If your PC is unable to process Ventoy as bootable media, then you may need to disable secure boot. md5sum 6b6daf649ca44fadbd7081fa0f2f9177 Ventoy is a free and open-source tool used to create bootable USB disks. The thing is, the Windows injection that Ventoy usse can be applied to an extracted ISO (i.e. Still having issues? Ventoy2Disk.exe always failed to install ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mv6Cbew_y8&t=1m13s. Please test and tell your opinion. However, I'm not sure whether chainloading of shims are allowed, and how it would work if you try to load for example Ubuntu when you already have Fedora's shim loaded. @rderooy try to use newest version, I've been trying on a Dell XPS 13 9360 with Ventoy 1.0.34 UEFI running and Memtest86-4.3.7.iso does not work. @ventoy if the, When the user is away, clone the encrypted disk and replace their existing CPU with the slightly altered model (after making sure to clone the CPU serial). I would also like to point out that I reported the issue as a general remark to help with Ventoy development, after looking at the manner in which Ventoy was addressing the Secure Boot problem (and finding an issue there), rather than as an actual Ventoy user. Although it could be disabled on all typical motherboards in UEFI setup menu, sometimes it's not easily possible e.g. But, even as I don't actually support the idea that Secure Boot is useless if someone has physical access to the device (that was mostly Steve positing this as a means to justify that not being able to detect Secure Boot breaches on USB media isn't that big a deal), I do believe there currently still exist a bit too many ways to ensure that you can compromise a machine, if you have access to said machine. Interestingly enough, the ISO does contain the efi files as I made sure to convert the whole IMG, which on the other hand is the basis for the creation of a memtest flash drive. Paragon ExtFS for Windows In Windows, Ventoy2Disk.exe will only list the device removable and in USB interface type by default. - . I thought that Secure Boot chain of trust is reused for TPM key sealing, but thinking about it more, that wouldn't really work. I have some systems which won't offer legacy boot option if UEFI is present at the same time. Ventoy is a tool to create bootable USB drive for ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD (x)/EFI files. I would assert that, when Secure Boot is enabled, every single time an unsigned bootloader is loaded, a warning message should be displayed. da1: quirks=0x2. Hi, Gentoo LiveDVD doesn't work, when I try to boot it, It's showing up the GRUB CLI Tested on 1.0.77. Thus, on a system where Secure Boot is enabled, users should rightfully expect to be alerted if the EFI bootloader of an ISO booted through Ventoy is not Secure Boot signed or if its signature doesn't validate. Freebsd has some linux compatibility and also has proprietary nvidia drivers. Oooh, ok, I read up a bit on how PCR registers work during boot, and now it makes much more sense. On my other Laptop from other Manufacturer is booting without error. They can choose to run a signed Ubuntu EFI file and Ventoy can change it's default function using scripts and file injection. If that was the case, I would most likely sign Ventoy for my SHIM (provided it doesn't let through unsigned bootloaders when Secure Boot is enabled, which is the precise issue we are trying to solve) since, even if it's supposed to be a competitor of Rufus, I think it's a very nice solution and I'm always more than happy to direct people who would like to have a multiboot version of Rufus to use Ventoy instead. it doesn't support Bluetooth and doesn't have nvidia's proprietary drivers but it's very easy to install. Inspection of the filesystem within the iso image shows the boot file(s) - including the UEFI bootfile - in the respective directory. It typically has the same name, but you can rename it to something else should you choose to do so. The easiest thing to do if you don't have a UEFI-bootable Memtest86 ISO is to extract the \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.efi file and just copy that to your Ventoy drive. regular-cinnamon-latest-x86_64.iso - 1.1 GB, openSUSE-Tumbleweed-GNOME-Live-x86_64-Snapshot20200326-Media.iso - 852MB Hiren does not have this so the tools will not work. I have this same problem. What you want is for users to be alerted if someone picked a Linux or Microsoft media, and the UEFI bootloader was altered from the original. Thanks very much for proposing this great OS , tested and added to report. I rarely get any problems with other menu systems based on grub2\grub4dos\syslinux\isolinux, just Ventoy gives problems. However, Ventoy can be affected by anti-virus software and protection programs. It seems the original USB drive was bad after all. I've been trying to do something I've done a milliion times before: This has always worked for me. Keeping Ventoy and ISO files updated can help avoid any future booting issues with Ventoy. Windows 11 21h2 x64 Hebrew - Successfully tested on UFEI. Can't try again since I upgraded it using another method. Well occasionally send you account related emails. la imagen iso,bin, etc debe ser de 64 bits sino no la reconoce When Secure Boot is enabled, BIOS boot (CSM) should not work at all, since it would completely defeat the purpose of only allowing signed executables to boot. The boot.wim mode appears to be over 500MB. Thnx again. Thank you very much for adding new ISOs and features. Some bioses have a bug. It should be the default of Ventoy, which is the point of this issue. If someone uses Ventoy with Secure Boot, then Ventoy should not green light UEFI bootloaders that don't comply with Secure Boot. Yes. DiskGenius It only causes problems. Level 1. @pbatard, have you tested it? This ISO file doesn't change the secure boot policy. However, I would say that, if you are already running "arbritrary" code in UEFI mode to display a user message, while Secure Boot is enabled, then you should be able to craft your own LoadImage()/StarImage() that doesn't go through SB validation (by copying the LoadImage()/StarImage() code from the EDK2 and removing the validation part). Strelec WinPE) Ctrl+r for ventoy debug mode Ctrl+h or h for help m checksum a file These WinPE have different user scripts inside the ISO files. EFI Blocked !!!!!!! debes desactivar secure boot en el bios-uefi For me I'm missing Hiren's Boot CD (https://www.hirensbootcd.org/) - it's WindowsPE based and supports UEFI from USB. Some known process are as follows: Ventoy doesn't load the kernel directly inside the ISO file(e.g. I downloaded filename Win10_21H2_BrazilianPortuguese_x64.iso @ventoy I can confirm this, using the exact same iso. Secure Boot was supported from Ventoy 1.0.07, an option for secure boot is added in Ventoy2Disk.exe/Ventoy2Disk.sh. I'm not sure how Ventoy can make use of that boot process, because, in a Secure Boot enabled environment, all UEFI:NTFS accomplishes is that it allows you to chain load a Secure Boot signed UEFI boot loader from an NTFS partition, and that's it. Hi, HDClone 9.0.11 ISO is stating on UEFI succesfully but on Legacy after choose "s" or "x64" to start hdclone it open's a black windows in front of the Ventoy Menu and noting happens more. So as @pbatard said, the secure boot solution is a stopgap and that's why Ventoy is still at 1.0.XX. What system are you booting from? Just some of my thoughts: This disk, after being installed on a USB flash drive and booted from, effectively disables Secure Boot protection features and temporary allows to perform almost all actions with the PC as if Secure Boot is disabled. Vmware) with UEFI mode and to confirm that the ISO file does support UEFI mode. Thanks. I have installed Ventoy on my USB and I have added some ISO's files : I should also note that the key used in Ventoy is the same used in Super UEFIinSecureBoot Disk, my key. Reply. yes, but i try with rufus, yumi, winsetuptousb, its okay. Questions about Grub, UEFI,the liveCD and the installer. Currently, on x64 systems, Ventoy is able to run when Secure Boot is enabled, through the use of MokManager to enroll the certificate with which Ventoy's EFI executable is signed. plist file using ProperTree. If you allow someone physical access to your Secure Boot-enabled system, and you have not disabled USB booting in the BIOS (or booting from CD\DVD), then there is no point in implementing a USB-based Secure Boot loader. Adding an efi boot file to the directory does not make an iso uefi-bootable. i was test in VMWare 16 for rufus, winsetupusb, yumiits okay, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_mYChRFanLEdyttDvT-cn6zH0o6KX7Th/view?usp=sharing. Same issue with 1.0.09b1. 6. The MISO_EFI partition contains only 1 folder called "efi" and another folder in it called "boot" which contains a single file called "bootx64.efi.". So, Ventoy can also adopt that driver and support secure boot officially. Just like what is the case with Ventoy, I don't have much of an issue with having some leeway, on account that implementing proper signature validation requires some effort, during which unsigned bootloaders may be accepted, so as not inconvenience users too much. The MEMZ virus nyan cat as an image file produces a very weird result, It also happens when running Ventoy in QEMU, The MEMZ virus nyan cat as an image file produces a very weird result Thanks! @pbatard For example, how to get Ventoy's grub signed with MS key. Do NOT put the file to the 32MB VTOYEFI partition. The point is that if a user whitelists Ventoy using MokManager, they are responsible for anything that they then subsequently run using Ventoy. Yes ! It's what Secure Boot is designed to do on account of being a trust chain mechanism that, when enabled, MUST alert if trust is broken. Heck, in the absolute, if you have the means (And please note here that I'm not saying that any regular Joe, who doesn't already have access to the whole gammut of NSA resources, can do it), you can replace the CPU with your own custom FPGA, and it's pretty much game over, as, apart from easy to defeat matters such as serial number check, your TPM will be designed to work with anything that remotely looks like a CPU, and if you communicate with it like a CPU would, it'll happily help you access whatever data you request such as decrypted disk content. Newbie. Set the VM to UEFI mode and connect the ISO file directly to the VM and boot. Let the user access their computer (fat chance they're going to remove the heatsink and thermal paste to see if their CPU was changed, especially if, as far as they are concerned, no change as occurred and both the computer appearance and behaviour are indistinguishable from usual). Adding an efi boot file to the directory does not make an iso uefi-bootable. Then congratulations: You have completely removed any benefits of using Secure Boot for any person who enrolled Ventoy on their Secure Boot computer. Hi, Hiren's Boot CD can be booted by Ventoy in Memdisk mode, you try Ventoy 1.0.08 beta2. Ventoy is an open source tool that lets you create a bootable USB drive for ISO files. Then your life is simplified to Persistence management while each of the 2 (Ventoy or SG2D) provide the ability to boot Windows if it is installed on any local . , ctrl+alt+del . privacy statement. 2There are two methods: Enroll Key and Enroll Hash, use whichever one. Have a question about this project? Seriously? So, Secure Boot is not required for TPM-based encryption to work correctly. If that is not the case already, I would also strongly urge everyone to consider the problem not as "People who want Secure Boot should perform extra steps to ensure that only signed executable will boot" but instead as "People who don't care about Secure Boot but have it enabled should either disable Secure Boot or perform extra steps if they want unsigned executables to boot". Of course, there are ways to enable proper validation. ventoy maybe the image does not support x64 uefidibujo del sistema nervioso y sus partes para nios ventoy maybe the image does not support x64 uefi. All other distros can not be booted. All the userspace applications don't need to be signed. Maybe the image does not support X64 UEFI! Hi, thanks for your repley boot i have same error after menu to start hdclone he's go back to the menu with a black windows saying he's loading the iso file to mem and that it freez. Maybe the image does not support X64 UEFI" I don't remember exactly but it said something like it requires to install from an Installation media after the iso booted. You can open the ISO in 7zip and look for yourself. Please thoroughly test the archive and give your feedback, what works and what don't. Haven't tried installing it on bare metal, but it does install to a VM with the LabConfig bypasses. It . Option1: Use current solution(Super UEFIinSecureBoot Disk), then user will be clearly told that, in this case, the secure boot will be by passed. Feedback is welcome If your tested hardware or image file is not listed here, please tell me and I will be glad to add it to the table here. Mybe the image does not support X64 UEFI! Did you test using real system and UEFI64 boot? size 5580453888 bytes (5,58 GB) @ventoy, I've tested it only in qemu and it worked fine. That would be my preference, because someone who wants to bypass Secure Boot indiscriminately, without disabling Secure Boot altogether, should have a clue what they are doing, and the problem with presenting options as a dialog is that you end up with tutorials that advise users to pick the less secure option, because whoever wrote happened to find the other choices inconvenient without giving much thought about the end result. Yeah, I think UEFI LoadImage()/StarImage(), which is what you'd call to chain load the UEFI bootloader, are set to validate the loaded image for Secure Boot and not launch it for unsigned/broken images, if Secure Boot is enabled (but I admit I haven't formally validated that). for grub modules, maybe I can pack all the modules into one grub.efi and for other efi files(e.g. Also, what GRUB theme are you using? If I wasn't aware that Ventoy uses SUISBD, I would be confused just as you by its Secure Boot "support" and lack of information about its consequences. DSAService.exe (Intel Driver & Support Assistant). maybe that's changed, or perhaps if there's a setting somewhere to 4. Once here, scroll down and move to the "Download Windows 11 Disk Image (ISO) for x64 devices" section. Is there a way to force Ventoy to boot in Legacy mode? Download non-free firmware archive. The current release of Slax (slax-64bit-11.2.1.iso) fails to boot using UEFI64 using ventoy with the error message: Can't install Windows 7 ISO, no install media found ? @shasheene of Rescuezilla knows about the problem and they are investigating. Also ZFS is really good. Have a question about this project? While Ventoy is designed to boot in with secure boot enabled, if your computer does not support the secure boot feature, then an error will result. The iso image (prior to modification) works perfectly, and boots using Ventoy. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_mYChRFanLEdyttDvT-cn6zH0o6KX7Th/view, https://www.mediafire.com/file/5zui8pq5p0p9zug/Windows10_SuperLite_TeamOS_Edition.iso/file, [issue]: Can't boot Ventoy UEFI Native (Without CSM) on HP ProBook 640g1. From the booted OS, they are then free to do whatever they want to the system. If you use the Linux kernel's EFI stub loader or ELILO, you may need to store your kernel on the ESP, so creating an ESP on the large end of the scale is advisable. No bootfile found for UEFI, maybe the image doesnt support ia32 uefi error, asus t100ta Kinda solved: Cant install arch, but can install linux mint 64 bit. Option 1: Completly by pass the secure boot like the current release. () no boot file found for uefi. So even when someone physically unplugs my SSD and installs a malicious bootloader/OS to it, it won't be able to decrypt the main OS partition. EndeavourOS_Atlantis_neo-21_5.iso boots OK using UEFI64 on Ventoy and grubfm. Thank you You can grab latest ISO files here : I've tested it with Microsoft-signed binaries, custom-signed binaries, ubuntu ISO file (which chainloads own shim grub signed with Canonical key) all work fine. Tested on ASUS K40IN The idea that Ventoy users "should know what they are getting into" or that "it's pointless to check UEFI bootloaders for Secure Boot" once Ventoy has been enrolled is disingenuous at best. This option is enabled by default since 1.0.76. Something about secure boot? accomodate this. Ventoy is supporting almost all of Arch-based Distros well. 5. This solution is only for Legacy BIOS, not UEFI. Menu. and reboot.pro.. and to tinybit specially :) Ventoy's boot menu is not shown but with the following grub shell. Don't get me wrong, I understand your concerns and support your position. ^^ maybe a lenovo / thinkpad / thinkcentre issue ? On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 12:25 PM Steve Si ***@***. Ventoy can boot any wim file and inject any user code into it. You can have BIOS with TPM and disk encryption and, provided your hardware manufacturer implements anti tampering protection to ensure that the TPM is not sharing data it shouldn't share with parts of the system that should not be trusted, it should be no less secure than TPM-based encryption on a Secure Boot enabled system. EDIT: By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and But of course, it's your choice to pick what you think is best for your users and the above is just one opinion on the matter. VMware or VirtualBox) Thank you both for your replies. My guesd is it does not. Where can I download MX21_February_x64.iso? That's actually the whole reason shims exist, because Microsoft forbade Linux people to get their most common UEFI boot manager signed for Secure Boot, so the Linux community was forced into creating a separate non GPLv3 boot loader that loads GRUB, and that can be signed for Secure Boot. When user check the Secure boot support option then only run .efi file with valid signature is select. Format UDF in Windows: format x: /fs:udf /q Ventoy does not always work under VBox with some payloads. I see your point, this CorePlus ISO is indeed missing that EFI file. So the new ISO file can be booted fine in a secure boot enviroment. Great , I also tested it today on Kabylake , Skylake and Haswell platforms , booted quickly and well. Ventoy does support Windows 10 and 11 and users can bypass the Windows 11 hardware check when installing. The point of this issue is that people are under the impression that because Ventoy supports Secure Boot, they will get the same level of "security" booting Secure Boot compliant media through Ventoy as if they had booted that same media directly, which is indeed a fair expectation to have, since the whole point of boot media creation software is to have the converted media behave as close as possible as the original would. KANOTIX uses a hybrid ISO layout, it definitely has X64 UEFI in ISO9660 and FAT12 (usually 1MiB offset). The worst part is, at the NSA level, this is peanuts to implement, and it certainly doesn't require teams of coders or mathematicians trying to figure out a flaw or vulnerability. 6. They boot from Ventoy just fine. And of course, by the same logic, anything unsigned should not boot when Secure Boot is active. "+String(e)+r);return new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format(Math.round(569086*a+n))}var rng=document.querySelector("#restoro-downloads");rng.innerHTML=gennr();rng.removeAttribute("id");var restoroDownloadLink=document.querySelector("#restoro-download-link"),restoroDownloadArrow=document.querySelector(".restoro-download-arrow"),restoroCloseArrow=document.querySelector("#close-restoro-download-arrow");if(window.navigator.vendor=="Google Inc."){restoroDownloadLink.addEventListener("click",function(){setTimeout(function(){restoroDownloadArrow.style.display="flex"},500),restoroCloseArrow.addEventListener("click",function(){restoroDownloadArrow.style.display="none"})});}. @steve6375 Okay thanks.