Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse Legislation Stalled in PA House, Morgan and Morgan Join in on the Fun at Monster Jam Pit Party, Morgan and Morgans Response to the Jackson Water Crisis. Victims of identity theft are afforded several types of damages when initiating a civil claim. If your identity was stolen as part of a data breach, you may be able to join class action lawsuits. A defendant who is convicted of identity theft may receive any of the following penalties: There are several ways that a victim of identity theft can report the incident. To learn more about your legal options and how our identity theft attorneys may be able to help you, please complete ourcase evaluation form, at no cost or obligation to you. State and Federal laws prescribe rules for the relationship between a bank and its clients. Identity theft is a federal crime and in some cases also a state crime. Your As previously mentioned, the first thing a victim must do is to figure out who stole their identity. Whatever you do, dont ignore the lawsuit. Applying for loans and credit cards in the victims name. You can sue the thief, as they are the ones responsible for your harm. Never stepped a foot into a courtroom. Banks typically cover all losses against identity theft; but what happens if they dont? Identity theft cases allow for multiple parties to be sued, and require filing of various state and federal laws. No liability is incurred by you, on accounts opened in your name. Another way identity theft can occur is when someone is not careful with their personal data in public. Forfeiture of any personal property used to commit or that were gained from the crime. As a victim of identity theft, you may take action against 3rd party entities. Under most state laws, the bank is responsible for covering any losses from impersonation. Law, About Identity theft, data privacy and cyber security, Mass. Whether or not you can file a civil lawsuit against the perpetrator, you should still speak with a consumer protection lawyer. When you have filed all the reports, and are successful at having the perpetrator found guilty, you may have a claim to sue them. The statute of limitations gives you a specific amount of time to file a case -- and you don't want to miss the deadline for filing a lawsuit. This can be important if you need to deal with creditors, collection agencies, and credit reporting companies in the future. You could consider yourself blessed when they take your case. Compensation for Violations of the EFTA. Report any problems you have with a debt collector to. The attorneys at Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. Please provide a valid Zip Code or City and choose a category, Please select a city from the list and choose a category. In this post we will answer the question, How do I sue for identity theft?. Thus, any fines the defendant is ordered to pay will go directly to the federal or state government. Always go directly to the company's website rather than clicking on links in the emails. If the criminal case is unsuccessful or the victim requires compensation for the crime, they may bring a case in civil court based on a tort law theory. For more information, contact us online, by email (function(){var ml="4%.mbocw0yrhanli",mi="4:?<=1083<;<=9><72653",o="";for(var j=0,l=mi.length;j