Or if any of that actually matters. The court generally issues all of its decisions by the end of June before going on a summer break. I was also wondering, why shouldn't have JS hanged up on HS? : right. The poet asks the wind to come softly. Soo lies(?) The connections to ghosts of the past are sure to leave each reader full of wonder. =), We actually see the flowers Hee-sun talked about on the table, so they were for our Soo. Back with Jin-sung, we see Moo-chuls minion helping him out in revealing Boss Mans plan to screw him over, since the money he borrowed for the game came from the devil himself. Anne and Thomas spend a lot of time together and fall in love. I've watched it happen in quite a few dramas. Good play, Soo. 'The Wind' is a slow-burn horror-mystery based in the Wild West. I didn't think about it that way when watching the final scene so i believed they both died. Spencer and Alex have been through so much in their journey from Kenya to (what appears to be) Marseille: lions, venal British colonists . The reverend also gives Lizzy the little book titled Demons of the Prairie, which is proved to be an ominous artifact as both Emma and Lizzy are seen with it when they are being tormented. At times, I couldn't understand OY and I found her irritating sometimes. I've caught myself saying, "WHAT??? Then that means shes still the same old Young, still capable of putting those around her through unspeakable misery because she cant see past herself and her feelings. Soon after the funeral, Lizzys husband Isaac, along with Gideon, leaves to get supplies for the winter and report the deaths, saying he will be back in a few days. : Cherry blossom petals rain down as they kiss in soft-focus surroundings. Over the years, the two have traveled extensively, sometimes for Anne to do research for her current book. Sorry, there was a problem loading this page. Netflix's latest crime drama, The Woods, based on a novel by Harlan Coben, is a twisty turny tale which sees a horrible crime and a mysterious disappearance resurface 25 years later. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { While she was in the taxi she felt the wind rushing throught the trees, thats why she told the taxi driver to stop the car, she wanted to walk because she wanted to feel the breeze. I hate unreasonable story, because it messes my head. Amy explained in the most beautiful narrative about the heartbreaking decisions many of these people had to make. The Reverend tries to give her a Bible, and when she shows him that she already has one, he then proffers the "Demons of the Prairie" pamphlet and says, "You can never be too prepared. Flowers were for the grave. (futile question, I know)." It will probably take how many months before the eyesight will go back to normal condition. Gideon is timid and ineffectual, while Emma soon begins to claim that she is being haunted by some kind of unseen entity that inhabits the scrubland that stretches out all around them. The ending just seemed so fanservice (and I know I have already said that, however, that feeling kept staying with me). We find Lawyer Jang, Secretary Wang, and even Myung-ho with Young and the kids from the visually-impaired center on an outing, where all the guardians have to wear blindfolds in order to experience a day in the life of the blind. . :(. The physical dangers were numerous, but in the 2018 horror film "The Wind" (which was added to Netflix in June), it's the psychological terrors that take focus. It always took some time with him. The beginning was wonderful, but it definitely lost steam and direction toward the end. heads, i remember u commenting on SHK casted in a melodrama (TWTWB) which makes me think u don't like her acting abilities? My biggest gripe is the directing of this show. But the wind throws the books and tears the pages. Blurry. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); This is so poetic, lyrical, heart warming, exciting journey starts with the mythical story of Niamh and Oisin, continues with time changing moments of Irish Revolution and were catching glimpses from Michael Collins life story and his fight for freedom and finally witnessing an unconditional, timeless , amazing love story of Anne and Thomas. The lough on which the story starts and ends, the heavy fog hovering above , the boat transitioning Anne from the present to the past ,allowing her to meet her grandfather as a child, the uncanny resemblance to her great-grandmother which lets her feign motherhood and act as the mother's boy, the attempted murder committed by some shadowy and mean character , whose motives and identity are revealed only at the end, and the historical background in which the bloody struggle between the insurgent Irish and the ruling Brits takes place ,only to be followed by the internecine battle between the two Irish factions concerning the treaty with England, READ, ABSORB, READ AGAIN & NEVER PUT THIS BEAUTIFUL NOVEL DOWN , Reviewed in the United States on September 29, 2019. and the kiss at the beginning is (for me) the best kiss of this year in dramaland! Thank you so much, Heads, for verbalizing all of my frustration and crankiness over the ending of this show, especially the illogical, disjointed mess of the final episode. Too many very explicit sex scenes without enough justification. These 2 things really disappointed me, there were definetely some things who could have been done better, but on the other hand, im sure not many directors/writers could have succeded in making it better or at least as good as these producers did. But his words also remind us that behind the clouds, the sun is always still shining. Do you believe that this item violates a copyright? If not, its a bad thing. As he gets angrier, Lizzy notices an ominous dark shadow rising behind him. He had spent the years after Anne's disappearance serving as Eoin's guardian, but he set out to find Anne after Eoin left for college. Yes, so many dangling threads, holes where we just don't know - drama is pretty but tattered. Anne and Eoin have no other family and are exceptionally close. And I know kdramas are all about redemption and forgiveness but pls not Secretary Wang, r u kidding me?! Then I realized that this drama is just like the character Young: beautiful to look at, given to half-disclosures or sideways feints that make you go into hours of analysis to try and figure it all out. The setting is Hillsboro, a small rural Tennessee town, during the summer of an unknown year. No payoff with Denna Ambrose The secret in the Archives his music career the Chandrian his university studies with Fella With sympathy or naming. Could you tell me exactly what it is about the ending that eluded you? Later that night, Soo affixes the bell string to her wrist again. Soo does all the talking during dinner and even after, until Young cuts him off by telling him to leave once Lawyer Jang comes back. The Thing Ending Explained . Young gives a coy smile, causing them both to break out in grins before Soo takes her face in his hands and kisses her. I am just speculating of course, however, that was what went through my mind. "NHK lost her soul to the devil". It looked blurry because Young's sight wasn't perfect, but just enough for her to make things out. The event results in her grandfather Eoin's fear that Ireland is not safe for Anne, which is why he never allows her to travel there until after his death. Like what were they trying to achieve with that effect? Show! And second, Soo is alive because, as you say, picklemonster, they have too prosaic a conversation. , Publisher When you were gone and I couldnt see you, the hardest part was that I still missed you. For bookclub, we had to choose a book with a time travel element in it. My first reaction to the ending was Soo is dead and all is in Young's head (because I'm a sucker for apparently, the traditional melodrama ending - I've been so out of it, I didn't know open ending or happy ending is an option!). Even though I love Soo, the constant surprise-knifing is becoming its own parody at this point. But more than anything, i belive the writers left an open ending on pourpose, they wanted to allow the viewers to come up with their own interpretation of the ending. Old bad guy was not going to let him or JS walk away. It is a stunning work of fiction interwoven with true historical events, combining the magical and the real. The use of soft-focus lens didn't seem to mesh well with the story-telling part. To me, this drama fizzled out around episode 8. When Hee-Sun and Jin-Sung were talking about visiting Soo and bringing Lamb's ear flowers, they were talking about real brother Soo; visiting the river where his ashes were spread. Secretary Wang and Young have a heart to heart as Wang tells her that even after the surgery, Young wont be able to live alone not because shes handicapped, but because no one can do anything alone. You're right, everyone in this show seems to heal rather quick. I was anticipating this one especially, because I was curious about what you thought of this episode. Jin-sung seems to think so as he stops running and starts crying, with Moo-chuls minion nearby to share in the grief. The cafe, the talking people, Soo dressed as a waiter. This explains that Oh young has the ability to see but not really clear. Even if she survives the stab wound from the scissors, which is bleeding profusely, she most likely slowly descends into madness before long. Then the shape of a man starts to form. I thought it was a nice touch. Her fantasy novel, THE BIRD AND THE SWORD was a Goodreads Best Book finalist. Please try again. Personally, I feel that they died and met in the afterlifeonly because the whole Jinsung stabbing Soo scene hinted that he had killed himjust the way it was executed and by the end he fell to the ground like a dying person. ), but he stays on the phone with Mi-ra to get updates on Youngs surgery. But there Anne finds herself, hurt, disoriented, and under the care of Dr. Thomas Smith, guardian to a young boy who is oddly familiar. Young wakes up to find Soo asleep at her bedside, and as she brushes her fingers across his face she remembers his desperate plea for her to watch his video. Directed by Kristoffer Rus, "Into the Wind" is a teen drama that revolves around the romance between a young, wealthy teen girl who goes on a vacation and falls in love with a kite-surfing instructor. Maybe it was the timing in which it happened. You brought up an interesting point for 1. 7. The final chapter begins with Nikaid sitting on a bench near the Akanemaru. But, bite the cat that corners you, don't run and bite your mouse friend D': Maybe, he pulled a Moo Chul and was helping him in a way? In Wild Is the Wind, directed by writer-director Fabien Medea, two corrupt police officers investigate the brutal murder of a young girl, and tensions come to a head in their small, racially-segregated town. A trunk full of Emma and Gideon's books is moved into the Macklin cabin after Emma's death, which includes the dead woman's copy of "Demons of the Prairie.". It's a really nice juxtaposition, imo. Its interesting to note that, apart from possibly being tricked by the evil entity to murder both Emma and Isaac, Lizzy also had real-life motives to cause them harm. ASIN JS looked very sad at the point when he agreed to what Hee-sun suggested but the the face of JS was a type of confused or something that the director suggested for him to do to make us bewildered of what really had happened to Oh soo. Tied to her bed and with the shadowy entity looming high, Lizzy stabs Isaac when he tries to stop her from untying herself. I do agree with you that how we got to that light at the end of the tunnel was more important than the light itself. I dont often find a book I cant put down, but I devoured What the Wind Knows. sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna. And Oh Soo and Jin Seong ain't Robert Redford and Paul Newman. So my expectation was that in TWTWB, we would end up at least being able to understand all of the main characters. Why is everything so blurry? Honestly, after having long hair for so long and not being able to see it, probably one of the first things I would do is buy a wigif only just to see how I looked all that time. Eventually, she realizes she is actually in the past and tries to avoid doing anything that will reveal her true identity. but I wondered if it would be rude in a way or something. I loved this drama. The wind feels like Santiago demeans what it already knows how to do. and yeah. argh~). Also, most of the other NHK dramas I've watched have all felt remarkably real-- but in a way that evokes an appreciation of the human experience. Lizzy (Caitlin Gerard) and Isaac. Even then it wouldnt matter, since Boss Man wanted him dead, but why? I agree with Hannah -- the flowers were a continual peace offering and the weirdly beautiful blurriness was Young's pov. Anyway, I thought it was clear enough that the ending was real, the blurry perspective was Young's post-surgery sight as Kaye says. Or they could be alive and the memorial was for brother Soo. It's alright if you're uncomfortable watching others be intimate at the moment, buuut "porn" is not the correct label for such a film. Young goes to a cafe to wait, and we see Soos tree painting hanging on the wall, completed. I need you next to me. Who, out of the two of them, showed more human compassion? Please click the link in that email to complete the email change process. In this case, too, Lizzy feels trapped, this time from a situation that she cannot escape. Give as a gift or purchase for a team or group. If you've just watched the credits roll and are still reeling from the revelations and changes, then . I had watched NG but do not remember how the drama ended but I will remember every details about TWTWB. The game amps up as Jin-sungs family loads the truck to move though theyre being watched by a shady-lookin dude. Seriously I kept fast forwarding cuz there was nothing intriguing. Granted, I'm not familiar with Irish history, making everything in these pages new to me. !good point haha. It was, however, executed very poorly imo. And we see her see the boy's hand and pat it. Lizzy did encounter the demons of the prairie, and even if they only existed in her mind, their power to destroy was still very real. Ill miss it so much :D. I wanted to clear some things up for you, because I also had my doubts about whether Soo died or not at first. You're the best. 2 eps later, all's forgiven! Thanks for your input on what was said by the actors about the finale coz I was confused and I wanna be happy.Yep,if she was in heaven her vision would be 100%!! When that time comes, you will answer all of my questions without hiding anything. But then she adds that if she lives through her surgery, theyll meet again, and finally talk out their issues. Yes, my eyes feasted with those beautiful cherry blossom ending but I still felt robbed. He struggles to his knees as we pan to the shoes of the man who stabbed him, the trembling man holding the knife, and up. Instead he grabs Gangster Wannabes knife by the blade and gives him the smack down, even going so far as to dislocate his would-be murderers shoulder. What the Wind Knows takes this idea and expands upon in it, layer upon beautiful layer. The love of your life, the one you defied death for (whether you died and are meeting in the afterlife or here on earth)! TWTWB, with its muted colors, its intensity 24/7 (made even more intense by all of the close-up shots), its one-dimensional side characters like batshit-crazy So Ra, its hard-to-read heroine, and its contrived plot full of holes, made TWTWB feel quite unreal which would've been fine had it come together as an inspired mythic tale. Back in the present, Lizzy is visited by a traveling reverend, who turns out to be the spirit haunting her in disguise. We have to keep in mind you can survive these things and it's not completely out there. As a young boy, he was fascinated by Giovanni Caproni planes, which were made by one of Italy's best-known aircraft engineers. Lizzys tale is pieced together through time jumps, simultaneously exploring her sinister past and rapidly deteriorating present. In the end, the suicide attempt didnt even put her out for a night, and she was completely fine by morning. As Anne fell for Thomas, I did too. Outside the room, Sun-hee tells Soo that Moo-chul died after being sick for far too long. No, she responds, and we see through Youngs eyes first its a blur of color, then light. Love it! As she dumps the ashes, a fog rolls into the landscape. The bit with Secretary Wang is so, so weird. We are then transported to Emmas burial, where she is briefly seen with a massive head injury, most likely from a gun. On a shallow note, I loved most of OS's wardrobe, especially the orange coat he wore at the beginning of this episode, it looked good on him. : Agreed. Download the free Kindle app and start reading Kindle books instantly on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. The trailer for No Way Home revealed a bit of how that will happen: Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) will seemingly break the multiverse while trying to undo the moment when Peter Parker's. Her historical novels, inspirational romances, and young adult fantasy books are now being published internationally. When she was with Secretary Wang, Lawyer Jang, and her ex-fiance with those blind kids, those scenes were not blurry. I was waiting to see if the aftermath changed how I felt about the whole ordeal, since there was a chance for the show to treat the attempt in a thoughtful and meaningful way. Despite my love for the main three characters, the standout in my mind was Maeve. It was a pretty ride that just got weird and choppy and bumpy the last four episodes. Why did he have to go stab Soo? The first season of AMC's Dark Winds came to an end with a tense and violent confrontation at the Buffalo Society's hideout. Gu Family Book. In the new film, directed by Charlie McDowell, Nobody is surprised during his break-in when the two owners of a remote estate in Ojai show up unexpectedly. ", Throughout the movie, we've heard Emma repeating the names of the demons mentioned in the pamphlet, and toward the end, we even get a look at it. This is the perfect way to describe how I was feeling about the show in its final eps. Nor are the ladies & gentlemen of the castle as aristocratic as they believe they are. And as was mentioned, there is no way Hee-Sun and Jin-Sung could be happy is Soo were really dead. Hence, left all alone and surrounded by the vast open prairie, Lizzy begins cleaning up her blood-soaked kitchen. Though I did see the charm the actor brought to the role that was a little too fan-servicey for me. I totally agree with all your comments, except, I rather liked how they twisted the Jin Sung - Oh Soo loyalty in the end. Youngs self-realizations werent dependent on her as an individual, and her decision to live didnt come from a place of autonomous empowerment or anything befitting the idea of character growth, because her change in tempo was dependent on Soos reactions. Amy Harmon is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of thirteen novels, including From Sand and Ash, and the Whitney Awardwinning The Law of Moses. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 8, 2019. I applaud his professionalism, knowing that this is his first time to have sex scenes. My words are inadequate, but I hope they will encourage readers to pick this book up and stick with the story throughout. That problem didnt exist as much with Soo, though these past few episodes didnt do him a ton of favors. I'm mad he had to stab his best friend for that to happen, though. Which brings another question: what happened then to the money OS won (since he left it there and he was knifed/left for dead later)? Whilst Lizzys mental state spirals in the present, we are shown flashbacks of her unsuccessful pregnancy many years ago that culminated in a stillborn. I was so involved in it I just could not put it down. @picklemonster: I was happy with the happy ending, too. But it could be Minions shady-lookin dude guarding them, which means its a good thing. The first eight episodes were executed close to perfection imo but I didn't really mind the change in pace afterwards. FB.init({ I cant understand how you couldnt even make an excuse. This is a drama that maybe forgets the title. I don't care what others may feel about this drama, but from any dramas so far in 2013, this is the only drama that artistically the best, directed the best and acted the best. Thank you Amy for this book, you are the most wonderful writer. I didn't have a problem with Soo not taking the $$ though! Someone put a lot of hard thought into that and it showed and was amazing. I will find myself standing in a place and wonder about the feet that have stood where mine are planted. Theres new focus to her eyes she can definitely see. I highly rmore I loved this more than Outlander. Here is the ending of "The Wind" explained. :). He's strongly hinted that Don did indeed create the Coke advert, telling TVLine just after the finale aired: "The idea that some enlightened state, . And not just one or two per drama, but a whole cast full of them. Is he a chef and a painter at the end of the show?! She finds the headstone for her great-grandmother, Eoin's mother, who was also named Anne Gallagher. U broke it down beautifully!! if (d.getElementById(id)) return; Why? And yes, like mentioned above, to show lust and passion. Now, with Gideon gone and Emma and Isaac dead, Izzy is well and truly alone, with no hope of anyone coming to look for her. I felt that the plot and the characterizations started to fall apart in the last episodes. She finds the Braille letter Soo left her directing her to watch the video. Heartbroken at his death, she travels to his childhood home to spread his ashes. I loved the ending, but I don't know what to make of it. I guess I understood his decision 'against' Soo ("the needs of the many blablabla blood is thicker bla") but it was so rushed that I totally did not connect on an emotional level. We dont hear or see it, but the look on Jin-sungs face seems to tell us that the truck plowed into his familys car. She doesnt want blindness to haunt Young any longer and cries that shes sorry, which Im guessing is finally an apology for causing her blindness in the first place. Tenet is a confusing cocktail of backwards car chases and theoretical physics in which it's often impossible to grasp any concept for more than a scene or two. Apparently shes been a regular at his restaurant and picked up on the sound of his bracelet, and though hed always bring her tea he never showed his face to her. I don't know. I love this show for all its prettiness and as much as I try to make myself truly love it, I can't help but leave feeling empty and cold towards the latter part of the show. Therefore, I think that one stab wasn't enough to kill Soo. At first I was so upset because I wasn't sure whether Soo was dead or alive, and thought the writer ripped us off with an open-ended ending. Jin-sung, WHY did you hang up on Hee-sun?! You have to make Jin-sung want to blame Soo and they just didn't do that at all. (And we don't know because we don't see anything alluding to that). I agree with you Canxi. , Print length Well done. : As you said, this show was well acted, well scored (and the editing was well done for the acting and for how the music was placed in the show). Open your mouth when you kiss such a hot man who obviously loves you so much! Wilhelm Jooste is the real killer. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. For Vegas and victory. Redemption links and eBooks cannot be resold. There's a gangster figure who seemed really mean, but who is actually a bit of a softie. JIS, who I will forgive for just about anything! Wah anywhy was a great drama plus the acting was awesome X3. this drama reminds me of eating cotton candy, while eating it, it is sweet and seems tangible, but when you are done you realize all that puff was mostly air. What the Wind Knows is a masterpiece written by Amy Harmon, an amazing interpretation of events in Ireland during the period of 1916 1922. Just read and look where Song was interviewed, she also concluded TWTWB was a happy ending story. She almost made me feel I could do anything whilst reading this book and at times I felt such a whimsical urge to disappear and come back like her main characters did. What the Wind Knows by Amy Harmon (Author), Saskia Maarleveld (Narrator), Will Damron (Narrator). His being a gentleman is one thing I admire too as seen in the bts. Margaret M - Hiatus - I will respond when I can, someone who I have to speak to on a daily. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; Gangster Wannabe goes scurrying off with his tail between his legs just as Moo-chul collapses, spitting up blood from his stomach cancer. Wilhelm admits to killing several women, although the actual count is unknown. Oh well, the drama is over. The Wind opens with Lizzy emerging from a cabin, soaked in blood, holding her neighbor Emmas stillborn baby. Whether it really hurt you as much as it hurt me when you were lying. Thank you. In the movie, this point is specifically reinforced when Lizzy looks at Emmas house at night and wonders if her house also appears like a small patch of light surrounded by emptiness. That broke from story-logic and build up for me.
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