d. Statement that the safety system conforms with all requirements of the PSDI standard and appendix A. (iv) Periodic inspections of clutch and brake mechanisms shall be performed to assure they are in proper operating condition. They move large amounts of materials quickly and safely. Guards. In lieu of such yielding sectional rolls, suitable section kickback finger devices shall be provided at the infeed end. The validating laboratory, if a separate organization from the validation organization, shall assign technical responsibility for the validation of PSDI certification to a Technical Director. 1910.1011 4-Aminodiphenyl. Examples: board hammers and air-lift hammers. All Conveyors - Safety Section Refer to OSHA 1910.132 (Personal Prot. 1910.336-1910.360 [Reserved], Safety Requirements for Special Equipment, 1910.399 Definitions applicable to this subpart. A recognized validation organization may apply to OSHA for an expansion of its current recognition to cover other categories of PSDI certification/validation in addition to those included in the current recognition. (ii) The spindle end, nut, and outer flange may be exposed on machines designed as portable saws. Each continuous line of shafting shall be secured in position against excessive endwise movement. Subpart O: Machinery and Machine Guarding, OSHA 1910 General Industry | UpCodes Subpart O Machinery and Machine Guarding Authority: 29 U.S.C. Title 29 was last amended 2/24/2023. (2) Drag saws shall be so located as to give at least a 4-foot clearance for passage when the saw is at the extreme end of the stroke; or if such clearance is not obtainable, the saw and its driving mechanism shall be provided with a standard enclosure. (a) 24-inch diameter wheel, 1,000 revolutions per minute. Employees are required to cover and protect long hair to prevent it from getting caught in machine parts such as belts, chain and rotating parts. (b) Where passage is regarded as necessary, there shall be a platform over the lower run guarded on either side by a railing completely filled in with wire mesh or other filler, or by a solid barrier. 3. (1) All projecting keys, setscrews, and other projections in revolving parts shall be removed or made flush or guarded by metal cover. Reactivation of the clutch shall require restoration of normal air supply and use of the tripping mechanism(s). Table O-11 - Strength and Dimensions for Wood Ram Props. Dimensions of such flanges shall never be less than indicated. 1. (l) Belt shifters, clutches, shippers, poles, perches, and fasteners -. (h) Keys, setscrews, and other projections. This is an automated process for 1910.120 Hazardous waste operations and emergency response. This web site is designed for the current versions of (ii) Where explosives, explosive dusts, flammable vapors or flammable liquids exist, the hazard of static sparks from shafting shall be carefully considered. of this appendix, the following procedures will be used: (1) The Assistant Secretary will issue a notice of hearing before an administrative law judge of the Department of Labor pursuant to the rules specified in 29 CFR part 1905, subpart C. (2) After the hearing, pursuant to subpart C, the administrative law judge shall issue a decision (including reasons) based on the application, the supporting documentation, the staff recommendation, the public comments and the evidence submitted during the hearing (the record), stating whether it has been demonstrated, based on a preponderance of evidence, that the applicant meets the requirements for recognition. (C) The air pressure supply for clutch/brake valves on machines used in the PSDI mode shall be regulated to pressures less than or equal to the air pressure used when making the stop time measurements required by paragraph (h)(2)(ii) of this section. (ii) Fixed or permanent lead pot installations shall be exhausted. Its hood shall be so designed that it will automatically cover the lower portion of the blade, so that when the saw is returned to the back of the table the hood will rise on top of the fence, and when the saw is moved forward the hood will drop on top of and remain in contact with the table or material being cut. Regulation Y f. The instrument used to measure reaction time shall be calibrated to be accurate to within 0.001 second. (1) Machine guarding. contact the publishing agency. Table O-6 - Minimum Dimensions for Straight Relieved Flanges1. 7, 1996; 69 FR 31882, June 8, 2004]. 1910.1013 beta-Propiolactone. (3) Installation/Certification/Validation and Annual Recertification/Revalidation. (vii) Controls for more than one operating station shall be designed to be activated and deactivated in complete sets of two operator's hand controls per operating station by means capable of being supervised by the employer. (b) Attachments shall be adjusted to prevent the operator from reaching into the point of operation or to withdraw the operator's hands from the point of operation before the dies close. Vertical belts. (ii) Two-hand trip systems on full revolution clutch machines shall incorporate an antirepeat feature. 1910.111 Storage and handling of anhydrous ammonia. 1910.255 Resistance welding. In overhead silent chain-drive guards where the chain is held from lateral displacement on the sprockets, the side clearances required on drives of twenty (20) inch centers or under shall be not less than one-fourth inch from the nearest moving chain part, and on drives of over twenty (20) inch centers a minimum of one-half inch from the nearest moving chain part. [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 49 FR 5323, Feb. 10, 1984; 61 FR 9240, Mar. All measurements on mills and calenders shall be taken with the rolls running empty at maximum operating speed. d. Tests designed by the manufacturer shall be made available upon request to the validation organization. (i) Presses operated in the PSDI mode shall be equipped with a brake monitor that meets the requirements of paragraphs (b)(13) and (b)(14) of this section. (18) Die means the tooling used in a press for cutting or forming material. (e) As used in 1910.218, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the following forging and hot metal terms shall have the meaning prescribed in this paragraph. (See Figures O-14 and O-15. will bring you to those results. Navigate by entering citations or phrases (25) Face of slide means the bottom surface of the slide to which the punch or upper die is generally attached. Limitation: Hole dimension (H) should not be greater than two-thirds of wheel diameter dimension (D) for precision, cylindrical, centerless, or surface grinding applications. Grinding machines shall be equipped with flanges in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section. (3) Upon issuance of the decision, any party to the hearing may file exceptions within 20 days pursuant to subpart C. If exceptions are filed, the administrative law judge shall forward the decision, exceptions and record to the Assistant Secretary for the final decision on the application. (24) Ejector means a mechanism for removing work or material from between the dies. (ii) A pad with a nonslip contact area shall be firmly attached to the pedal. Such tools shall not be in lieu of other guarding required by this section, but can only be used to supplement protection provided. The manufacturer shall design a set of integrated tests to demonstrate compliance with the following requirements: Sections 1910.217(h)(6) (ii); (iii); (iv); (v); (vi); (vii); (viii); (ix); (xi); (xii); (xiii); (xiv); (xv); and (xvii). Control components shall be selected, constructed, and connected together in such a way as to withstand expected operational and environmental stresses, at least including those outlined in appendix A. Higher pressures may be permitted, however, to increase clutch torque to free jammed dies, provided positive measures are provided to prevent the higher pressure at other times. 1910.219 Mechanical power-transmission apparatus. Mounts which are affixed to the wheel by the manufacturer shall not be reused. (vii) Where presence sensing device location is adjustable, adjustment shall require the use of a special tool available only to authorized persons. (i) Limitations: Special supporting, back adapter and inside flange nuts are required for the proper mounting of these types of wheels subject to limitations of 1910.215(c)(4) (i) and (ii). (iii) Following a die change, the safety distance, the proper application of supplemental safeguarding, and the slide counterbalance adjustment (if the press is equipped with a counterbalance) shall be checked and maintained by authorized persons whose qualifications include knowledge of the safety distance, supplemental safeguarding requirements, and the manufacturer's specifications for counterbalance adjustment. 1910.254 Arc welding and cutting. (1) Each swing cutoff saw shall be provided with a hood that will completely enclose the upper half of the saw, the arbor end, and the point of operation at all positions of the saw. [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 43 FR 49750, Oct. 24, 1978; 43 FR 51760; Nov. 7, 1978; 49 FR 5323, Feb. 10, 1984; 61 FR 9240, Mar. The safety trip control shall be one of the following types or a combination thereof: (i) Pressure-sensitive body bars. The spindle speed of the machine shall be checked before mounting of the wheel to be certain that it does not exceed the maximum operating speed marked on the wheel. 1910.155 Scope, application and definitions applicable to this subpart. (i) A two-hand trip shall have the individual operator's hand controls protected against unintentional operation and have the individual operator's hand controls arranged by design and construction and/or separation to require the use of both hands to trip the press and use a control arrangement requiring concurrent operation of the individual operator's hand controls. The stroking selector generally includes positions for Off (Clutch Control), Inch, Single Stroke, and Continuous (when Continuous is furnished). (ii) furnish and enforce the use of hand tools for freeing and removing stuck work or scrap pieces from the die, so that no employee need reach into the point of operation for such purposes. Abrasive wheels shall be used only on machines provided with safety guards as defined in the following paragraphs of this section, except: (i) Wheels used for internal work while within the work being ground; (ii) Mounted wheels, used in portable operations, 2 inches and smaller in diameter; and. A summary of part level content is listed below followed by the table of contents, where you can drill down further. (c) Presses. . The total system design shall be certified by the manufacturer as complying with all requirements in 29 CFR 1910.217 (a) through (h) and this appendix A. Subpart BAdoption and Extension of Established Federal Standards. (ix) Barriers shall be fixed to the press frame or bolster to prevent personnel from passing completely through the sensing field, where safety distance or press configuration is such that personnel could pass through the PSDI presence sensing field and assume a position where the point of operation could be accessed without detection by the PSDI presence sensing device. of this appendix, above, except that a reinspection is not required but may be performed by OSHA. A slide is also called a ram, plunger, or platen. A validation organization may be considered independent even if it has ties with manufacturers, employers or employee representatives if these ties are with at least two of these three groups; it has a board of directors (or equivalent leadership responsible for the certification/validation activities) which includes representatives of the three groups; and it has a binding commitment of funding for a period of three years or more. (iv) Personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles, aprons, and other items) shall be worn. The validation organization shall in its installation validation, state that in what circumstances, if any, the employer has advance approval for adjustment, when prior oral approval is appropriate and when prior approval must be in writing. The hood shall be so mounted as to insure that its operation will be positive, reliable, and in true alignment with the saw; and the mounting shall be adequate in strength to resist any reasonable side thrust or other force tending to throw it out of line. b. (3) New Design Certification/Validation. OSHA 29 CFR 1910.147 outlines "Alternative Protection Measure" procedures that can result in increased efficiency without compromising the safety of the operation. As a (This may be through reference to published sources which describe the test methods or procedures used.). Push sticks or push blocks shall be provided at the work place in the several sizes and types suitable for the work to be done. 1910.217 Mechanical power presses. 1910.1052 Methylene chloride. Results of all tests which serve as the basis for the certification. Regulations Respecting Occupational Health and Safety, Decree 885-2001, 5-2.1, r.19.01, July 2001. The safety tripping devices shall be located within reach of the operator and the bite. If the validation organization and the validating laboratory are the same organization, the administrative and technical responsibilities may be combined in a single position, with minimum requirements as described in E.1. The certification/validation of safety systems for PSDI shall consider the press, controls, safeguards, operator, and environment as an integrated system which shall comply with all of the requirements in 29 CFR 1910.217 (a) through (h) and this appendix A. This checklist covers regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) under the general industry standard 29 CFR 1910.23. The midrail may be one by four (1 4) inches or more. 1910.1026 Chromium (VI). Conveyors are safe when used correctly, but they can be dangerous, and even deadly, if workers fail to follow safety procedures when working on or around them. Enhanced content is provided to the user to provide additional context. (1) Each profile and swing-head lathe shall have all cutting heads covered by a metal guard. 5. For saws with tilting tables or tilting arbors the fence shall be so constructed that it will remain in a line parallel with the saw, regardless of the angle of the saw with the table. Friction brakes provided for stopping or holding a slide movement shall be inherently self-engaging by requiring power or force from an external source to cause disengagement. The employer shall provide means for handling scrap from roll feed or random length stock operations.