - a move which was criticized in the comments when the clip wasuploaded to YouTube.People say the builders killed the snake rather than leave it in its natural habitat but this has not beenconfirmed. Interestingly, Captain Newhouse seems to have been a real soldier, but otherwise the story falls apart quite quickly. The whole office is decorated in the Ocean/Island/Surfing theme with sea creatures. With tentacles extending 16 inches (40 centimeters) from a nearly 7-foot-long (2 meters) stalk, and a single feeding polyp with barbed tentacles cupping the polyp like spiky petals, the creature resembled a very strange, free-swimming flower that was roughly the size of the ROV. According to McKinnon, he was trekking through the Malaysian state of Sabah when: I stopped dead, amazed at what I saw. The about section of the channel reads, "I am the imagination of a man with the desire to make stories, with the weapon of animation in his hands." Yosuke Tanaka, 41, encountered the 8-foot-long squid while . Or was this video uploaded at around thesame time as the construction of a dinosaur attraction in the Jacksonville Zoo and was done to promotethe thing? "From time to time, we come across something that we never expected to see, and those are often the most powerful observations," he told Live Science. Watch The Video of an Amazing Minivan-sized Sea Creature Caught on Tape In Hawaii, Animal Human Sex: 9 Most Dirty Cases That Go to Court, Train a Dog to Walk Through Legs in 4 Simple Steps, Train a Dog to Do High Five in 5 Simple Steps, 10 Most Recent Treasures Found Around the World #2, 12 Benefits of Hemp Calming Treats for Your Dog Health, Black Ant Extract Benefits Few Know about, 10 Most Recent Treasures Found Around the World # 1, George Lucas Regrets for Saying I Sold Star Wars to White Slavers, United States Prepares Sanctions against Iran. 3.Giant Whale Shark Hauled by Cranes, Karachi, Pakistan Please click here to watch the raw footage of the video. Not content with their own Loch Ness, the Russians also have their own Bigfoot-like creature. Located around 400 kilometers (250 mi) south of Moscow, Lake Brosno is a moderately sized (but surprisingly deep) body of water with a big reputation. 2. Oddly, Starkey doesnt seem to have called anyone else to take a look at the terrifying monster lurking near the boat, leaving his story uncorroborated. It has been a while since the pictures of the carcass a monstrous sea creature being circulated on the internet. If youre ever looking to find one of these, they make their homes near the rocky parts of low tide zones. The monster has four paws, a tail, long fur and a big, fat, corpulent body. To know more, see our, CGI video of giant sea creature passed off as real monster caught on camera. The sinking would be all but forgotten today if not for an article the U-28s captain, Baron von Forstner, wrote for a German newspaper in 1933. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Known as the Almas, these short, ape-like men supposedly inhabit Central Asias rugged Pamir Mountains. A creepy video captured during a research dive off the coast of Florida shows a deep-sea creature feasting on the head of a fish. Discover the 7 Biggest and Most Mysterious Creatures caught on tape. Regardless of the new creatures discovered, scientists are always interested in conducting some study to shed more light to the public. The word kaiju can also refer to the giant monsters themselves, which are usually depicted attacking major cities and battling either the military or other monsters. University of Mainz anthropolgist Matthias Burgard subsequently collected several other stories from US servicemen who said they had seen strange animals or odd movements deep in the woods. The Man-of-War is an interesting species that have tentacles that can grow to be about 8 feet but in some cases, there have been findings of these creatures with tentacles as long as 165 feet. . 1 Guitar Hero: Mikau (The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask) The Zora is a race from The Legend of Zelda series that is more human-like than many other video game aquatic creatures, having their own domain and way of life. Now here's a creature that might give you a fright! The find paid off. Very soon the battle will be here on YouTube my people.". The 'thrilling discovery' occurred at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Its very confusing, stated John Palminteri. TIMESTAMPS: The Giant Clam 1:37The Giant Spider Crab 2:41The Great White Shark 3:45The Whale Shark 4:52The Fin Whale 5:49The Lions Mane Jellyfish 6:39The Blue Whale 7:53Music: - Giant Clams are the largest mollusks in the world. The Blue Whale is the biggest animal on earth known to man on both land and sea. Welcome to our latest video on sea creatures size comparison! This proved that the channel was dedicated to fictional and CGI animated videos. And of course, peoplethe Internet think it\u0026#39;s a \u0026quot;terrifying monster.\u0026quot;Whatever it is, the creature appears to have died shortly before beachgoers discovered it. With an average 29-foot wingspan, giant manta rays are the world's largest ray species. I knew that no animal we know about could make those tracks. #oman #oarfish #Chile #seacreatureFishermen found the deepwater creature, also known as 'king of the Herrings', and took it back to the shore where curious r. Fishermen Catch Terrifying Giant 16ft-Long Sea Creature Believed To Be Sign Of Pending Disaster. I dont know whats more terrifying; the fact that those legs end in sharpclaws, or the noise that it makes when it lunges forward.Despite their ferocious reputation, some people do keep them as pets, and as expected, there arereports of one of these birds fatally attacking its owner. What did sea serpents symbolise? to the joy of deeper-dwelling snackers like sea cucumbers, according to a 2017 video from MBARI. According to our research, the source of the discovery is from a Chinese news. 2023 Cable News Network. In the video (via CNET ), the massive creature is seen in the vicinity of the wreck of the Pella at a depth of nearly 2800 feet. Here's how to watch. Then he and the planes engineer decided to step inside the strange fog, finding that it completely blocked their vision, as if no light could penetrate it. It is reported that the giant snake has killed 257 human beings and 2325 animals before getting killed. Pollock said he couldnt even feel it. Their large pectoral fins stretch to an unbelievable 30 feet across which is about four-and-a-half times wide as Michael Jordan is tall. Stunning gem-covered gold earrings discovered in 800-year-old hoard in Germany, 'Unreal' auroras cover Earth in stunning photo taken by NASA astronaut, 'Runaway' black hole the size of 20 million suns found speeding through space with a trail of newborn stars behind it, Jurassic Worlds bizarre, scythe-clawed dinosaur couldn't have been a slasher, study confirms. As for now, scientists are still baffled by the mystery of the strange ugly sea monster cast ashore on a remote beach in Guinea. In 2002, a Russian UFO group organized an expedition to take sonar readings of the lake, reporting a huge jelly-like mass lying just above the lakebed. Or maybe some Brosnya sightings are just wet elk swimming across the lake. Watch This Giant, Eerie, String-Like Sea Creature Hunt for Food in the Indian Ocean. -The whale sharks (Rhincodon typus)Its 30 feet in length and almost 19 tons make this creature as the biggest fish in the ocean. It can eat up to 2000 kg of krill each day with ease! Discover the Top 10 Bizarre Deep-Sea Creatures You Won't Believe Exist. The kaiju genre is a subgenre of tokusatsu entertainment.. Why prehistoric animals had the tendency to grow to humungousproportions, I dont know, but these giants died down long ago. Ocean sunfish eat most zooplankton and jellyfish and often weigh up to 5,070 pounds! But the discovery of giant squid in the depths of the ocean has led some to speculate that there might be some truth in the occasional sighting of truly enormous cephalopods. They are one of the most intelligent creates in the world, can even solve mazes, open jars, and play with human objects. At one point, that apparently involved faking a vampire attack. The camera was so shaky; we cant reallysee if the thing was moving.So, did they really capture a giant dinosaur in Jacksonville? Intrigued, Topilski decided to investigate and soon found an unusual dead body. According to Newhouse, Allied soldiers in the trenches at Mons had found themselves hunted by a terrifying beast. How fun! i. Given the advanced state of decomposition and the size of the beast, it is difficult to tell which type of animal it is. To following PATREON supporters who have contributed and met the \"required tier\" to get their name in the video description. The incident began in October 2014 when a friend of the Villalba family posted images of a baby goat on social media. Videos and photos of people gathering to see the humongous fish have gone viral. Everyone was having a lovely time until a huge reptilian monster suddenly lunged out of the water and began attacking both men and horses. If you wanna find the true giants of this planet, youll need to head into the ocean. Make sure to subscribe and never miss a single video!#viralstory #amazingpeople #top5best10 Giant Creatures Caught on CameraThe earth was a land of giants. As the years passed, PMEL researchers continued to deploy hydrophones ever closer to Antarctica in an ongoing effort to study the sounds of sea floor volcanoes and earthquakes. They can grow around 4 feet in length and weigh more than 440 pounds.- The giant spider crab lives in the waters near Japan. The legend started with a short story by the horror writer Arthur Machen, which appeared in the London Evening News in 1914. A group of fishermen spotted the giant shark floating unconscious in the sea, about 140km offshore. Surf Researcher is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, & When it comes to sea creatures, the Zora from Majora's Mask are the best fit, residing on the Great Bay Coast. In December 2014, while John Palminteri, a KEYT Senior Reporter, was walking on a Santa Barbara beach, he stumbled upon the carcass of a mysterious and creepy creature washed up on Santa Barbara Beach. Unlike many other whale species, these whales have teeth as opposed to bristles, making them the largest toothed animal to roam the sea. As Machen later wrote, the snowball of rumour that was then set rolling has been rolling ever since, growing bigger and bigger, till it is now swollen to a monstrous size.. One day, someone captured video of Joel greeting his stingray friend. When you think of the fact that the Earth is almost 71% water, it would be safe to guess that there are some creatures living there that we don't know much about. Highly understandable because,if you didnt already know, these giant reptiles have been extinct for millions of years. Taking this as a clue, we ran a keyword search and found a YouTube channel with the same username. This vertebrate creature has a length of 26 feet and a weight of 440 pounds.-Lions mane jelly (Cyanea capillata)This is the biggest jellyfish in the world, its appearance is really impressive. You decide. Yeskes is actually a quite rare name in England, although its much more common in Canada and America, suggesting that F.J. Newhouse probably made the whole thing up. Sea is indeed a frightening place with numerous giant creatures. Creed III. But, there are still giants roaming theplanet today, most of which are commonly known, some quite bizarre. The German town of Wittlich is home to a strange legendwhich might not be a legend at all, if US soldiers stationed in the area are to be believed. 4 A Kraken. Before humans encountered deep-sea giants, they found them near the South . Did you encounter any technical issues? An underwater robot helped give us a glimpse at some of these mind-boggling animals. Why are there so many giants in the deep sea? 1.Mysterious Sea Monster on a Guinea Beach. Hear his response, See why 'Dilbert' comic strips got dropped from US newspapers, Maher: 'It's not wrong' to have debate about transgender issues, Hit horror film is inspired by real events. The giant squid swims among seaweed near the surface of the Sea of Japan. But, what many people don't know is that the largest creatures to have ever roamed our Earth live in the ocean. The blast threw a mysterious sea creature clear out of the water. An average blue whale can weigh up to 441,000 pounds with hearts the size of an automobile. It has a dark gray skin color covered by horizontal lines and dots that look like a chest table.-The basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus)This is the second biggest fishes in the world, measuring 32 feet in length reaching up to 4 tons max. That concludes our list of the largest but if you would like to see the most scary things under the sea then check out ourmost dangerous sea creatureguide as well as oursea monsters page. 7) Giant Squid: source: Giant squids are deep-sea dwellers that belong to the Architeuthidae family. There are loads of giant (and not-so-giant) sea monsters populating the movies, from the giant octopus of It Came from Beneath the Sea to more recent creatures like those in, say, Mega Shark versus Giant Octopus. New York, In general the hair was very thick, without any under fur. During the invasion of Sicily, Maskelyne claimed to have created a device which was little more than a gigantic scarecrow, about 12 feet high and able to stagger forward under its own power and emit frightful flashes and bangs. It definitely had teeth and I would never want to encounter it in a dark creek path. Although no one has an exact explanation, Paul Collins, Curator of Vertebrate Zoology at the Santa Barbara Natural History Museum, said the creature was a badger with short feet, claws, narrow snout, and two protruding cheeks. Terrible howls echoed across the landscape and soldiers reported seeing strange movements beyond the barbed wire. Unlike many of the shark species, these sharks are the gentle giants of the bunch, feeding on mostly plankton, fish eggs, and larvae. McKinnons Malay boatman told him that the tracks belonged to the forest people or Batatut, but McKinnon apparently preferred not to investigate further: I was uneasy when I found them, and I didnt want to follow them and find out what was at the end of the trail. It is a mythological creature, and a legendary beast said to dwell in the deepest parts of the oceans and the seas. The Great White Shark is also an apex predator as well with little-known predators other than the Killer Whale. 5 Best is the #1 place for all your heart warming stories about amazing people that will inspire you everyday. The beast then disappeared into the forest. Giant lizard climbs up a power pole in Thailand and the unexpected ending. The Colossal Squid. :]SUPPORT MY WORK AT PATREON:Please support my work on Patreon because I need your help keep making new videos. According to Lansdales memoirs, a Huk squadron was dug in on a hill and local troops had been unable to dislodge them. At its simplest, it's an ancient sea scorpion that lived nearly 400 million years ago. Screengrab of T-Style . The blue whale is not only the largest creature in the ocean, but it's also the largest creature on Earth. Colonel Remy Van Lierde was a Belgian pilot who became well-known for his heroic exploits during World War II. This is the biggest Anaconda ever found in the world. According to two anonymous accounts collected by the University of Pittsburgh, military policemen investigating a perimeter alarm stumbled upon a dog-like animal, which stood up on its hind legs and looked at them. This thing scared several Italian Sicilian villages appearing in the dawn thumping its deafening way down their streets with great electric blue sparks jumping from it, and the inhabitants, who were mostly illiterate peasants, simply took to their heels to the next village, swearing that the devil was marching ahead of the invading British. In both cases, cunning Western intelligence officers pulled off amazing scams, although whether they fooled illiterate locals or the literate book-buying public remains up for debate. Its been named the greyhound of the seas because of its thin complexion. Scientists say that they are directdescendants of the dreaded Velociraptors, and their ferocious reputation shows this relation. Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much We would always send that dogs handler to meet the new guys., In 1919, a number of Oklahoman newspapers published a terrifying story from a Canadian World War I veteran named Captain F.J. Newhouse. Giant oarfish, bermuda beach. They got curious and got closer; they realized how big the fish was. The sharks carcass weights eight tons, which obliged the fishermen to use at first two cranes in order to be able to pull the monster fish out of the water. It is said to resemble a giant snake, and in the past, many people have mistaken animals like whales, sea lions, and sharks for sea serpents. It was spotted July 7 at 9,823 feet (2,994 m) below the surface near a previously unexplored seamount north of Johnston Atoll, an unincorporated U.S. territory and a National Wildlife Refuge in the Pacific Ocean west of Hawaii. Roaming the ocean floors 500 million years ago, the Titanokorys gainesi is roughly 1.6 feet a massive . Of course, we only have Lansdales word for any of this, so draw your own conclusions. The post has been widely shared on social media and has created rumors and misinformation. Map of Iceland. But some mysterious creatures defy explanation. The worlds largest bony fish award goes to the giant Oarfish, which many people refer to as the dragon of the sea or the sea serpent. 1.Mysterious Sea Monster on a Guinea Beach 291 Lt xem. The coelacanth is predicted to belong to a lineage that has been around for 360 million years and it is a fish unlike many others. She covers several science topics from planet Earth to paleontology and archaeology to health and culture. Thats the length of two school buses! Image Credit: The color of the face was dark, and the creature had neither beard nor mustache. I thought it was about time to take a look at what kind of Giant creatures are lurking out there in the deep sea and the ocean. With a full radius spread of about 32 feet and a weight of over 600 pounds, the Giant Pacific Octopus grows bigger and lives longer than any other octopus species in the world, Image Credit: measures 26 feet in length and reaches up to 5.5 tons. The Sperm Whale is the largest toothed whale at around 80-feet long. Hence, the claim is false. Midgard Serpent, also known as the World Serpent and Jrmungandr is a giant mythical sea creature from Norse mythology. We checked the YouTube page and found multiple videos of strange fictional creatures. 10 Scary Sea Life Creatures That Will Give You Fear Of The Ocean. The stingray stays still, letting Joel pet him. The whale shark is the biggest shark in the world at 60 feet in length. 2.Dead Goat Born with a Head like a Human Baby An even more unlikely fake monster story comes from World War II, when the British recruited a stage magician named Jasper Maskelyne (pictured above on the far right) to bamboozle the Germans with elaborate camouflage and deceptions. One of the most dramatic kraken encounters came during World War II, when a British trawler was moored off the Maldives. However, not only are giant manta rays MASSIVE, but they also have the largest brain of any ocean creature. Still, Van Lierde stuck to his guns, insisting that the monster was a true giant and could easily have eaten up a man if it had wanted to. Sadly, the creature quickly vanished and the 101st Airborne Division lost out on a potentially amazing new mascot. 2. The Iberian tried to flee, but U-28 pursued, firing shells and torpedoes.
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