Stefan returns to the Gilbert house the next day to talk to Elena. He tells her that when he is with her the blood thirst disappears and he feels better. She asks him if he feels bad for Katherine's death, but he says that he is fine with it. Underground, Stefan is leading Connor by force through the tunnels when they run into Damon, who wants to kill Connor. After receiving a tip that Tripp's men have taken Liz into hostage and ask that they make an exchange. Qetsiyah arrives and tells Damon, that she plans to use a spell to link Stefan and Silas so that she can strip Silas of his mind control. She is very sad about the death of Bonnie, someone that he can't remember. In the evening, the gang is playing charade and team Stefan and Elena are beating team Damon and Caroline. He had nanny named Cordelia and his ex-fiance, Rosalyn Cartwright, was killed by a jealous Katherine. Unknown to Stefan, she ended up turning into a vampire. It was there that Stefan saw Damon for the first time in almost fifty years. There are 171 episodes of The Vampire Diaries, and like Damon, he's credited in all of them. Stefan begins to walk away again but then turns around, walks over to Elena and kisses her. so instead, Stefan handed the phone to Caroline so she could say it. Stefan was an aspiring doctor during his human life. The brothers try to persuade her not to do it but she refuses to listen to them so she sets everything on fire. The Salvatore brothers find Lily about to stab herself. Katherine had then compelled him to not be afraid of her and after she faked her death. After this experience, Stefan appeared to come to terms with his problems more firmly. As he discusses this with Katherine, strong sexual tension quickly appears between them and this time they resolve it by passionately making out in front of the fireplace at the Salvatore Boarding House. Stefan and Damon's past is revealed in a flashback to 1864, where they both fell in love with a woman named Katherine Pierce who looked exactly like Elena. He asks how to outrun her, and Klaus says he doesn't outrun her by coming to a town full of vampires and tells him to get out. Later Elena had a vision of Stefan walking her home after a movie. I want to rip into your skin, and then I want to feed on your blood. He is the younger brother of Damon Salvatore and the main love interest of Elena Gilbert. The original brother then realizes that Elena is right and Katherine is really lying and using him. 1: What Damon does isn't Stefan's fault, it's Damon's. Stefan jokes, saying, "Who gave you that horrible advice?" She tells him that she is going back to go through with the plan, but that will mean Damon's death. After that Stefan and Damon talk on the phone and Damon explains what happened and Stefan tells him that he wasn't able to stop the massacre. Damon is later taken by Rebekah and tortured. Stefan wants to know what's in it for him, but Klaus merely says to trust him when he says that Connor holds the answer to all of Stefan's prayers. Elena tells Stefan to get Jeremy up to his room. In The Simple Intimacy of the Near Touch. Stefan is assumed to be the 4th doppelgnger of Silas, although it is possible that there have been many more of Silas' doppelgngers that preceded him, according to Qetsiyah who said that Stefan had other shadow selves of Silas that were born before him. At first he thinks that she's Katherine but than when he kisses her (as he is indeed romantically involve with Katherine) he understands that this is Elena so he takes her away. He, along with everyone else who lit a lantern, releases his lantern into the sky. The "ripper" side of him usually causes him to push people away and become emotionally cold, withdrawn and distant. Later, Stefan is seen at the hospital with Damon and he says that he just "missed the donuts" and explains that he was burning off a few thousand hate filled calories with Elena and asks why he didn't help him and Damon was avoiding because he knew that her goal was to end Katherine's life and it wasn't going to simply disappear with Pilates, Sheriff Forbes is seen and they ask her why were they invited and she explains that hospitals kept the blood banks empty since they were raided and they thought it would keep the vampires away and then she shows them a dead body and that there were four other victims had been nearly drained of blood and asks if they think its Silas, Stefan assumes that he is fueling up for something big. As humans, they were very close- best friends up until the arrival of the beautiful Katherine Pierce. He then becomes concerned when Damon reveals that he undaggered one of the Originals. It's all part of humanity-filled Stefan's plan to help return Caroline's humanity. He claims he doesn't care to which Caroline replies he was the one who always cared and that was what she liked about him. They go to Shane's office and try to find the headstone and Rebekah comes across some "herbs" and suggests that they have fun. Upstairs, Katherine asks Stefan if they're talking about her. In that moment Rebekah wakes up, Damon tries to kill her but she catches the knife he threw at her and with that they realize that she's still a vampire and the fake cure was probably just some blood with vervain in it. He then interrupts Damon, "I need your advice, and I need you to not be a dick about it because I have no one else to ask," Stefan says. Stefan asks why Damon he freed him, but Damon brushes the question off. In The Birthday, Stefan and Klaus are in Tennessee. After that he was accused by Elena of having killed Brian Walkers, he asks her if Damon has recently killed someone and leaves. Stefan tells Damon about kissing Caroline. Rebekah points out that this will be difficult, as the tattoo is invisible, but Klaus has already solved this problem: Jeremy can see the tattoo, and Klaus has one of his minions bring Jeremy into the room. Unlike Damon, who drinks human blood and feeds off of innocent people, Stefan has chosen a vegetarian diet, living on an animal blood diet. However, Stefan was also on an episode of The Originals, putting his total episode count at 172. He goes outside and stops her. While they wait for Bonnie to tell them she stopped Matt's heart with magic, they talk and after they get word, Stefan takes the tunnels. In the present . Stefan and Lexi head to the Grill to find Alaric, but still see no sign of him. Stefan insists that they need more but, unfortunately, there is no more. Klaus says that he will share these secrets with Stefan if he does Klaus a favor: he wants Stefan to persuade Rebekah to come to the house. Tyler tells Stefan that Caroline slept with Klaus, Stefan looks surprised to her and Caroline is embarrassed and leaves. Stefan calls Damon and Elena to tell them what is happening with Katherine. Later Elena wants to talk with Stefan and he asks her what it is and she just wants to thank him and she gives him the cure because he is the worst one of them two at being a vampire and human blood is his downfall and she also wants him to have it because he deserves it. They dance and while the energy is intense they share a light hearted chat about Stefan's usual lack of enthusiasm for dancing. Because of this, Stefan had always been popular, admired and loved by the opposite sex or women since his human life. Vaughn then wake up and Damon gives him the cure, with Stefan asking what he is doing Damon tells him that he is going to dig up Silas and calls for Vaughn as he leaves. Stefan suggests that he goes back to the island and Damon comes back so that he could use the sire bond and help Elena. By Katherine Pierce on September 25, 1864 (transition initiated by Giuseppe Salvatore) [2] As Tyler begins to transform, Stefan quickly ushers Caroline and Elena out. Stefan arrives to his home, where Damon is alone, they talk about the Damon's time with Enzo when they were in the cell, Damon tells him that he will find a way to help Enzo, Stefan says that it is not worth doing it, but Damon tells him that when they were both in the lab, it was Enzo who convinced him to not hate Stefan, Damon tells Stefan that he also has to be thankful to Enzo for that, unaware that Enzo at the moment is already dead. He than realizes that Elena has invited them to a party in their house and that is why she was texting so much. Throughout the series, outside forces threaten those he loved and what he most desired: a normal, human life. Ironically, Stefan's initial naivety and desire to feed paralleled his behavior after being turned into a vampire in 1864. Stefan then took Elena on a hike to watch the sunset and to have one last romantic day together. It is assumed that the Travelers have found him. Elena enters the Grill, safe as long as Connor doesn't know she's a vampire. He suggests that the bullets might just be steeped in vervain, but asks Bonnie if she has ever seen the writing on the bullets before. Alaric tries to reassure Stefan that what's happening isn't his fault. He heads upstairs to Elena and says he understands if she is still upset with him from the previous day and wants to help her. On the dark side, Stefan can be incredibly self loathing, self-destructive, addictive, guilt ridden, martyring, unpredictable, melancholic, self-righteous, naive, secretive and judgmental. Stefan was born on Veritas Estate in Mystic Falls, Virginia. He looks at the files and finds what he's looking for. Stefan sits alone in front of the fire when Matt walks into the house. Stefan wants him to compel Ivy to pull it together and go live a normal life somewhere without him. Then he says that deep down she probably knows that but hey are talking about Elena here-she's feeling grief more than anyone else and her denial right now is the only think keeping her from letting it all in. Then they start talking about Markos and his travelers, Stefan says that they're not just going to let her take Tyler but Maria say that Tyler is gone for good and that Julian in Tyler's body he belongs with her. In The Killer, Stefan writes in his journal his concern about Elena, but adds that there's hope now that there might be a cure. This is when Katherine had first seen Stefan and described that she was instantly drawn to him and attracted to him. Stefan is visibly angered at her approach and demands 'how many more ways is there for you to rip my heart out?'. Stefan takes away all the blood and gore of the scene, and all the bodies and then leads her to a crib, with a crying baby in it. Back in their seats, Elena is barely holding it together, and Stefan and Damon argue under their breath about what to do. Elena bears a strong resemblance to his old and first love, Katherine, and because of this, he repeatedly tries to avoid her at all costs during the beginning of the series, feeling that her uncanny resemblance to Katherine brings up painful, sorrowful memories of his dark, mysterious past. In The Return, Stefan arrived at Elena's house and examined Jeremy, confirming that he wasn't a vampire. Stefan responds saying that all the time and energy Klaus had put into trying to make Stefan and Damon hate each other has actually brought them closer. She's slowly getting better at this. She promises to be careful, and they share a moment leaning forehead to forehead. However, Alaric angrily tells him how he forgot Damon first as he gave up searching on him and sends him away. Hair color Stefan asks him what "the Five" is, and Damon says he's hoping he'll find something in the boxes that explains that. Once he cleaned up, the family was surprised to find that Stefan looked like a perfect gentleman. Stefan is reunited with the others in the room and he was upset that they are celebrating the death of Katherine, Damon invites you to celebrate too and he takes a drink, but he reminds them of all the bad things that have happened in her life, Damon taunts of him and reveals that Stefan slept with Katherine, everyone is surprised especially Elena. In Mystic Falls, Caroline sits upon a bench dedicated to her mom while writing. Damon notices that Stefan seems to be having a hard time going back to his animal diet. Caroline promises to be there for Stefan, and tells him that he should come to her when he needs help, and she won't let him lose control. Stefan was usually one to shy away from dancing, because he thinks that he was a bad dancer,[4] but admits that he was much more enthusiastic about it when he was drunk or under the influence of alcohol.[5]. then Damon hands him a paper which reads Valerie LaMarche, Stefan looks up curiously and Damon tells him she was the witch who helped break the sire bond. Stefan asks Caroline to meet them and tag in while they run. Later, Sloan finds another Silas doppelgnger that is in Atlanta, Caroline tries to make her stop because Stefan is suffering and they have already found the doppelgnger but Sloan ignores her, Caroline is fed up of seeing Stefan suffer and she comes behind Sloan and holds a knife against her throat, Sloan tells her that the if she hurts her, the Travelers are going to kill her but Caroline says that she tell them to stop and that there's a way they can all get what they want. Stefan, Elena and Matt try escaping through the tunnels. Caroline later freaks out about which book to pick for her mom's last literary experience, but Stefan reminds her that it's all of the days that lead up to your last one that matter more. They talk about Valerie and Mary Louise. After that Elena talks to Stefan and says he shouldn't kill Silas, because witches are not easy to kill and Stefan might die. Stefan brings Caroline coffee and they talk about Valerie, and how she hasn't lifted the spell she put on Caroline. Stefan spied the fight from a far and witnessed Mason's unusual fighting against Carter. Katherine later shows up and informs him that Klaus' hybrids have orders to kill Damon if Klaus is killed. Interestingly enough, Elena is also an aspiring doctor as well. On that night, Damon frames Lexi for the death of a local boy and the police apprehend Lexi. Damon says that everything she says is a lie and that this isn't even her house, because it doesn't look like her.