From the start it was ruined beacause he needed more! Instroverted Evolving (willing to consider there is growth available and seeks to find truth and compassion towards others in all situations). In my intense nothing was good enough my scorpio love my scorpio caring my scorpio nurturing my scorpio non judgmental ways. Aug 30, 2018. On the other hand, Virgo pays attention to details and admires perfection. He can effortlessly explore a situation and can be pretty critical regarding it, if needed. Someone commented about how to get rid of them, by giving them a list of everything thats wrong with them or that they do that hurts you and you wont hear back from them. He tries really, really hard to please me in EVERY way possible in and out of the bed! And, guessing that I am a bit older than most of you, I will say that life is large and you will meet many people along the way. I'm a Scorpio and I've dealt with 2 Virgo's. They lie a lot and cheat like it's a full time job. Anyway in 2010 we started talking again. Coworkers tell me he looks at me when he sees me and he looks as if he was so sad for the past few days. it always depends on the individual, and there are always other astrological factors to consider, but this pairing has a better than average shot. Virgo Man /scorpio Woman: Anyone Had Experience With This. In the end, it is pretty easy, even if we have our moods and our moments. Then almost 2 months is coming he told me we should not make love that often so he would miss me. As I read this post, the thought that I have, is that for me, with this man, there is a sense of home. Ooh yea i forgot. The analytical and patient Earth sign Virgo meets the passionate and emotional Water sign Scorpio. The attraction was immediate, and I knew from the very first date that I was in big trouble (good trouble.) She doesnt think the world or the man of her life owes her anything and that makes her self-sufficient. Since weve gained mutual friends so I was able to get to know her without coming on too strong. That killed my trust, it is one of the few people on this earth to this day that I still dont have any issue with her passing life on and never talking to her again. The times to be strong, the times to be soft, the times to emote or stay silent, a dancedelicate and beautiful. Not because either of us were dating someone at the time, but because I was, and still am, going through a tough personal time. Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility. hahahahaaaa we already are in a relation but not expressing my feelings is going to cost me my life. I just hope all of you out there with negative experiences know that there are two types of Scorpios: unevolved, and evolved. Its take it or leave it with them. ; As a mutable sign, a Virgo can tailor themselves to different situations in life as long as they can analyze the situation . Save. hahahahaaaaaa, I know somewhere she has also got bound with this guy and just cannot step back as he is her childhood friend I pray to god this guy learn to love thousand times more than I do and GOD BLESS NAS. Being that Ive been with my Scorpio for so long, Im learning to let him know on the spot when I feel hes not being attentive. They move too fast for my tastethinking that its love or whatever when I show the slightest bit of interest. Why do I feel like I amatter atong my own story. I guess its all a part of learning as a couple. an emotionally strong enough to experience with scorpio man can be taken lightly. The Scorpio in me was seeing the truth about the virgo female but the truth scares virgos. This comment is for comment #11 for the story Anthony shared. how would you like that? And when I get angry, I tend to shut down too, so its hard for both of us to communicate. even the guy above FAILED MISERABLY to see that his Virgo female moving on was HIS fault, after his MOM died (sorry for that, but dont punish others!) Things had even gotten so bad in my relationship to the point of a violent fight, that my scorpio man drove 3 hours to where I was at to come pick me up! I also notice he seems to do things to get me pissed off, rude or distant things that he knows will bug me, like walking waaaayyyy ahead of me when we go on a hike together. w/ my scorp man. 06 nov scorpio im seeking for a virgo women, @jaime, Im so very sorry for the interaction you had with a Scorpio Man. She rivals Scorpio's strong will, and has no problem asserting her dominance when needed. Mary-Anne, wow.. What a bastard! We dont have to say the words, we just know. The Virgo woman im with already had a man when i started talking to her and was still with him after we had sex. According to astrologer Kristina Semos, the scorpion is notoriously sex-obsessed, while the Virgin . every word defines my relationship. I will never go out with another. Im not an easy person to deal with, hes an even harder person to deal with. he ended up making a fool of himself and trying all ridiculous things to get my attention. How dare he lead you on this way telling you hes been thinkin of you YET hes engaged? Also, he always embarrassed me in front of Aries by making me look stupid when me and Aries dated. From the start we both were in serious relationships with other people however now both of us have broken up and single for roughly 7 months. In front of boyfriends I do care about how I present myself so making me look stupid in front of them is a good way to make me greatly dislike you. @ Anthony: Let Virgo girl know you exist, contact her through text or email first. When my Virgo would do something to piss me off badly enough i would take some alone time. Will this man be the love of my life? The union may fail because she likes to experience new things . VIRGO are not only women as geminis and aqua but we are also analitical, loyal and stable a quality any zodia male goes crazy for. Im so over joyed and I really think I going to fall for this guy cause his personality, humour, intelligence astound me. The solution occurs once they feel more comfortable with each other. Absolutely agreed Im at Virgo woman and Im so in love my Scorpio man We have our disagreements but were so great together!! when you are in-tune, you since the hurt you are causing & out of love & respect, you STOP, CEASE & DESIST! he can be so sensitive and yet such an insensitive brute at the same time. Its not exactly pride, its more belief of what I think a friend should be expected to do. Ive had many partners throughout my life but I have never been so hung up on a person or had the feelings come as quickly as they have with my amazing Virgo woman. We finally sorted this out and through soooo much patience and coaching I finally got her on some steady ground. If he says he has a girl and hes not leaving herhes not leaving her. to be so in-tune, yall are cluless at best! Im only grateful he was still there for me when I came back. I tried to hide how much I liked him only to get a pleasant surprise- he likes me too. PEACE!!!! i am scorpio and my girl is virgo.What would you suggest to me?Should i live my wholelife with her or i should leave? This Sign Is Known For Its, Uh, Prowess. I love him so much. Our make-up sex is off the charts! I find what a lot of people have said about us male Scorps troubling. Virgo and Taurus are both earth signs which makes them compatible with each other. We are so in love it feels like a dream I often wonder how i got so lucky to be with a man like him although there are some things that we need to work on in our relationship I know he loves me so much and i as well. lately I FEEL i can handle and manuver them easily!. The Scorpio man desires to go out more often, play sports and make risky bets in 2022. If they are a friend they will check in on you if you havent contacted them; especially when you dont do social media (I dont do facebook; in fact, this will probably be my only post on here. So thats where we struggle is telling each other how we feel. It feels like a landscape fraught with enemies for the Scorpio man. I am a Taurus guy(27), well I find this post interesting, I also wanna share, I met this Virgo girl 4 years back we are still great friends but somehow I fell in love with this girl, I dont know but all these years I was in Philippines, Jakarta, Dubai, Bahrain and a lot many places I had opportunity to settle down in any of these countries but I came back for her, In all these years only one thing was consistent that is my love for her, I always felt she loved me more than i do, after coming back also we could not meet as her and my job was in different cities so every weekend I used to travel almost 1000 kms just to see her once, sometimes I spend 8-10 hrs. We are a bit submissive to the right man but still want to be able to speak our opinion and be validated. When you want something, dont ask for it, when we are asked for something we are mentally disordered and that lose cannon comes apart.. (Sometimes I still catch myself being a Piece of $hit). Right from the start I just wanted to be friends to take it slow. Thats why they came up with the term man cave. We men need it. I & my boyfriend was planning to get married last month, just last week we had some argument that made him get angry on me just because of the argument, he said we will not marry me again and the next day he left me and we broke up. The passion for knowledge that Virgos and . Few days back, we broke up after which i said pretty bad things to him and he just said that i am the reason of all this. This relationship is extremely compatible, about 80-90% of success. I am a virgo woman who has just started dating a scarpio man and I must say it has been great thus farI just hope all that is said about our compatibility is true..:), Your email address will not be published. Therefore, want-to-know-all, and feel deeply, right man half. Just a day ago her exs mother passed away in a car accident at 48. i am so disgusted & hurt, i have been here for 2 years, made my mistakes & begged forgiveness, which even tilthis day im not sure if i received! Its that we both want the last word and that doesnt work. I will be married to my Scorpio man 11 yrs Oct 17,2010.He was AMAZING when we dated gentle ,sweet, kind, soon as we married on our wedding night he started mentally abusing me never constimated marriage til 18 hrs later his choice not mine!!! Yea the new partner may not be perfect . Every Virgo ive known has cheated on their partners numerous times. Ill eventually admit to her that Im head over heels in love with her.) A Virgo woman should know these are the kinds of experiences that can flow, one way or another, from a Scorpio man she loves. they are also loyal to friends and very protective of the people they love!. huh? ZODIAC SIGN. Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man Love Compatibility by Linda Goodman. Im sorry thats happened Jonas. I know this is pretty scattered but i dont like talking about things i personally have experienced. For him, love is about caring for you, protecting you, making time for you, holding you and being there when you need him. If a virgo woman thinks she is perfect and doesnt listen to scorpio man he will stop attempting to communicate This makes virgo woman suspicious and virgo and scorpio paranoia kick in scorpio / virgo together may have trust issues in turn the male scorpio will question virgos loyalties . only to find out he is engaged and when I asked him about us, he never responded. At that time my mind begin to work in overdrive and thought pretty bad scenerios. You never know what you might find at the bottom of the rainbow!! To be honest i think that any virgo female like myself with all my life problems and stuff i have going on to have such a manly dedicated scorpio male in my life and whome i live with to look after her should be the most proud and loving virgo female in the entire world , I can say this without a dought he is my future husband.. and i can say this because i just know deep down in my heart from the moment we met even though i was young he was the one for me and the only one i trust to be the father of my children someday, I know that everyone should stop slamming down the scorpios like they are complete jerks because not all of them are, Yes they can get very angry .. Here are some things I believe could help you have a great relationship with us and to keep us honest, loving, loyal, devoted, purchasing you gifts and doting on you. Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth, the mythic Phoenix rising from the ashes of destruction. We actually dated in 2006, found out he was seeing someone else and we broke up in 2008out of all the men I dated, he was the only one that was not cheaphe was a giver, he was very family oriented and being that I had kids, he always planned dates that included my children. and fall madly in love for a scorpio? I always give him a run for his money because as a Virgo, I am going to let you suffer till I see fit that you will never ever ever cheat on me againand the funny thing is that he endured it. I usually shut down in which i wind up not saying anything at all so he never really gets to know the inner me;but when he keeps prying and asking me whats wrong,,, eventually I explain whats on my mind and how I dont appreciate him not understanding or listening to what I have to say. It is an integral part of his life. 14 Virgo is a Mutable Sign, while Scorpio is a Fixed Sign. Unlike fire signs, which are known for their passionate flames, water and earth signs are known for their peaceful, slow approach to love. She has experience with astrology, tarot and other forms of divination. So just in the last 2 weeks things starting to heat up significantly and I couldnt hold back anymore It finally felt right to make a move. I HATE HIM OH GOD HOW I HATE HIM!!! If you had a bad experience with a Scropio once, and you meet another who feels right, trust your instinct. You shouldnt judge all Scorpios because of one experience. His intuition and passion make the Scorpio man a perfect lover. We can HATE just as much as we LOVE. but when u decided to dump a scorp and still loves u, he is going to resent you and love u at the same time. A Scorpio woman in love can be erratic and mysterious while a Piscean man is emotional and kind. As a Virgo I thrive in chaos. Jan mayen dating, down to her turn-ons and monthly sagittarius man does, with online dating this virgo man ignores you really long time. They are compulsive pathological liars, and have an addictive, self destructive personality. I dont know what is going on understanding between us is just so strong. But the truth is, I cant explain why we cant just get away from each other. Here we will know more on the nature of the love relationship and compatibility . We will make you experience romance of magnitudes that some signs are incapable of.Honestly, I feel like Virgos are indecisive,insensitive at times and a bit prudish in bed but with time yoll eventualy open up.I love how intellectual virgos are and how they communicate. My best friend is a Virgo. I was in a relationship (sort of) but I had been and was having problems in my current relationship when I first started talking to this scorpio man. journey in standing and came to see her just for 5 mins., sometimes used to call her without saying anything just to hear her voice, though I never said I LOVE YOU we are so close I thought she already knows, She could share everything with me for her I changed my job and came to her city I proposed one fine day then she told me she is in love with another guy. But they always know how they feel about each other and it is just hard for them to open up until they feel safe in each others arms. My Scorpio man and I have been together for 6 yrs. He give me his love, faithful even we are in long distance relationship. The BEST!!! he came back after 3 days, we are happily married now.. Virgo woman here, falling quickly for a Scorpio man. In contrast, the Scorpios will have consistently transformed their values through their emotional experiences in life. Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man Compatibility in 2022. But you will find that with any male. Not as intense as it was before, but at least she felt more in control head she knew we could work things out on my end with no anxiety one at a time. But He showered me with gifts and says He loved me and asked me to marry him! We light each others fire. We all zodiac signs make mistakes its life you plural life learn and grow. Aries. So you virgos back off us good scorpios. The Scorpio man will go to the ends of the earth to defend his loved ones, and rapidly becomes the Virgo woman's biggest champion. It seems that i am just getting to learn this man after 17 years. Before I knew it my luck had came back and her ex boyfriend had showed up to reconcile for the last 3 years of having his head up his a**. Now, recently,I have found myself falling hard for a Virgo female. Love compatibility between Scorpio woman and Virgo man. I definitely faked a reason to take a walk to the drinking fountain in order to get a look at this one. He just kept coming back regardless of the torture I put him through. I am not worried about myself but for her what shell do, She seems like a confused girl about her feelings, I am staying here just to make sure that she goes fine as once gone I dont know whether I will ever be back again as I dont want to bring any misunderstanding between her and her boy friend. im gonna work on me and either he will follow suit or fall away! There are many times when weve both have thrown our hands up and said fuck it, but there is this unspoken bond and understanding between us that we just cant explain, and it pulls us right back in every time. A few years later my scorpio man and I started talking more frequently and hanging out more and more. Unfortunately, there are women out there who do not find that desirable. Im not saying that at all, but saying that maybe she needs this experience to see and learn from. That intense quietness guys can be read/translated as a BORE! Not all scorpio men are bad, they have good intentions its just the way they express themselves and dont mean harm. Speaking from personal experience it would either take some Jedi mind trick, hypnosis or a government mind control program to get me to waste my time on a woman until she has confirmed through her word and actions that she is worth it. Someone else is getting everything she had and more . As a Scorpio woman with your eye on a Virgo guy, that's good news for you! Another seems to have finally gotten the hint that Im not interested since he isnt texting me 24/7 anymore, but he and the last example of a Scorpio still seem to think of themselves as being above everyone else. So should I pretend I am romantically interested in him, or shold I just disappear, or should I simply tell him the truth. We truly are utterly in love. Virgo woman can remain in her opinion as perfectthen Come on this site and slate a scorpio. Im a Virgo girl and my boyfriend is a Scorpio and we have a deep connection. If it helps, heres a free 2020 Forecast for VIRGO: For now our relationship is in smooth sailing. (Dont get the wrong idea. I am Scorpio man that is truly in love with a Virgo women. Lol. Dont judge the whole by the part. Theres no reason why they cnt make things work. Im Currently with a Virgo now. we are 100% compatible. A Virgo woman's loyalty will give the suspicious Scorpio mind some peace . I try to speak to him calmly about things, but it seems like he then escalates it until the point where I get pissed off and then he an get mad at me because I get mad at him all the time, as he says.