Results of SAFE Systems:

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Treating hard water is the most common problem faced by homeowners. Hard water leaves water dots, soap scum rings in the bathtub, shower, and sinks. Further indicators are a white build up in your faucets, shower heads, coffee pots, and other water fixtures. 

The simplest solution to fix a hard water problem is to install a water softener. The water softener will remove the magnesium and calcium that lead to hard water problems. However, be aware that water softeners add sodium to the water supply. This can be unhealthy for persons on a low sodium diet.

Hard water is not a health hazard. In fact, the National Research Council (National Academy of Sciences) states that hard drinking water generally contributes a small amount toward total calcium and magnesium human dietary needs. They further state that in some instances, where dissolved calcium and magnesium are very high, water could be a major contributor of calcium and magnesium to the diet.

The ideal solution would be to leave the calcium in the water, but alter its state so that it couldn't form limescale. This is what SAFE Systems aim to achieve. Another way is to only treat the hot water supply. You could also install separate plumbing for the water that will be consumed, e.g. the kitchen sink. It costs more.

In addition, it's recommended to have WHOLE HOUSE Granular Active Carbon installed with SAFE System to remove Chlorine, added to city water as disinfectant, which is not good to health. Chlorine is especially harmful in the shower because the hot water opens up your pours and the chlorine will travel right through your skin and into your bloodstream. Chlorine is also turned into a gas because of the heat and stream in the shower and then it is inhaled right into the lungs. Very harmful.

- First 1-2 weeks:

  • A lot of bubbles when turn on the faucet (read more to learn how it works)
  • Soap will lather easier.
  • Spots on dishes will be reduced or eliminated depending on your water hardness.
  • Detergent and soap amounts can be reduced 25% or more depending on water hardness levels.

- First 90 days:

  • Scale deposits will begin to loosen and breakdown from your pipes, water heater and other water appliances.
  • Clothes will feel softer out of the laundry.
  • Mold and mildew will begin to disappear.

The Many Benefits of SAFE:

  • Does not use salt or chemicals
  • Protects your water using appliances
  • Removes existing scale from pipes and appliances
  • Eliminates scale buildup
  • Increases efficiency of water heaters
  • Protects the environment
  • Saves money

Long Term Benefits:

  • No salt to buy or maintenance EVER!
  • Inside your pipes and water appliances will be de-scaled and remain scale-free protecting your home from future damage.
  • Your water heater will last significantly longer due to the lack of scale deposits. The elimination of scale will also reduce your energy bills over time.
  • Your washing machine, dishwasher, ice maker, reverse osmosis system and other water appliances in your home will last significantly longer.
  • Your clothes will last longer by reducing the damaging effects of hard water.
  • Sinks, toilets and showers will be easier to wipe clean. Water spots left with a salt type water softener are less visible, but harder to remove.
  • Salt softened water can be corrosive to copper pipes and some appliances.
  • The inside of your pipes will be de-scaled and remain scale-free protecting your home from future damage. A salt-based type water softener can slow the development of scale, but the SAFE is guaranteed to prevent new scale from forming and will remove existing scale build up.
  • Your water heater will last significantly longer by preventing scale deposits.

For those who has used a Water Softener before, you will see immediate differences: 

  • Shower water will not leave a soapy film feel like you had with a water softener before.
  • You will likely have more spots on your glasses and dishware in your dishwasher with SAFE. These evaporative spotting will occur anywhere water evaporates leaving minerals behind. You will need to wipe down shower doors and faucets to eliminate any water spotting; however, it's easier to wipe those spots.
  • Soap will continue to lather efficiently, although in some cases the lather will be better with a salt-based type water softener.

The difference between scale build-up and evaporative mineral build-up: 

Scale Build-up

Scale build-up is a hard mineral deposit that forms inside piping, water heaters, showerheads, icemakers, faucet aerators and other water using equipment. Scale is also often referred to as limescale or calcium buildup. Scale forms when minerals come out of solution and stick even where water is flowing. The SAFE eliminates scale anywhere that water flows.

Evaporative Mineral Buildup

Evaporative mineral buildup or spotting looks very similar to scale build-up and is made up of the same minerals, but forms differently. Evaporative mineral can form on the outside of faucet aerators, shower doors and counter tops when water splashes and is allowed to dry or evaporate leaving the minerals behind. Over time this evaporative mineral will start to cause a buildup if it is not frequently wiped off. Evaporative mineral buildup can still occur with the SAFE, but the build-up will be wiped away more easily. 


More information on water: 

1.  What is hard water?
Hard water is water with a high concentration of dissolved calcium and magnesium.

2.  Is hard water bad?
No, not for your health. In fact, the calcium and magnesium are beneficial minerals to the body and are good when they stay dissolved in the water.
ard water is only bad when these minerals come out of solution and stick to the inside of the pipes and water appliances. SAFE prevents this from happening.

3.  How can I find out my water hardness?
     Call 714-248-5252
or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (just tell us what city you reside). It can be found here.

4.  What is scale?
Scale goes by several names including limescale, lime and calcium build-up. All of these are referring to the white hard flaky buildup that is usually seen in shower heads and faucet aerators. It is also found inside pipes and water appliances. 
Scale is what decreases the water flow in showerheads and faucet aerators and decreases the efficiency and shortens the life span of water heaters and other water appliances.

5.  Will I see spots on my dishes and shower door?
Evaporative spotting occurs anywhere that water is allowed to evaporate. If you did not have a water softener before, you will see less spotting than before on the shower doors and the spots will be easier to wipe away. If you had a water softener before, you will see more spotting if you do not wipe down the shower doors and faucets after use. Water spots left with a salt type water softener are less visible, but harder to remove.

6.  Does SAFE feel like soft water?
SAFE conditioned water feels better than hard water, but not the same as salt-based softened water. SAFE does not leave a soapy film (slippery) feel, the way a salt-based type water softener does.

7.  Will the hardness of my water be different after installing SAFE?
SAFE does not remove minerals from the water, therefore testing the hardness of the water after installation will show no reduction in the hardness. Remember, hardness is the beneficial calcium and magnesium in the water. If your pipes have a lot of scale built up in them, the hardness may test higher than before installation as the current build up dissolves back into the water and flows out of the pipes.
