Aichmophobia Fear of needles or pointed objects. Lockiophobia Fear of childbirth. It may be a phobia if it is unrealistic. The model and reality star revealed on her website that she's terrified of anything with small holes: honeycomb and mousse included. I feel like I am not in a bright or open environment, even in blazing sunshine, if the rooms are divided off. Is there a fear of being without someone you know in a public place? Thanks, Sounds likea fear, but it depends on the intensity of the feeling and what happens to these feelings if you were to ignore them. Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia Fear of hell. Is their any phobia involving holding onto things you did wrong??? Does anyone else here have that too? While this could be a phobia, you may want to check with someone and see if you have some OCD or obsessive traits. Agateophobia Fear of insanity. i have a fear of loud women. You may want to work with a professional on this if it becomes intense, Hey there! A phobia is an anxiety disorder involving excessive and persistent fear of a situation or object. Symmetrophobia Fear of symmetry. It is not uncommon for some tp fear being in certain places without a friend or someone they know. Helminthophobia Fear of being infested with worms. The designer of the Eiffel Tower, Gustave Eiffel was allegedly afraid of heights. Its not exactly a fear of conflict, but rather if somebody approaches me with a problem I just sit there and take it and dont say anything because Im freaking out and dont know what to say. Tuberculophobia Fear of tuberculosis. like being full (from eating) or being pregnant? Liam ' s One Direction bandmate Niall Horan apparently has a fear of pigeons when too many are flying overhead. Emetophobia Fear of vomiting. I dont know if its considered as a phobia or a trauma Is there a fear of not using things up? I do not know what the phobia name for this is. I seem to be getting the feeling a lot lately, its like someone is behind me, watching me but I dont want to turn around because opinion scared of what might be there. Philophobia Fear of falling in love or being in love.. Like fear of germs is usually OCD, fear of people is Social Anxiety. Ailurophobia Fear of cats. Look up the Greek or Latin word (or words) for your phobia and you are half way there, Genophobia or erotophobia is the fear of sexual intimacy. Gum's final insult would be forcing you to listen to the doctors speculating on the nature of the eye-fucking that caused it. Reportedly in his High School Musical days, Zac Efron had a fear of stripping in front of an audience With a bod like that we find this impossible to believe. I could never talk to them, not even DM them on Instagram without having a panic attack. You know we're pretty sure there's evil on top of the surface, too, Johnny. Our neurology can create fears to virtually any idea, so is this possible yes. Christina Ricci seems to have many fears and the fear of indoor houseplants is one of them. Just like layers of makeup cover up their age spots and wrinkles, a false bravado helps cover up their insecurities. Kleptophobia- Fear of stealing. Orthophobia Fear of property. Its not a phobia, its called sensory processing disorder. Xenophobia Fear of strangers or foreigners. Go on, it'll totes impress your friends. Britney, I am going to guess there are some trust issues you have with dealing with the unexpected. Phobias are listed on this page alphabetically by their medical or scientific label. Stars like Americas current sweetheart Jennifer Aniston as well as Tony Curtis (who supposedly turned to hypnosis to cure it), John Madden, Muhammad Ali, Cher and Johnny Cash have all admitted to the extreme fear of flying. Of course another part is not being able to effectively deal with lose. Ive been dealing with someone giving romantic advances and I am not able to handle this affection. Some people with acrophobia fear significant heights such as a tall bridge while others also fear shorter heights such as being on a ladder. I use forget everything so quickly the things like the dress i wear or the people whom I met a day before, the thing is that i don`t even notice the things around me. Albuminurophobia Fear of kidney disease. Entomophobia is the fear of bugs, but that will not cover your situation completely. What should I do, I think you may want to get checked for OCD. When like I forget something so obvious or lose track of intelligent conversation or I fail a simple(thats how I see afterwards) test, I feel this discomfort on my chest. Women are more likely to experience phobias than men. Drinking out of glass, cup or bottle the thought of the glass touching my lips makes my skin crawl. Its coming down!, she continued. There is just something about the painted faces, layers of makeup and creepy artificial smile that scares the heck out of people. Michael Jordan is known to be terrified of the ocean (ever since he witnessed the death of his childhood friend). If she does think this is a problem, then I would get her to see a counselor. Coprophobia Fear of feces. Other famous people who had cat phobia: Genghis Khan, William Shakespeare, Louis XIV, Isadora Duncan and Adolf Hitler. Do not know what it is called though. This is more a mechanism of how our nervous system processes mental and emotional information rather than a specific subject matter. Im now 14 and its gotten worse. Megan Fox of Transformers hates anything to do with paper, especially the sound of paper tearing, or erasing words on paper etc. Dana, not all fears are phobias. Apparently Adele's phobia of seagulls all started when she was 9 years old. Prosophobia Fear of progress. Mud Phobia is the phobia (fear) of mud. Doraphobia Fear of fur or skins of animals. Topophobia Fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright. In a relatively safe world, the part of our brain that alerts us to danger just seems to get bored sometimes. The beef cake actor says eating bugs and all sorts of other 'gross' foods whilst travelling never caused a threat, however nudity was once a issue for him. Vegas. I thought it was going to take me away with it.". Is there a fear of everyone leaving and forgetting about you? Nosocomephobia Fear of hospitals. They are OK with regular shirt sleeves, not not heavier coat sleeves. Malaxophobia Fear of love play. Finding out that plants have become sentient and attacked humanity, and knowing that no one will ever believe you. Testophobia Fear of taking tests. It doesnt make it better that people are always demanding an answer out of me, like I dont have it. The main symptom of acrophobia is feeling intense anxiety and fear of heights. Kakorrhaphiophobia Fear of failure or defeat. Panthophobia Fear of suffering and disease. Ithyphallophobia Fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis. whenever people try to take care or look after me I get uncomfortable and feel like I should be the one taking care of them. I also really dont like toes, the same reason as fingers. People like to throw labels on things and the label of phobia often become a catch all for larger and more complicated concerns. Not Large Objects. I dont know anyone who deals with this. ? Phalacrophobia Fear of becoming bald. My word of advice to anyone who may have it- please make sure you seek help. A phobia is an overwhelming or debilitating fear, usually of something that poses no real danger at all. Its not that I feel unworthy, though. Pathophobia Fear of disease. EMDR beyond PTSD: A systematic literature review. A growing number of people are reporting a fear of holes. If she doesnt, there is little to say about it. It is also called Bambakophobia where Bambaki stands for cotton in Greek while phobos means deep dread or fear. Mnemophobia Fear of memories. Is there a fear of looking at close up pictures of germs or bacteria? Vote up the weirdest celebrity phobias below and learn something new about these famous actors, singers, and personalities. We risk being the first people in history to have been able to make their illusions so vivid, so persuasive, so realistic that we can . so, is there a name for the irrational fear of being taken care of? It all began when the rap diva had to take an escalator for a photo op. Celebrities are adept at covering up their insecurities and fears. If this is a big problem for her, she should see a professional. I suppose this could be related to clausterophobia, but I have a very hard times with rooms. Psychophobia Fear of mind. Ive a couple fears: Can you please tell me if there is a phobia name for being sticky? 'Normal' people might laugh at those who are afraid of cotton balls. Because the nervous system can associate fears to anything (real or made up) it would not be possible to have all fears, because many are unique to a very small group of people. It is very uncomfortable. I dont think its on the list so Im hoping you can help me figure out what it is. As in there not being free will. A fear of driving includes a general phobia of driving, as well as specific conditions, like driving at high speeds, changing lanes, merging, driving at night, or . Since people can fear just about anything the mind can conceive, not all specific fears are named and they do not need to be. But sitting on a hotel balcony in San Diego in 1978, she witnessed a mid-air collision so terrifying it grounded her for the next thirty years. If you are looking for a specific fear (fear of spiders, fear of animals, etc), go to the list of phobias by category, Listings underlinedmay indicate other more serious anxiety disorders such as OCD. The thought of God forbid a bone breaking nauseates me and I cant even eat food off the bone. Once you become better at noticing these thoughts, you can then work on replacing them with more positive, helpful thoughts. Some phobias may also indicate self esteem issues, PTSD or forms of abuse. I have been searching for it and I cannot find it. right okay so last night I had the SCARIEST dream of my life. If they only happen once in a great while, great, you may choose to just live with it. Your job is to live your life and if you stay overly attached to how could behave in the future, you will end up living his life and not yours Oprah Winfrey's chewing gum phobia stems from childhood trauma. Do you feel you are lovable? Because if there are, Id like to know because I have those phobias. It doesnt matter stranger or my own children. Some factors that increase the risk of developing a phobia include: Some phobias are more common, while others are often quite rare. Agyrophobia Fear of streets or crossing the street. The celebrity is a person well known for his well-knownness. A reason some people don't like being in a moving car, this phobia is concerned with the possible danger on the road. So all it would take is a fall on any city street resulting in eye/gum contact for terminal eye gonorrhea to take hold. If it does pose some danger, the person's response is usually out of proportion to the. Those were the only cracks that actually made me uncomfortable. Hello! We talk usually . Whats the fear of things getting too loud to fast? Ive been searching through it over the net, but I cant find one. When i went closer to it. 6.Auguste Renoir. This may sound weird, but as of yesterday, Ive had a kind of pain in my eyes when thinking about bathtub faucets. However, things got progressively worse for J.Law and her phobia as it was later revealed that she once tried to jump out of an Air France plane because of her extreme claustrophobia. And slightly afraid of this with strangers? Front Psychol. Illyngophobia Fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down. Thanks, Marc Ive looked everywhere but cant find it.
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